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Forum Post: EGYPT and the Elephant

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 12:29 p.m. EST by MedicatedWipes (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

No body is talking about the elephant in the room. So I will.

The military in Egypt has strong ties with Israel, so the Jews tell them to cling to power at all costs.

Here in America Israel controls the Senate, the White house and America's foreign policy.

What is to be done about this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Please tell me!!



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[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

Incidentally, it's also important to realize that this isn't Jews or even Israel doing this so much as it is a hard-right Likud prime minister who's behaving as badly as Bush did after 9/11. Meir Dagan, who spent eight years acting as Israel's counterpart to George Tenet and who is himself a hard-eyed militant, has called Netanyahu a belligerent idiot for these policies several times and warned him that the more he does this the worse everyone's perception of Israel is going to be and the less likely they are to be in a position to get help if something real happens. I want no part of Netanyahu or his government, but you can't tar an entire country with his brush any more than you can consider all Americans unintelligent, belliegerent rednecks solely because of the actions and demeanor of Bush II.

[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 12 years ago

THank you.

But what is your opinion?

It appears people are afraid to voice their opinion.

[-] 1 points by genanmer (822) 12 years ago

I havn't done enough research on Israel's Zionist party to fully understand the range of their atrocities.

The most obvious step needed:

Get Israel's money out of our government by eliminating all big money influence in our government.

Also, continue to gain support for OWS by informing and more importantly Helping people.

Unfortunately, we are sitting on a powder keg. There's so much corruption and so many sociopaths leading the world that major conflicts are inevitable.. unless large groups of people start coming to their senses.


[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 12 years ago

Why no comment?

What I have said is true!! at least I believe it is true.

Do you disagree?

[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 12 years ago

Please tell me!!

The truth is blowing in the wind no more!!

[-] 0 points by MedicatedWipes (9) 12 years ago

Do you all get it?