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Forum Post: End the Fed: #1 Demand

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9:16 a.m. EST by ToriAlexander (32)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We all have one thing in common. We all want to End the Fed. http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/54247-best-occupy-wall-street-end-the-fed-speech-yet-



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[-] 2 points by rulesdontapply (27) 12 years ago

David Icke

Not this moron.

Ending the Fed isn't a bad idea, just don't link to shitheads like Icke or Jones.

[-] 1 points by ToriAlexander (32) 12 years ago

Okay. Point taken. I don't actually know who Icke is. I was linking to the OWS speaker who happens to be on a video posted by Icke.

[-] 1 points by sigb (3) 12 years ago

OWS won't make it through the winter unless the 99% can focus their energy on something specific. occupy the debates (next one is in nh oct 12th) and get into the spotlight. i dont necessarily agree with everything ron paul says but if you read 'end the fed' you will see that the concerns of OWS are reflected on almost every page. OWS can change history if they are willing to concentrate their efforts.

[-] 1 points by sigb (3) 12 years ago

OWS won't make it through the winter unless the 99% can focus their energy on something specific. occupy the debates (next one is in nh oct 12th) and get into the spotlight. i dont necessarily agree with everything ron paul says but if you read 'end the fed' you will see that the concerns of OWS are reflected on almost every page. OWS can change history if they are willing to concentrate their efforts.

[-] 1 points by actiasluna (23) 12 years ago

hell yes. this needs to be #1 on the list of OWS' official demands.

[-] 0 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

Wrong. Only the Ron Paul fans who were kicked out of the Tea Party and are now trying to hijack this movement have that in common.

OWS is too diverse to say that they all agree on anything other than "shit sucks" maybe.

[-] 1 points by Kooch (77) 12 years ago

I understand the diversity thing, but you're wrong about this only being a RP fans issue. Kucinich wants to end The Fed with his NEED ACT.

[-] 1 points by ToriAlexander (32) 12 years ago

Uh, so you support the Federal Reserve?

[-] 1 points by actiasluna (23) 12 years ago

sorry, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together and the ability to think critically wants to end the fed.

it is an UNAUDITED and utterly unaccountable collusion of bankers EXERCISING A MONOPOLY OVER OUR CURRENCY! helloooooooo! only an idiot, i'm totally serious, would trust an unaudited collusion of bankers.

the federal reserve is the 4th branch of the government that no one talks about.

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 12 years ago

Actually, the Federal Reserve is under the Department of the Treasury. The Department of the Treasury is under the executive branch.

Unaudited is probably true. I don't think there are many non-corporate, not-for-profits keeping that Department in check.

Keeping the Federal Reserve out of Wall Street is a good idea. Eliminating it from our financial system is not.

[-] 1 points by usapsyops (14) 12 years ago

The Federal reserve is actually not under ANY BRANCH OF GOVT. as it is an UNACCOUNTABLE, PRIVATE banking cartel

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 12 years ago

See my reply below.

[-] 1 points by Kooch (77) 12 years ago

Not really. It is only a quasi-government institution in that it answers to the Treasury about part of its work and the President appoints its chief.

What people need to understand is "End The Fed" can mean more than one thing. I like Kucinich's NEED Act which fully nationalizes the Fed (and our currency along with it). You should check it out. It's not 100% perfect (he calls for it to be directly under the President while many monetary reformers want a separate branch of government accountable to voters and not another branch), but The NEED Act is the kind of monetary reform that would work and would not be as disruptive as ending The Fed and not having a central bank.

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 12 years ago

Well, that's bullshit. Then the Federal Reserve really does need to be corrected.

[-] 1 points by actiasluna (23) 12 years ago

you obviously don't understand how the federal reserve works. it needs to be ended.

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 12 years ago

Translation - you want your paper money to be worth paper.

[-] 1 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

You don't have to convince me. I support ending the Federal Reserve. I'm just saying that not everyone in OWS does. Switching to the gold standard isn't going to make corporate influence over government go away. In my opinion, more OWS protesters are anti-corporation than anti-Federal Reserve.

[-] 2 points by strivehappy (31) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

My argument is that "End the Fed" is not the #1 thing everyone (or even most) people are thinking of when they participate in OWS. If it was, they'd be at the Federal Reserve, instead of Wall Street.

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 12 years ago

I thought one reason for this movement was the return of taxpayer money of "failing" corporations who can or are still giving out bonuses.

Additionally, the profits of these companies that received the aid aren't being sent to the taxpayers, they are still be sent to the shareholders.

[-] 2 points by ToriAlexander (32) 12 years ago

Not all corporations are bad. Those that are bad get their power through the Federal Reserve.

[-] 1 points by Nobody (19) from Edmond, OK 12 years ago

That reply sounds ignorant due to lack of extrapolation on the point. Please clarify or risk being discarded.

[-] 2 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

It's a copout used by libertarians whenever corporations or the rich do undeniable evil - that they were actually poisoned by the evil influence of government.

[-] 1 points by Nobody (19) from Edmond, OK 12 years ago

Right now we cannot make new companies due to the extortion and profiteering of corporations. We cannot raise the minimum wage to what it needs to be (what it used to be) to support a family of 5 on a 40 hour work week's paycheck without debt while providing health insurance, a new vehicle and communications like a cell phone and home phone. This wage increase would force a systemic overhaul to once more allow individuals to start businesses without going into extreme debt.