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Forum Post: Effective Strategies Suggestions

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 7:10 a.m. EST by Leanne (0)
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Idea: Boycott all consumerism for a day including non emergency medical appointments and do not go to work. Cyber Monday is an option, a historically big shopping day in the US and many employed people are returning to work after 4-5 days of being on holiday.

Idea: Have all doctors treat people using the barter system or pro bono for one day.

Idea:Boycott the use of all credit cards for this holiday season.

The banks and insurance companies need to be affected, hit hard. thank you



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[-] 1 points by AppalachianMerican (1) 12 years ago

Some ideas i'm sure are already in use by many, so with disclaimer planted: 1st Idea, only shop at bonafide groceries and/or small family owned shops, and stop shopping the china boxes like wal-mart, dollar general, big lots, k-mart, ikea, et ali...
2nd Idea, try to bundle and group errand trips, saving gas, and walking and biking whenever possible. 3rd Idea, try reducing the amount of space that you heat in your home by blanketing off seldom used rooms, and remove all but one bulb from multiple light fixtures, turning off lights in unused rooms. 4th Idea, try eating cold meals, like sandwiches and/or salads at least three times a week to save on cooking expenses. 5th Idea, withdraw and close out all bank accounts, using only cash whenever possible (this one is challenging but feasible!) 6th Idea, If you don't know whether or not your food is genetically modified, or milk is from cows treated with rGbh, then don't buy it, eat it, or drink it. Simply put, if the ingredients listed contain items unavailable in any grocery, then unless you cook with testtubes and bunsen burners, DON'T EAT IT! 7th Idea, Recycle your food waste into compost, recycle your paper, plastic, and aluminum. Stop removing our natural mountain tops and piling up landfill mountains of trash. The more energy we waste, and waste we produce, the more our ecosystem will be wasted.

Yonv (Ben) Aniwodi, Occupy Huntington, WV

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

1 and 3 are doable. 2- I dont see doctors signing onto this. It would be chaos.