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Forum Post: EnergyIdeasForNextWeatherEmergency

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 1:05 p.m. EST by EnergyIdeas (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Every obstacle yields to stern resolve...I researched a few energy companies that could provide an option for safe energy after i saw your generators being stolen hope you can be ready going forward. Theses companies have small and large unites for computers and other appliances. Solar plastic options:http://konarka.com/index.php/power-plastic/about-power-plastic/...... Solar cell options:http://www.sunelec.com/solar-cells-c-32.html ....Other ideas...Sponsors: Perhaps there could be a forum on this website setup for companies to give support and be a sponsor. Buses for emergency shelter: Churches have buses that could be asked to be donated on these days....or rent buses from other companies since it is off season the price might be just right.
Sent donations to show support: Thank-u OWS for being the voice for the 99 percent.



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[-] 1 points by The1capitalist (87) 12 years ago

Energy Companies EEEKKKKK!!! not them