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Forum Post: elections that will really change things.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 12:44 p.m. EST by zcoolj50 (0)
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We need to look at the elections of next year to really make a difference we need to get the old out and the new in. That means Tea Party (useless) the Democrats and the Republicans. I am for the right person not the right party to do the job. Congress has been useless and will continue to be until get the status qua out and replace them with younger more tolerable people who want to effect real change not just the agenda of staying in office. I feel til this happens the current efforts will be for nothing. Remember in the beginning congress for the people and doing the right thing no matter what side they were on our current congress puts in automatic 3% raises for themselves and the current congress consists of over 50% millionaires the average salary is 170,000 and are covered by insurance we pay for for life even if they only serve one term!!!! one term!!! They need to be stopped and replaced and shown that we are not going to put up with this any longer. Right now no matter who is in the Presidency progress will be stalled due to congress. Im a 38yr old vet who has gone back to school and gotten a Associates degree and currently working on BS and only could find a factory job a half hour away. Change lies in changing congress!!!!!!!!



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