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Forum Post: Even Bill Mahr is on your side...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 11:36 p.m. EST by turak (-812)
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More and more people on the national media are getting on your side and using your rhetoric... Your movement is growing and getting bigger all the time.



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[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Bill Mahr has Ann Culter on his show? Talk about infotainment.

[-] 2 points by zootsuit (34) 13 years ago

i hope this movement can move beyond rhetoric

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

It's growing every day. Go the in person and join one of their rallies and it will grow even more beyond rhetoric; in other words, put your body where your rhetoric is.

[-] 2 points by nomoreMrNiceGuy (32) 13 years ago

Let him eat cake! It's Bill Mahr who should be riding the Bull. Look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amNO_QJzaQ8 can't you see him in his tighty whities? anything for a photo op.

[-] 1 points by tympan55 (124) 13 years ago

wrong. People who are as cynical as you are believe everyone is just as selfish as you are. (turak)

Look in the mirror asshole, you are talking about yourself, you are without question the most selfish person on this site. Quit the bullshit already. Explain the practical feasibility of your self sufficient community. YOU CAN"T!!! Go live in a cave you misanthrope.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I already did. Anyone who reads my posts can understand the feasibility of small self-sufficient communities that have no leaders and don't use money. Anyone intelligent, that is...this lets you out.

[-] 1 points by tympan55 (124) 13 years ago

No...only idiots like you with no conception of reality could buy into such a farce.

You never explained to anyone how or where the land can be obtained for your fantasy land. Also, explain why only 12, 24, or 36 people will work in your communities. Enlighten us with your superior logic instead of your foul mouth. If self sufficient communities are so great why aren't you there? Because it's all a figment of your deranged imagination. You have no understanding of human nature. You set yourself up as some kind of model for perfection and condemn everyone who doesn't kiss your delusional ass. Everyone sees you for the pathetic sociopath you are.

I told you to produce one single person who agrees with you, not your stupid, "anyone can understand the feasibility" bullshit.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You're not being logical

Creating a self-sufficient community: if I already created one: which I'm in the process of doing...

Then I would not be here, and you would never hear from me and I wouldn't be answering your stupid illogical posts.

Expecting something to be done before it is done is illogical> but you can't see this because you are fucking imbecile.

You're looking for someone to follow.. I despise followers like you. I practice TRUE equality. I do not allow anyone to worship me. If I catch any asshole trying to put me on a pedestal and worship me as a god: I kick their sorry little asses until they run away bawling... like I did you.

[-] 1 points by tympan55 (124) 13 years ago

Still refusing to supply any details about your la-la land because it is not within your capacity to do so.

No one ever expects something to be done before it's done. Simply have a plan with a hypothesis about the outcome- the basis of social research.

"If I catch any asshole trying to put me on a pedestal and worship me as a god: I kick their sorry little asses until they run away bawling... like I did you." How many times have you performed this heroic deed? Do I sound like I'm putting you on a pedestal? Am I running away bawling? You belong in a padded cell.

The internet furnishes you with the courage to make threats that a sorry little fuck like you would never make to a man's face.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

little illogical baby: do not pretend you are a man, and do not pretend you make any sense: you are being illogical: I have explained everything in detail: the fact that your reading comprehension is almost non-existent is not my problem.

28 libraries are not wrong. When a book is put into 28 libraries: this means that the editors who read the book know it is important enough to place into libraries for the public good.

The idea that a little ignorant asshole like you knows more than 28 libraries is something a little imbecile like you should think about.

[-] 1 points by tympan55 (124) 13 years ago

28!!! WOW!! Like the 28 flavors of Howard Johnson? Can 28 people start a self sufficient community? or is that 4 too many, or 8 too few? Are you a numerologist? Can you count backwards from 28?

I've read your thread backwards and forwards. You do not explain how and where to obtain the land necessary to start a self sufficient community. The Australian frontier maybe?

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

read the book it explains everything that is if you can read a book Can you?

[-] 1 points by tympan55 (124) 13 years ago

“In vain do you pretend to have learned the nature of bodies from your past experience.” Hume

I've read a book by this guy who with one sentence invalidates all 2000 pages of your lunacy.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You're freaking out again, freak.

'nature of bodies'? where did you pull that piece of bullshit from: out of your own asshole? Not from my book: You will search in vain and you will not find any reference to this imaginary 'nature of bodies', whatever that is in my book.

Your god is an extinct out-of-date English aristocrat asshole. So you worship everything this imbecile ever wrote. Then by definition: since your religion is the words of this dead ass: everything which has been discovered and proven SINCE his asinine philosophic arrogance is also not to be believed. If you're going to be irrational at least be consistent: Hume never believed in the theory of relativity because it had not been discovered yet. Nor did he understand modern physics: and more pertinent is the fact that you don't understand physics either because you're an uneducated ignorant prick.

Also: you can't invalidate something you haven't read and do not comprehend. Your level of reading comprehension is zero.

Why don't you tell the entire scientific community that all the scientific discoveries since the Hume can be invalidated by some asinine illogical, out-of-context, meaningless words which do not apply and have nothing to do with Science and logic? Then you can invalidate the entire Big Bang theory with your own arrogant stupidity and irrational insanity, and invalidate the invention of the atomic bomb and pretend in your fucked up brain that you have managed to 'invalidate' the world you live in and all reality.

Read the shit you post. Then read it again. Then go back and look at it again after a week: you will be horrified to realize you're not making any sense.

[-] 1 points by tympan55 (124) 13 years ago

Read the shit YOU post.

'Your god is an extinct out-of-date English aristocrat asshole." Here you demonstrate your belief in god. You proclaim god's existence in terms of your own inadequacies.

" So you worship everything this imbecile ever wrote. Then by definition: since your religion is the words of this dead ass: everything which has been discovered and proven SINCE his asinine philosophic arrogance is also not to be believed." OK Mr. Universal logic, even if we accept your first statement, explain the logically consistency of the above argument.

Your problem is not your belief in physics, but your belief that physics explain the riddle of the sphinx.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

These are YOUR statements: you fucking dyslexic imbecile not mine

YOU explain them: not me

YOU are the idiot who worships everything Hume has ever written as a BIBLE of religious truth: not me.

YOU can either explain your religious belief in Hume or you can go fuck yourself

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Red flag.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Wow! Great talk by Mahr. Absolutely spot on and funny!

--Knave Dave http://thegreatrecession.info/blog/2011/11/occupy-wall-street-now-unoccupied-but-stronger/

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

More to the point: if you listen carefully: he mentions the 99% in his monologue as if it is a natural part of political debate and political issues.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Cool. It definitely is a natural part of the political debate. It's at the center of the political debate now.

--Knave Dave http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

No. 99% of all news and talk shows in America are not mentioning your existence or using your slogans and phrases. Maher is the exception to the rule. Unless you monitor the whole nation's media: you're living in your own cultural bubble without any greater perspective as to what the masses are being exposed to and what fad of politically correct babble is going on at the moment..

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Newsweek says that Maher drove a $120,000 sports car to visit the Occupy LA camp. Is he blind to the irony of that choice, or does he see it and just chuckle about it because no one calls him on it? And why doesnt anyone ask what is the income discrepancy between his salary and that of the janitor who cleans his studio? Like all the Hollywood liberals who scream about social causes while being prime examples of the very thing they claim to detest, he just keeps getting away with it. Sad, really.

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

I don't think Bill Maher is paying off politicians to do his bidding, so I say let him drive what he wants. Does Bill Maher own the studio where his show is filmed?

[-] 0 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

There you go. Excuses again. OWS screams about income inequality, but gives a pass to guys like Maher, the same way the global warming folks scream about overconsumption and carbon footprints except when it comes to the palatial mansions and private jets of their favorite Hollywood supporter. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, on either side of the political fence.

[-] 4 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

I'm not against income inequality. It's ok if Maher has a nice car, he's a succesful guy. Nothing wrong with that. What I'm against is people working hard and yet still being destitute, against banks gambling with other people's money, against a predatory economy that produces nothing and has become little more than a card game. I don't see it as a choice between radical Bolshevism and radical Libertarianism. What the hell was wrong with the liberal consensus of the 40s-70s? We had a good economy, good social values, people could become succesful and have nice cars at the same time as the less ambitious but still hard-working could have a generally decent lifestyle.

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

I'm glad to hear you have a reasonable perspective, edge. But what we hear from the movement is all about income disparity, the gap between the rich and poor, CEOs making big bucks and the little guy getting screwed, etc. The silence is deafening when the rich guy is saying nice things about the movement, and its just hypocritical.

[-] 2 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

It's not hypocritical at all, Bill Maher earned his money and it's peanuts compared to the cocks you suck. You can't comprehend that a person like Maher would care about other people because you only care about yourself, all of your principles and beliefs, or lack thereof, relate to your own self-interest. Pathetic.

[-] 1 points by CompassioNateBuddha (100) 13 years ago

lmfao! This is very humorous

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Wow, gluttony, pretty hostile and uprovoked reaction, I'd say. Defensive much?

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

Read a book.

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Will do. Thanks.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

There's a first time for everything.

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Geez, gluttony, dial it back. You've got nothing better to do than revisit 5-day old posts to drop unprovoked demeaning insults? I'm done with this thread, and have been for days. This is my last post. Get a life.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

Uh, you revisited just as much as I did.

[-] 2 points by sfsteve (151) 13 years ago

Red Herring.

The wealth disparity between a janitor's thousands and Bill Maher's millions is not the same as between Bill Maher's millions and Warren Buffet's billions. If the average wealth of the 1% was in the neighborhood of Bill Maher's wealth, there would be no reason for protest. If Bill Maher's $150K car is the pinnacle of 1% excess I think people would be over it.

Does Bill Maher's status in society make him worth a thousand janitors? I'm not sure. Honestly, it seems way too high to me. But does Warren Buffet's status in society make him worth a million janitors? No, I have to say no. No one person is worth a million other people.

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Why not make the distinction between people who have worked hard to make the money they do, (Mahr), and the people who have lied, cheated and gamed the system (bankers) to make their money.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

The real problem YOU have with the unions, Bill Mahr, etc is simple... your whole SYSTEM is corrupt from top to bottom. There IS not lily white pure uncorrupted segment of your society. ALL of society runs by money and nothing else.

If you are unhappy with the OW's also then do something intelligent, find individuals who are just as dissatisfied with the OW's as you are, and create your own egalitarian self-sufficient community which does not use money and has no leaders. This way you won't be bothered by the corruption of Bill Mahr, the OW movement, or anybody else... and you can create the kind of lily white pure society which will change you from a crabby over-critical finger pointer to a happy, fulfilled community person who enjoys cooperating intelligently with equals

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Sorry, Turak, but I'm not interested in trying to create a society that has no money and no leaders. I don't think its possible, and if it were, I don't find it desirable. And I find plenty of community and intelligent cooperation with equals in the current setting. If you can't find those things now, I don't think you're going to have any luck creating a new society where they are suddenly easy to find.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Oh? You 'find plenty of community in the current setting'??


Could you please explain to me just where it is that you find this non-existent community? You claim that there is so much community where you live that there is 'plenty' of it. I would like to know where this plenitude of community is...

And not only that: you can find intelligent cooperation also. Where is this 'intelligent cooperation' you speak of... ? These two aspects of self-sufficient communities as far as I know, don't exist yet.

That is,unless you're speaking off the top of your head and you can't give me any examples of where any community and intelligent exist in the actual world. I await your answer with baited breath.

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Wow. Lots of sarcasm, Turak. Take a deep breath and dial it back a little. It's a conversation, not a fight to the death.

I find community in church settings, my own and many others, in community organizations like sporting leagues and local non- profits. Intelligent cooperation exists in these same contexts, as I volunteer alongside others to work toward a common goal. It's out there if you look. And if you can't find it now, I doubt you would be able to create it in some kind of radically different new society with no money and no leaders. You sound like a victim of "the grass is always greener" mentality, and you are easy pickings for radical movements that will promise you everything, and then bait and switch if it finally wins. History is full of those, and I think OWS could easily become one.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Churches are places of dogmatism, brainwashing idiocy: they have hierarchical power structures and infighting between each clique and they are based upon money. There is no voluntary cooperation in churches: instead there are a bunch of morons listening to a leader, a 'god' an authority figure. If that's the best you can do the god help you because nobody else will, and you better pray there is a god because if there isn't then you are fucked.

Non-profit WHAT? Bullshit non-profit. I've never seen or heard of any non-profit that doesn't run on money and greed..

Sports leagues!? Now you're spouting 100% BULLSHIT you stinking liar. I've been an athlete all my life and I KNOW how sports leagues are run and they are NOT cooperative at all: in fact they're the worst breeding grounds for bullies and snobs and idiots in America.

The only voluntary cooperation in sports is when it is NOT organized into a league. Only when people come together WITHOUT a hierarchical organization of leaders and coaches and organizers, and sponsors and fees, and leagues and shit ,do people ever deal with each other as equals and play together cooperatively and have fun.

You are totally brainless and clueless: do me a favor: pretend you didn't read this post and go somewhere else. The level of total ignorance and brainwashed stupidity of you dorks is beyond comprehension.

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Will do, Turak. Have a nice day. And good luck persuading people to join your movement. Rhetoric like yours explains why public support of OWS is in a free fall. Thanks for the dialogue.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Wrong: asshole: you're a fucking saboteur: you had no business coming here in the first place. You're against the OW movement: you're a dishonest sneaky secretive shit who hides his intentions and agenda from others. The OW movement is now supported by more than 50% of the American public and GROWING more in numbers every day: read THAT and stick it up your non-cooperative ass

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Ahh, there's that warm, attractive, persuasive rhetoric that we can count on from you, Turak.

Since mid-November, just about evey major poll shows declining public support for OWS. You can scan a few of them here: http://www.google.com/#sclient=tablet-gws&hl=en&tbo=d&source=hp&q=occupy+wall+street+public+support+poll&pbx=1&oq=occupy+wall+street+public+suppot&aq=1l&aqi=g-l2&aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=131099l135926l2l137942l15l6l2l7l7l1l279l1017l0.2.3l11l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=28b44ab6765c19c2&biw=1024&bih=660.

But please continue to ignore those polls, and do what comes naturally to you. As voices like yours come to dominate the movement, it will be driven even further into the ground

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I told you you fucking idiot: you're an enemy: enemies always lie and distort the facts and try to sabotage the facts: Like you tried to sabotage the idea of occupying Rockefeller square and failed. You failed. The OW movement is growing bigger and stronger every day: You have been identified as an enemy of the OW movement: so go fuck yourself and get lost:

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Rockefeller square? Huh?

Sorry, Turak, but you have it backwards. The list of OWS "enemies" is growing by the day, fed in part by people who initially supported the movement but pulled away as it veered toward the whackos, and in part by people of the 99% who have been alienated by dialogue like yours in this thread. But by all means, don't change a thing! Keep swearing, keep suggesting acts that are anatomically impossible, and keep being you. It must be working, right?

[-] 0 points by OWSWhat (66) 13 years ago

The dog chit OWS bowel movement is about done

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

Bill Maher is not in a position of power. He is in a position to entertain. There's a big difference there. Bill Maher is not deciding our future. Politicians are. Just out of curiosity, are you happy with what you are getting for your tax dollars in this country? I contribute a substantial amount of taxes to our government every year and I'm ashamed of how it's spent.

[-] 0 points by mandodod (144) 13 years ago

You also give a pass to the big unions who take dues and give to the DNC. Hypocrites. Can't have it both ways.

[-] 1 points by Confusedoldguy (260) 13 years ago

Agreed. A movement that is supposedly all about the corruption of money in politics is going to close down the west coast ports in a couple of weeks to support a threatened union in Washington state. But in my state, unions buy more politicians than anybody, and they do it with money from members who may not even agree with the causes they are forced to support. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

[-] 0 points by mandodod (144) 13 years ago

OWS is all about corruption if they let the unions stand by them. There is no difference. Unions lobby politics. They all do. You are right sir.

[-] 2 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

Unions lobby for the rights of the workers, and you support the evil corporations that lobby to rape and pillage the country. There is no comparison, but why would I bother arguing with selfish lying scum. You will never admit you're wrong until you're begging for your life. I've no doubt you are a spinless coward who stands for nothing beyond your own self-interest. I wonder what bullshit you do for a living. Probably sit on your ass staring at numbers on a screen, a lackey for the rich.

[-] 1 points by mandodod (144) 13 years ago

I don't think that unions or corporations should give money to politics. But if OWS lets unions stand by them when they lobby to politics and give money to politics, that is just wrong. Hypocrite. It just makes OWS a joke. Because it makes you the same as the other guys. Plain and simple. If you want you can Google this stuff. Google is a search engine by the way. Try it.

[-] 1 points by mandodod (144) 13 years ago

You are a hypocrite. It is the same. Big corporations giving to politics or big unions giving to politics. By the way you write, this is probably not your fault. Is there someone there that can answer or write for you? Is there someone to take care of you? Unions take dues from workers and give to the DNC. Without even asking. That is just wrong. Hypocrite.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

You are full of shit and do not know what you're talking about. Do you like weekends? Are you glad your kids don't have to work in a factory? I'd take you on in any intelligence test you choose any day of the week. And I'm still waiting to hear what bullshit you do to "earn" your money.

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

The union debate frustrates me to no end. I'm glad it can help some workers but on the overall scale it's a poor solution. We're trying to compensate for the lack of competence and interest in one of the few areas I think our government should be more involved. There should be enough worker advocacy on the part of our government that we could render unions redundant.

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

So? You're no different from Mahr. All of your envying the rich their money and their expensive cars are just as corrupt as the top richest 1% because you have the exact same values as they do: greed and the love of money.

What you fail to understand is that the game plan of the top !% has been detected by the nouveau riche, and even they don't like it. Bill Mahr is small peanuts: he is not a multi-billionaire. He is not a trillionaire. The top 1% are anonymous. They hide their names and identities: just like the corrupt culture of secrecy on the internet . Are you going to envy and hate every single person in America who is richer than you? In that case, you're going to waste your entire life hating and envying a lot of people.

[-] 2 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

These constant accusations of jealousy and envy are so transparent, you refuse to acknowledge the true essence of the problem, instead trying to trivialize and marginalize a legitimate movement. If you cannot refute OWS with honesty, which you clearly cannot, then step aside, the party's over.

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You have made a huge mistake. I am on the side of the OW movement and against the 1%. The essence of the the problem is that your entire system and culture and society is corrupt beyond repair... no just the top 1%. The OW movement is not being marginalized or trivialized by me. I found it encouraging when someone like Bill Mahr starts using OW rhetoric, or didn't you watch the video? He was talking about how the 99% are sick and tired of the top 1% don't want their private jets taxed.

What in your opinion is the problem? In my estimation the problem is money. American culture is all about money: who has it and who doesn't: the haves and the have-nots.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

He is different than Bill Maher. He's not driving a 100k sports car while claiming to hate the 1 percent. He doesn't have his own show to spew hatred.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

No one is claiming to hate the 1%, you don't have to be poor to believe that we need change in this country. Bill Maher doesn't spew hatred,. he makes perfect sense 99% of the time.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

He makes sense to about 17 percent of the population.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

Post some examples of things he said that don't make sense. What do you disagree with? Can't wait to hear your answers.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Here are some of his asinine quotes showing how divisive he is:

"Only 42 percent of Republicans believe Obama was born in the United States. That's an amazing statistic. How come in America Christians are the only ones who won't take anything on faith?" —Bill Maher

"I will show you President Obama's birth certificate when you show me Sarah Palin's high school diploma." —Bill Maher

"The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them." —Bill Maher

"If conservatives get to call universal healthcare 'socialized medicine,' I get to call private, for-profit healthcare 'soulless, vampire bastards making money off human pain.'" —Bill Maher

Bottom line: He is a partisan hack with little understanding beyond his hatred for the right.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

Those are jokes, and I agree with all of the sentiment. He is an individual with opinions, calling him "partisan" is ludicrous, he's not on TV to be objective you fucking moron.

[-] 0 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

They're not funny and people know they are not really jokes. Bill Maher is an angry little man.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

They are obviously jokes and what is wrong with being angry? Your criticisms of Maher are not criticisms, you're just describing the guy, and he can be whoever he wants to be, just like you are free to blather on even though you are an idiot devoid of insight.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

This is how weak you are. You actually see Maher as part of your identity. If someone attacks him, you feel personally attacked -then attack back. Get over your obsession of a silly liberal hack.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

Fuck you, you know nothing about me and you're way off the mark. But I am sure every opinion you think you have is most certainly derived from some hack you listen to on radio or read in the paper.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

You have melted even more. You are weaker than I first thought. Bill Maher has given you a belief system. He is your God.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

And who is your God, an imaginary bearded man in the sky? The Bible is the ramblings of cavemen. You don't like Maher because you're a moron and he makes fun of your stupidity. I think Maher is right about a lot of things, and you're wrong about everything. Fuck God and the Bible and fuck you.

[-] 0 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Such teenage angst. Wasn't that a line from the Pretty Hate Machine album?

Is Trent Reznor your prophet?

[-] 0 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Bill Maher is a bigot, and only a small segment cannot see this. Period.

He's also very wealthy and a total hypocrite for aligning himself with this movement. Doesn't matter anyway. He's not a powerful person. He's just cheap entertainment for liberals.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

What does aligning himself mean? He supports it. And explain how he's a hypocrite? Or do you think you have to be poor to support helping the poor? You are a fucking moron. What is a liberal? You have to simplify everything in order to make it fit your limited intelligence and worldview. Hope you die soon.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

It's sick people like yourself that worry me about this country. How have we allowed so many people to become so mentally ill?

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Excuse me?... Who are you speaking of? Who is different than Bill Mahr?
You lost me.

[-] -2 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

Maher isn't stupid, he knows full well that he could have driven a solid gold plated lambro and would have been worshiped by these people. He knows his base and had no fear of showing up there. Where is the outcry for Occupy Maher movement?

[-] 2 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

You're desperate to find hypocrisy where there is none, Bill Maher has nothing at stake, the fact that he would stand up for the rights of others, devoid of self-interest, sets him apart from greedy, selfish scum like yourself.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Relax, this guy's already been identified as a troll: just ignore him and he'll disappear

[-] -1 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

Keep feeding yourself that BS. Bill Maher could give two shits about you or anyone else that doesn't pertain to his day to day or failing TV ratings.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

You don't know what you're talking about. Go watch O'Reilly.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

See that's this movements problem. You automatically assume that because I think Maher is a jack ass that I like O'Reilly who I believe to be an equally big jack ass. It really shows the stupidity that that would be your response. Mainstream media in general is horrible. By the way, O'Reilly could give to shits about anyone who doesn't have to to with his day to day either. Wake up and understand that just because someone doesn't agree with you on something doesn't automatically mean they are against you. I support the basic premis of corruption in government and big buisness. Unfortunatly for OWS, it has been hijacked by the far left and no one outside of that rhelm will stand up and say that's not what we are about. That is why this movement will remain the .1% of the 99%.

[-] 1 points by EndGluttony (507) 13 years ago

You spelled realm rhelm. Wow.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Of course Billy is down with OWS. Who wouldn't after reading this!


The Revolution starts here!

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

If you had studied the rhetoric of Bill Mahr s: you would have discovered that since the OW movement gained national recognition, he is taking his monologues to a new level of seriousness... with very little satire or comedy, and he is taking his subjects straight from the OW handbook of declarations: towhit: the corruption of the 1% versus the 99%.

Before the OW movement gained national recognition, Bill Mahr never used the term: "the 99%"... now he is using it regularly... thus giving the OW movement not only more recognition, but making it more acceptable for media icons to talk about the issues which the OW movement has raised: to-whit: the inequity between the top 1% of society and the lower 99% of society. When the OW movement becomes so powerful and visible that all of the media icons begin talking about the OW movement and discussing it's growing presence all around the world: The OW movement will become a respectable social force: just as respectable as the corrupt political parties who are trying to believe that the OW movement will disappear before the presidential election so they won't be embarrassed by of America demonstrating against them.

I'm afraid you won't understand this... but some intelligent people will.

[-] 0 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I take it your not down with the Revolution. If you change your mind, the KTC is willing to welcome you with open arms!

The Revolution starts here!

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I take it you don't like the OW movement: then why are you here?

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I love and support the OWS movement more than anyone. This movement is the best thing going to day!

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Oh. Well you misunderstood my post. I was explaining how Bill Mahr is now using the OW movements rhetoric on his show, using the same words and terms, and lashing out at the top 1% until he sounds as if he is one of you... that's a good thing. If popular icons in the media start telling it like it is and use your words and terms in criticizing the system, your entire movement gains by it. More people will become aware of this basic issue, and you will get more converts, and hopefully more people will show up at your rallies until you become so visible and so powerful: you'll be able to change your whole nation and its culture of greed. I'm not against the OW movement at all, I just think all that positive energy they have could be directed in as better path... like creating your own democratic egalitarian communities without any leaders... Maybe the OW movement is heading in that direction, but the wasting of energy fighting over money is only causing every reactionary redneck in America to start labeling the OW movement people as hippies and bums...

While if they put all that energy into creating their own communities without fighting over money, they could have a much greater effect on the rest of America by opting out of the entire system of greed. The point is: the top 1% can be taken down without violence, but only if you do it intelligently. Occupying Wall Street is the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of an enraged bull. What? Take away all their money? That's asking for violence.

[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 13 years ago

What the major media doesn't want US to know:

The majority of Americans stand side by side with the grievances and goals of Occupy movements across the land. . . .

"The results appear in the latest edition of the United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll. . . Americans overwhelmingly support the self-styled Occupy Wall Street protests that not only have disrupted life in Lower Manhattan but also in Washington and cities and towns across the U.S. and in other nations. Some 59 percent of adults either completely agree or mostly agree with the protesters, while 31 percent mostly disagree or completely disagree; 10 percent of those surveyed didn't know or refused to answer."


[-] 0 points by pinker (586) 13 years ago

That's from mid-Oct. Facebook should be your gauge. Back then everyone was abuzz with it, like every few posts. Now I only see one or two people on our page still posting about it. The other 300 or so are back to babies, vacations and silly YouTube posts.

[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 13 years ago

Yes, perhaps the initial buzz has disappeared from the social media, but I wouldn't count most people out as having forgotten already. I don't use Facebook as a gauge of anything. I appreciate there's plenty of good people still on it, but I flew that coop long ago.

Thanks for noticing that the stats were from October, I'll keep that in mind before a post another set of statistics, lest I make a fool of myself to a broader audience with that faux pas.

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Ah... so the majority of Americans support the OW movement... well! That's nice to know.... n Now if they would only show up at the rallies, you, the majority could take back your nation from the top 1% in less than a year.

[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 13 years ago

Aye, that's a problem: how to get people to pay more than lip-service to a cause.

It's one thing to voice support, another to get off the couch and into the public square yourself.

It's going to take some time to build the proper momentum. Something this serious and vital cannot be determined by the insatiable, impatient 24/7 News cycle, and its easily distracted viewers.

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

It warms my heart to finally come across a person who actually goes to their rallies and support them on this forum. Yes, dammit... this movement is only as few months old and it is growing so damn fast, the media can't even keep track of how fast its spreading. It took the Anti-Vietnam war movement years to finally be recognized by the mainstream media. And this movement has spread across the entire world like wildfire in only a few months. How big do you think this movement will one year from now, eh? Or two years...

[-] 1 points by CrossingtheDivided (357) from Santa Ysabel, CA 13 years ago

Yes, I've been to three on the west coast (San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle, where my mother lives,) so excited I was for the new awakening I was seeing in people's social conscience; and I haven't been disappointed in most of the people I've met at the peaceful occupations.

Sadly, the media response is largely, predictably, very ill-informing.

It's appropriate that people have started organizing in the new manner of social networking sites, and essential that we don't stop at that.

The point I keep harping on here: Many of the 99% are not on the internet! We need to be creative in how we bring the message. How we bring it is more important in some ways than the actual content.

The Social Networking sites (including this site) have a built-in structure that is easy to manipulate to derail people, subvert the cause with troll-wars and other distractions, leading to despair or at least paranoia among those who try to use it honestly.

The challenge is to bring the reasonable grievances and noble goals into the open air for all to see.

So long as everyday people can see the reality with their own eyes the media environment cannot keep them enslaved with fear.

We must stand firm in convictions we know are just, and take heart in the words of one who wrote the template for Civil Disobedience 162 years ago, which inspired Gandhi among other heroes:

"He who gives himself entirely to his fellow-men appears to them useless and selfish; but he who gives himself partially to them is pronounced a benefactor and philanthropist."

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I see your point... how to weed out the trolls and saboteurs from internet forums? The only way is to control who is allowed on these forums and weed out the people who are against the OW movement. For instance:... if every person who wants to come on this OW movement internet forum has to sign a declaration that they agree with the basic tenets of the OW movement: then you will rid yourself of most of the trash that is filling this forum. You can have a separate forum for people who are not certified members of the OW movement... which will be totally ignored by you and all the trolls can sling their hash in that forum. This way you will only have positive ideas and positive people with positive suggestions interacting together without any negative posts that are from people who are plainly not on your side and don't like what you stand for..

[-] 0 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago

Mahr is on the anal side

[-] 0 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

This thread is hilarious. The OP continues to melt down when anyone says anything bad about Bill Maher.

Bill Maher sucks.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Mahr rocks!

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Tell Bill Mahr to tell it to Vicky Weaver's kids. SMD boy!

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Mahr is in the business of promoting Mahr. And that is all.

[-] -2 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

wrong. People who are as cynical as you are believe everyone is just as selfish as you are.

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Did you notice Ann Culter on his show? Do you think, maybe, just maybe, the "left" and the "right" on mainstream TV are working together to dupe the 99%?

[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Yeah. You just keep thinking that.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Of course I will.. I hit the nail on the head and you can't deny it.

[-] 0 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

I like Bill Mahr since he seems like he cuts to the chase and tells it like it is and not what you want to hear.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

unless your a non-liberal and then he is just talking out his back side most of the time.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

hay, i respect the guy because he will put Ann cultureless on his show. she, being a media sensationalist, never passes a gig, and him being open to other perspectives does not disenfranchise her. but that don't mean i can't. I guess my sentiment is the same for all of his guests. maybe we need to bring back the law that made journalists address a topic from all perspectives, but it did not take a law to make Maher do the honorable thing so maybe a law is not necessary.

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

There are days when I'm called a liberal, a non liberal, an independent, a democrat, or a republican. Labels are stupid and unproductive.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

But unfortunatly a fact of life. I love the fact that I have been a life long Independant and I get even happier when someone recognizes the fact that I don't subscribe to any party. The freedom to be able to deside for myself and not be restricted because I have to follow whatever a party line is on a topic is awsome! I didn't lable Maher, he has said many many times himself that he is a liberal so I just called him what he has proclaimed himself.

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

I am an Independent too as a registered voter.

[-] 0 points by Tinhorn (285) 13 years ago

Isn't it great!!!!!

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Good: you're listening to what he's saying: which is almost IDENTICAL to what the OW movement is saying... More media icons are joining the OW movement. When more people like Mahr who have celebrity-status join the movement and actually attend the rallies: most of the detractors will not be able to call them a bunch of hippies anymore. When the teacher's union and other unions join the OW movement... this social grass-root powerhouse will become so powerful it will change America. I just found out that the latest polls show more than 50% of Americans agreeing with the OW movement's basic message..!! I thought it was only 30%... It's more than HALF of all Americans now... Do you have any idea of how huge this movement has grown in only a few months! It's unheard of! This has never happened in human history... I'm itching to get involved in Canada but here there is no grass roots movement like there is in America.I

[-] -1 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago

Mahr is a fruitcake he should mail himself as a Christmas present

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

another troll: keep on moving asshole: you've already been identified

[-] 0 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago

eat me Pussy

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

The more filth you post on this forum, the more people here will tell you to get lost. Keep it up and you'll be banned.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Just ignore him. He helps get your message to more people. Your a good person, so it's all good. :)

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

will do... and thanks

[-] 0 points by eyeofthetiger (304) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by CentristFiasco (60) 13 years ago

This from a video that came out in July 2011.... Yeah, Bill Maher is for Israel, Occupy is not.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Different topic, different issue, different agenda: not connected: not relevant

[-] -1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

He is a very rich dumbass comic. Who cares what he has to say.

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Because his show is watched by millions of intelligent informed people

I'm afraid you won't understand that either

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

Only the 1% can afford to watch him on HBO.......The 99% can't afford HBO....You do the math

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

My parents have HBO and they work their asses off for every penny they make so that is not true at all.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

Sorry. Still doesn't matter. He does NOT have a huge audience


Maher Booed for Telling Gay Joke About Marcus Bachmann and Gaddafi Getting Sodomized By Noel Sheppard | October 29, 2011 | 09:05

Although there are no limits to what Bill Maher will say about conservatives, it appears some of his audience members have a shred of decency that he doesn't.

When the host of HBO's Real Time made a gay joke involving Michele Bachmann's husband Marcus and Moammar Gaddafi being sodomized with a stick after his capture, some audience members actually booed (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BILL MAHER: The candidates are all dressing up for Halloween. Michele Bachmann is going as Wonder Woman. And her husband Marcus is going as Wonder Woman.

[Cheers and applause]

MAHER: No, he was going to go as Wonder Woman. Then he saw that tape, that video on the internet of Gaddafi getting a stick up his ass. Now he's going as Gaddafi.

[Cheers and applause, then boos]

MAHER: Come on. Only a minute into the show and you're booing me. I mean, come on. It's going to get worse.

Well, at least Maher was being honest, for it was going to get worse.

Nice to see that some of his fans know when he's gone too far.


[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

I saw that episode and that joke was pretty funny. Knowing that Gaddafi actually got a knife in the ass instead of a stick takes the humor out of it though. The audience wasn't booing. Most of them laughed and some of them made an ohhhh sound. Big deal. The audience is not necessarily there for Bill Maher. It's like any other studio audience on a show with multiple guests. The guests attract some of the audience members.

I know a lot of people who have HBO and none of them are at all wealthy much less in the 1%. Some people just don't like cable television because it is garbage with advertisements. The premium channels have the best shows because they give their creators complete control over them. It's kind of like that capitalistic idea that one persons vision is better than everyone throwing in their two cents or however it goes.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

I don't care about HBO or Cable. I made my point. He does NOT have a huge audience and people are pretty sick of his ego. He's a loser.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Pff. So is Bill O'reilly. And I hate to break it to you, Bill Maher is far from a smart person.

He is an extreme left idiot who advocates the breakdown of morally sound society. He sees the world in a literal sense, when that's not what life is about. He has an intense hatred for a large segment of the American population that doesn't view America through his hate filled eyes.. He is a bigot. He is a prime example of an old South Democrat reincarnated. His personal life alone is an indication he suffers from deep psychological issues. He's a cable television talking head that only a small segment or the population is even aware of. You sir are someone who is very susceptible to media perception.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You're focusing on personality: you're not focusing on the message: your post is a red herring.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Look. He's a controversial character. He's also tends to be very ignorant on his views. It should be no surprise that he attracts negative or unfavorable approval. Just because he agrees with OWS doesn't mean he isn't one of the most hateful people in the media.

I wouldn't use him to hoist the approval of OWS.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You're still focusing on personality: you're not focusing on the message: your post is a red herring.

If you want to hate somebody, do it somewhere else: I'm not interested.

[-] 0 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

Bill Maher is hardly left. He might be an idiot sometimes but he is capable of making really good points on occasion. I don't think you know what you are talking about.

[-] 2 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

LOL OK buddy, and Rush Limbaugh is a complete centrist. It's hard for me not to insult you with my response, but your style of thinking represents his audience base. A very small segment. About as small as the segment that think Bill Maher is anything other than a flaming liberal.

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

Now I know you don't know what you are talking about

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Maybe so, but I stand by my notion that a less intelligent person might find Bill Maher to have a higher intelligence.

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

Great answer, Brandon.

I cannot understand why anyone would hold such high esteem for Maher....He is NOT a professional at anything. He is not someone I would rely on for an opinion. Generally comics have to lie and exaggerate to get a laugh.....and it's always at someone else's expense.

I pity those who think any actor/actress/comic is "well educated" on anything. If they were they wouldn't have to be pretending at making a living.

He is about the meanest person on TV.............and not a bit funny.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

I agree. I wish they would take him off the air. He is horrible.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Exactly what is so horrible about Bill Mahr? It's easy to sling mud at people. Be specific. If you can't explain why Bill Mahr is 'horrible', I will assume you don't know what your talking about

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

He's a bigot. A fascist. A negative figure that poisons our society.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You just lost all credibility by your name calling It is people like you who poison internet forums with their hate

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

I'll call Bill Maher those names all day long. Why are you so protective of him?

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I'm not upset. You just lost all credibility: that's all. Calling people names without backing your accusations up with proof means you're a troll. Good bye.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

You started a silly thread and now have your pants down. Just accept it and move on.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Your bullshit is leaking all over the place: get lost troll

Posting comments with no reply button is one of the sickest filthiest tactics I have seen on an internet forum. If you don't want anyone to answer you then don't even make a comment.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You can call anyone on internet forums all the names you want... which is exactly why you've lost all credibility, it's people like you who poison internet forums with their hate.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Bill Maher is not your spokesman or God. Calling a public figure names on an internet forum and you getting upset about it is ridiculous. Good job.

[-] -1 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

More like 100,000s on any given night. He's far behind any of the other main political talk programs and even behind shows like "The Soup" and "Hairy Bikers" with a 0.3 market share of adult 18-49 year old viewers.

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

If you don't like the OW message of activism against the 1% then why are you here? If you want to badmouth the OW movement then why are you here? The OW movement forum is for people who support their activism.

[-] 1 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

How does commenting on Bill Maher's ratings comprise "badmouthing" OWS? lol

You're a dumbfuck.

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Because Bill; Mahr is on the side of the OW movement: and if you badmouth someone who supports the OW movement you must be an enemy of the OW movement. Bill Mahr is on the side of the 99%. He's against the to 1% and he says so every week on his show. If you're on the side of the top richest 1% of people in the world then come right out and admit it.

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

I like how you are calling out the trolls but I think you are going a bit overboard and should read what people are saying more carefully. Pessimistic comments are not necessarily badmouthing anybody.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

On the OW forum? What about you? Are you for or against the OW movement?

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

I said that I like that you are calling out the trolls so obviously I am for it.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Okay, good to know... but if you notice... the second I asked this person if he was for or against the OW movement he disappeared and ran away... nuff said.

[-] 0 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

Maher is a snarky, bitter, hypocrite who hangs out with other lecherous old 1% men at the Playboy mansion. If that's who's speaking for the "99%", then feel free to count me out. Beyond that, he's not even funny and does a lousy show.

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

You didn't answer my question: are you for the OW movement or are you for the top 1%? Come on weasel: let's see your true colors.

[-] 0 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

STFU idiot. Same dumb shit in every thread that you're in.

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I see. Rather than answer my question you resort to cursing and hate. I take it that you against the OW movement then?

[-] 1 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

No, I'm against dumbshits like you who are associated with it.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

So since you refuse to admit that you are FOR the OW movement: you obviously are AGAINST us

[-] 1 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

No, just you. lmao

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

The more hate you spew on this forum, the more you expose how mentally sick you are. You don't understand this, but the people who read your posts do.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

So you're a little spoiled shit nursing a grudge and you can't get along with anyone no matter how sensible they may be... Geee. I think the OW people don't' want antisocial nuts like you in their group... so you'll have to leave of be classed as a troll: understand little baby?

Afraid to say anything, eh? Awwwww poor liddle scared baby... If you have something against me then spit it out. Otherwise you look very foolish

[-] 1 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

Project much dumbazz? lol

I spat it out above. You do the same stupid shit in every thread that you're in. If anyone is anti-social, it's you nutbag.

[-] 0 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Is Bill Maher now your prophet or holy man? Is he your God? Jeez dude. Since when does Bill Maher speak for or lead any sort of political movement?

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

He's spreading the same message the OW movement is: the top rich ! are refusing to allow their private jets to be taxed: which is an outrage... do you agree or not? More pertinent: are you for or against the OW movement? if you avoid answering my question or try to change the subject we will take it for granted that you are against the OW movement and don't want to admit it.

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Bill Maher is a hateful drain on our culture. I wouldn't want him speaking for anything I cared about.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Awww da liddle spoiled baby wouldn't want him speaking... Why don't you go and stop him from speaking? That will make you very happy. By the way...what DO you care about?

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

OK. Now you have shown your age. You are a child. I can understand how you think Bill Maher is some kind of rock star. You will laugh at yourself when you get a little older.

He's what's wrong with our culture. You will see it one day.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

i have to disagree. do you know that news agencies used to address two sides of an issue until Reagan's administration allowed the market to address the topics for themselves. I believe that that one rule change led to a bifurcated nation. now, instead of grown ups debating, we have children pontificating and passing it off as news. at least our comedians get to the crux of an issue. jeez, even Norquest, with his seven year old induced idea, got air time on bill's show. that is good. no?

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I see... so there's nothing wrong with AIG or Goldman Sachs, or Obama, or Congress or the senate, or the corporate media, or the pentagon, or Fox news or CNN, or the junk of your major TV shows or your advertising industry or the pharmaceutical industry or the oil industry or the CIA or the FBI or the Patriot Act or the religious right or the special interest lobbyists, or your corporate fascist system or your healthcare industry or your Insurance industry or your credit card industry etc, etc...

What REALLY wrong with your nation is Bill Mhar.

Someone who points out what is wrong with AIG and Goldman Sachs, and Obama, and Congress and the senate, and the corporate media, and the pentagon, and Fox news and CNN, and the junk of your major TV shows and your advertising industry and the pharmaceutical industry and the oil industry and the CIA and the FBI and the Patriot Act and the religious right and the special interest lobbyists, and your corporate fascist system and your healthcare industry and your Insurance industry and your credit card industry etc, etc

Now you have shown your age

[-] -2 points by Richardkentgates (5) 13 years ago

It's over. I'll miss the entertainment. Please do it again soon!

[-] 1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

So you don't like the Occupy Wall street movement Then why are you here?


[-] -3 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

He is to liberals what Dennis miller is to conservatives. Other than they say some amusing things (like turac), who cares!

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

Dennis Miller is nothing but a parody of himself. Bill Maher has become more relevant than Jon Stewart.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

What is it that supports your opinion? What makes him relevant? Is it that he said something positive about ows?

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

You claim that he is the liberal equivalent to Dennis Miller and you want me to support my opinion? You're funny.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

You made the statement he's more relevant. I never stated either were relevant. I'm asking you what makes him relevant in this cause. Why the attitude?

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

I was stating that he is more relevant to what is going on and to the national conversation. He has interesting people on his show from different professional and political backgrounds and they discuss intriguing issues. They argue and debate and even though it is set up to make the "liberal" point of view look better he is usually pretty good to the "conservatives" and lets them speak their mind plenty. Sometimes he has two right wing people on and only one lefty which can be very interesting. Watch some of his recent episodes if you want to see what I mean. Cornel West was on a few nights ago and it was excellent. When Bill Maher makes fun of occupy wall street movement it is in a playful way and it is clear that he supports it strongly. When Jon Stewart makes fun of it it seems to actually persuade people against it. Considering how pathetic his rally was last year and all the drugs, alcohol, and Kid Rock songs that took place he really has no place to talk shit.

I think his show is more relevant than the daily show because his is less about being funny and he is not as much of a pussy when confronting people. I think Jon Stewart is funnier, wittier, and more intelligent but I think I appreciate Bill Maher's show more.

Maybe the daily show has been more important in the last decade or so overall but I just haven't enjoyed it much the last 10 or 15 times I watched it and that probably has something to do with the way they do their pieces on occupy.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

I appreciate the input. I'll watch a show. Im not normally a maher fan as always feel like he's talking down to people, but I'll give it a shot. Why don't you think miller is relevant.

[-] 1 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

Yea he does talk down to people sometimes but usually they deserve it. I don't think he does it to his audience just people who are being ridiculous or dishonest. I don't really know that much about Dennis Miller I guess but I do know he gets paid by Fox to make Bill OReilly more appealing.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Haha, not sure about the Dennis miller / oreilly arrangement, but you could be right.

[-] -1 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

I see,: you don't care about the OW movement

Since you don't care about the OW movement, then why are you here?

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

As I told you yesterday, you amuse and entertain me. Much better than watching Bill Maher.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

So you admit you are against the OW movement: well then: nobody has anything more to say to you here. Bye-bye idiot. You're not amusing at all are a very very boring person. Anyone who can't stand his own company is usually tight.

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

"anyone who can't stand his own company is usually tight". Another completely confusing statement. Other than wanting everyone to live in communes, I still don't understand what you want, other than to name call and insult people. Hugs & kisses to you.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Anyone who can't stand his own company is usually right bye-bye little freak: suck on your computer

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Not sure who you are talking about. I have my own company and love it. You must be attempting to insult someone else. As usual, you've made another confused twisted comment.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

Ah... the freak who loves having no friends is back... suck on your computer freak.

You're not sure what I mean? You can't stand being alone idiot; you need to keep your distraction machine turned on 24 hrs a day, you're addicted to staring at a flat abstract illusion so you won' be forced to look at yourself and your miserable lonely pointless life.

Bye-bye little baby.

Jesus fucking Christ are you boring..

[-] 0 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

Haha. Appreciate the observation, however twisted it might be. As I've stated before, you are amusing. I don't believe I've ever had interaction with a more profane person or been called so many descriptive names. Also, really, you shouldnt use the Lord's name that way. I don't think he'll be as amused as I am.