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Forum Post: End Corruption: Listen to Buddy Roemer's message if you support OWS

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 12:38 p.m. EST by fishyfish (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Buddy Roemer is the first Republican I have ever liked, and you are going to like him too. He is offering a message of corporate campaign finance reform as his primary platform in the 2012 race.

One issue: sweep out corruption.

He's taking contributions of no more than $100 - insane? Maybe. But a commitment of incredible dedication. He is offering the average American an offer he can't refuse - to be part of a candidacy that excludes massive corporate spending.

Here's some short video clips of Buddy speaking. It is the brutally frank voice of an honest, passionate man. He makes Obama and the Republican candidates look like children. Please watch!



This one is a longer speech & talk that, if you have the time to watch, I strongly urge you to:


I do not agree w/ or support everything he stands for. He's a southerner, he's a conservative man. But I urge you to consider the possibility that this issue of money infesting the entire political structure is massively more important than any single culture war bullet point. Our future is in grave danger. The most important thing is that we get behind someone HONEST who is committed to fighting the tentacles of monied interests - regardless of what letter follows his name.

Buddy can be followed here:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/buddyroemer
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/BuddyRoemer

Contributions can be made to: http://www.buddyroemer.com/

$100 bucks. That's like a weekend! DO IT!!



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by fishyfish (7) 12 years ago

"This is what happens when top campaign contributors get special favors from Washington. Corporate tax loopholes are out of control. Companies make MORE after taxes. 280 of Americas top 500 companies pay negative tax rates: Pepco (–57.6%) GE (–45.3%) PG&E (-21.2%)

Financial services, who donated $42 million to Obama, received largest share of federal tax breaks over the last three years. If we don't get the unfair influence of corp $ out of DC, we are not going to see any real reform. The politicians -- Dems & Reps -- are bought and sold."

[-] 1 points by fishyfish (7) 12 years ago

"How Wall Street Occupied America" - Great article


[-] 1 points by fishyfish (7) 12 years ago

Buddy is trying to get onto the upcoming Michigan Republican debate panel. This guy would mop the floor with those clowns and instantly change the debate. Support him here by contributing to a petition to get him on:


[-] 0 points by jayp74 (195) 12 years ago

Excellent post. I will go there right now.

In my limited postings here, I'm trying to get this movement to understand the problem doesn't start at the top of Wall Street corporations, it starts with the political process and the buying of politicians in Washington. The government is completely corrupt.

OWS needs to pull up stakes and head to Washington!

[-] 1 points by fishyfish (7) 12 years ago

It's the message, not the man.