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Forum Post: NIAID Director Anthony Fauci decided not to sell out: There is ZERO risk of an Ebola epidemic in the US.

Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 31, 2014, 11:23 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The horribly corrupt mass market BS right leaning 'dumb down the world' Mail.com just posted this video today. It appeared near the bottom of the page below over 20 'more important' stories regarding Selena Gomez, Chris Brown, and a Barbie hotel with pink rooms.

It should have appeared front and center. It should be the lead story on every single TV network.

But then again, it may jeopardize that US government purchase and threaten a few more Ebola related profits.

Please help me do what the fear mongering pigs don't want done. Please help me spread this very important Ebola update far and wide. People out there are living in fear, spending money they don't need to spend, and fattening up the already bloated pig healthcare industry in the process.



The video itself is still active but all references and links to the video have been removed from the Mail.com website. As far as I know, they were only present for a few hours.

Of course, the phrase 'Ebola vaccine' is still listed as a 'hot topic'. It has been for several days now.

Like virtually every 'for profit' media outlet, Mail.com is far more concerned about the value of their ad space then they are about anything else. Not even a report which could put millions of Americans at ease if only they were made aware of it.

My guess is that other 'for profit' media outlets are also doing everything they can to bury the report in order to avoid jeopardizing the value of their own 'healthcare' affiliations (primarily, the value of their ad space). After all, they can't risk inconveniencing the poor little healthcare industry. Otherwise, they may have to settle for a tad less than their current and OUTRAGEOUS 17% of GDP.



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[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

The video itself is still active but all references and links to the video have been removed from the Mail.com website. As far as I know, they were only present for a few hours.

Of course, the phrase 'Ebola vaccine' is still listed as a 'hot topic'. It has been for several days now.

Like virtually every 'for profit' media outlet, Mail.com is far more concerned about the value of their ad space then they are about anything else. Not even a report which could put millions of Americans at ease if only they were made aware of it.

My guess is that other 'for profit' media outlets are also doing everything they can to bury the report in order to avoid jeopardizing the value of their own 'healthcare' affiliations (primarily, the value of their ad space). After all, they can't risk inconveniencing the poor little healthcare industry. Otherwise, they may have to settle for a tad less than their current and OUTRAGEOUS 17% of GDP.