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Forum Post: ewwwy

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 16, 2012, 1:56 p.m. EST by Auditor (-16)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Don't dare go against the talking points from the left. Tolerance on this forum means pretending to be anything other than a white male on this forum. Staying withing the rules means allowing VQ, shooz, and whatever other sock they're using, can call you a shill or right wing wacko an you are not allowed to retaliate against this barrage of soft defamation they throw at you. Because if you do, you'll be banned. You will tow the Democratic party line or we will accuse you of being a republican and if that doesn't work, we'll ban you. Gee, I wonder why Occupy no longer Occupies this forum?



Read the Rules


[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

They do lie. But so does the other side. They both lie so much, its not even worth supporting at this point.



[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

He never said would. He also never said he was a fan of bombs and denying our rights. Certainly never made a stand for all the occupiers getting arrested.

But it would have been a nice step towards showing he was serious about us catching up with the rest of the world in terms of emissions.

But he sided with the oil industry. Cant blame him though. The D/R party is run by corporations. Hence the youth creating Occupy.


[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Well, as we have all learned over time, you tend to look at just about anyone who isnt phone banking with you for the establishment as a Republican.

Over half the nation doesnt vote. The largest registered block is indi/npa.

PS- anyone who uses pet names on internet forums is just oh-so-typical.


[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Actually I heard the story from Rocky Anderson's facebook page, couldnt find it so I just googled it and posted it. I could care less what the views of the source are as long as it was honest reporting.

If I wanted to piss you off I'd put a mirror in front of ya! (thats a joke)


[-] -1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

How clever...

Are you on this site because you support Occupy, or because you like showcasing your unique ability to look lame while trying to be mysterious?


[+] -7 points by firghtyer (-66) 12 years ago

Please do not provide a link to your pic. You look like one of them burned out stinky hippies to me, useless


[+] -4 points by firghtyer (-66) 12 years ago

Wow a real tough guy there


[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

what would you like to contribute?

  • the republican party has died. I suggest you abandon that ship. Maybe that is why you are here.

and the dems lack cojones and leaders. http://dissentingdemocrat.wordpress.com/2012/11/03/eisenhower-endorses-obama/

the old parties are zombies. why would you pay attention to ol' hacks?

  • bypass the ol parties and express your truth
[-] -2 points by Auditor (-16) 12 years ago

lol, man you're numb. I could give a rats ass about either party. I care about me, my kids, my neighbors. Those are the people that fill my life and waking hours. I have never even met a politician, let alone give two shits about their job or talking points. Anyway, this is most likely my last post and comment. I have better things to do than fight to stay on an abandoned forum under the control of impotent hacks. Have a lovely day.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Right wing wacko republican troll shill.

;) heh heh!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago



[-] 0 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 12 years ago

That is not so.I have never done anything to soften my views,which can be summed up in the following few words:Democrats and Republicans belong Together Forever-IN HELL.Obama is a War Criminal and Traitor who should be punished along with all of the other War Criminals from his administration along with Bush and all of his War Criminal Cronies.Obama is the lesser of 2 evils by only the tiniest of degrees.The gun situation is a bad one,but going after guns and Troubled Loners will cause a huge civil rights uproar that would be like pouring gasoline on a fire that is nearly out of control.Libertarian Socialism is the only way to a better world-IMHO

[-] -3 points by Auditor (-16) 12 years ago

Well, there is no point in voicing my beliefs if I can't put my name behind it and whats left of this forum just isn't worth the effort. I hope you bore yourself to tears on this empty forum.

[-] -3 points by highlander (-163) 12 years ago

What's more, they actually have some good ideas. Sit back, listen, and think about it. Will their notions work within the framework of your ideal governing body? I can hope (hahaha) that they are doing the same with mine

[-] -3 points by highlander (-163) 12 years ago

Helpful advice, Don't wack them on the head with a hammer when a tap on the shoulder might just do the trick. I am white, I am male, and I am a Right Wing Republican. If they want to call me a troll, that is OK. There are people who have to debate and at least give them a kernel to think about.
they will not ban you. you just have to sometimes use kid gloves.

[-] -2 points by Auditor (-16) 12 years ago

Judging by your karma points, I would say you know that isn't true. They fill the forum with fluff. If you reject the fluff in any way such as posting something that isn't already in mainstream media, they begin with soft aggression and/or defamation. They do it with partisan labeling in order to make it look normal because just name calling wouldn't have the same effect, partisan labeling is an unquestioned activity because it's seen as "normal". They will stay on that, ignoring anything you post that doesn't apply to the newly attached narrative, continuing to drive the label, supplanting the actual topic with the discussion of your new label. If you retaliate, as is inevitable under the constant barge of soft aggression, then they ban you. It's been addressed time and again on this forum. The phone number no longer functions, private messages are not actually private at all and are read by the mods (whoever that may be). The whole thing is a shame. This forum is not here for Occupy, it's here for whoever took it over around a year ago. Unions, media, who the fuck knows but they damn sure aren't working class folks and that I'm sure of. But, then you know this, you just gave me an opportunity to talk on it.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Right wing wacko republican shill troll? ;) (As per your request)

[-] -2 points by highlander (-163) 12 years ago

I have no desire to talk or post on fox news or rush or anything like that. I would be preaching to the choir. You can get more accomplished where you are despised, laughed at, put down. You know then that you are in unfriendly territory and can make the most difference there, perhaps.

[-] -3 points by Auditor (-16) 12 years ago

It's just a brand. You simply don't get it. Times are changing. I don't know who runs this forum but it is in no way any longer associated with Occupy nor do the original developers operate this site any longer. It has been apparent for some time that the forum changed hands. People are still broke. The system is still at an impasse. There is no amount of money, no amount of brand buying you can do, no amount of anything you do will change the road we are on. People are exercising their right to protest and speak all over the country and they aren't doing it under any banner. I told you the game was over, maybe you just can't see outside your own little word well enough to see what that means.