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Forum Post: Educate Our Youth

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:18 a.m. EST by journey4word (214)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One opinion from one of the real 99%.

to each his/her own, disagree or agree, but you should know where MANY Red Blooded Working class Americans stand.

Only ONE democrat president has been re-elected since 1945 and he was eventually impeached.

This record of disapproval by Americans SHOULD be enough to keep Democrats out of the white house for 100 years, however this information and the reasons for it will always be hidden from the education system by liberal left wing closet homosexual professors who failed themselves to prosper in life and had to resort to teaching. They hold this Hate of a capitalistic society solely due to their inability to succeed in it.

This is why today we hear so many young impressionable minds with dreamy theorys of a "better" America if only we were more socialist, or if we were more communist or liberal (liberalism is just the foyer to the house of communism).

Send your children to schools where instructors have been screened to illuminate the wakos and your children wont end up looking like Idiots in OWS movements.



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[-] 2 points by BeawareofthePower (4) 12 years ago

A capitalistic society that is part of a system that is failing. It's not just failing us, it is failing the world. It seems to me that you could use some more "real" education yourself; "liberal left wing closet homosexuals," really? I agree that our education system needs a complete working-through, but wow, you've discredited yourself by showing an ignorant state of mind. We are all humans. We face human problems. We are all Red Blooded. It is time for us, as a species, to recognize our stewardship problem. We are the most intelligent life that we know of on earth. Don't you think we can move past these things? This is not radical or left-wing. This is simple. To me, the Occupy movement is a movement of awareness and recognizing that, as a people, we hold the power to change things and HELP EACH-OTHER, but you'd say that's homosexual. I'll keep fighting for you though man. PS We are all greatly influenced but please do everyone a favor and try to overcome those biases. Think open-mindedly.

[-] 0 points by tomcat68 (298) 12 years ago

well, that will solve their education problems anyway. seems to me none here could endure a "real world" education.
