Forum Post: Ed Asner explains it all -- a short video that shows the 1%'s scam
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 9, 2012, 10:19 p.m. EST by therising
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Ed explains it all:
And here's how the corporate takeover really began to accelerate: (pay close attention to the graphs at the end of this short video)
And here's a great overview of how it happened and what we can do to fix it:
Man, you must have really sucked in school. Lots of "incompletes"? O.K. I'll bite. Why is it stupid Mr. Coyote. Which item in it is wrong?
Good post !! Sure tells it like it is. Thanx
This video really makes it clear what needs to happen to fix the problem:
When you see it all condensed like that, it's hard to believe we Americans fell for this ruse -- and also difficult to believe how our country changed course in such a relatively short time as a result of the corporatist takeover, something that really accelerated with Reagan. Check this out:
You're right, and although some are waking up, many Americans continue to fall for the charade. I think the reason the country was able to change course so easily, is because people have no control of their government. The elections are used as a tool, to give us the illusion that we have a choice, when we don't. The choices have been bought by the corps and monied interests.
“What better way to enslave a man than to give him the vote and tell him he’s free.” -Albert Camus
Personally I support a participatory democracy:
My impressions of reagan when he was in office (I wasn't following politics much then), was that he was a bumbling "Howdy Doody" and enjoined being a puppet; but his"Fascist" overtones usually came through. I took many years before I realized the true damage he had done. Very fitting that he was in GE adds.
Exactly :). It's so weird to think that this kindly old fellow was sort of an unwitting puppet that did so much damage.
A simplistic piece of propaganda to create class warfare
Let me guess. You think George Soros produced it. You're unable to argue against any of the points made so you disparage it with an ad hominem. You and the coyote are a lot alike.
Actually, that did not cross my mind. Other than the villainous stuff reported by Fox and Rush, I am not particularly familiar with the fellow. What I am familar with is the notion being perpetrated that the wealthy are to be fought and overcome. I cannot help but think about the storming of the Bastille or 1917 Russia.- the action of a mob let loose. No good whatsoever came from either action. I do not look to Robspierre or Stalin as ideal leaders.
Money and those who have it cannot be portrayed as evil. Like it or not, the top 10% do pay 70% of the taxes.
1% of the population has over 30% of the nations wealth and that percentage is increasing rapidly. And lest you think that's because those smart rich people are working oh so hard, 90% of that wealth was inherited. So much for all those lectures on pulling our selves up by our bootstraps.
The 5 Walton's (that's Walmart family) have as much money as the poorest 140 million Americans. Think about what that means? Especially when they are reducing benefits and 80% of their workers are on public assistance. That's pretty ridiculous. A $1 billion dollar subsidy annually to Walmart. And the company made $15 billion last year.
Hard not to judge them harshly. See real people are suffering as a result of this bullshit. And the wool has been pulled from our eyes. The cat is out of the bag. The genie is out of the bottle. The jig is up.
Stay tuned. Soon, last fall's Occupy protests in cities across the country will look like a warm up. Get ready for a general strike.... it's coming. Stay tuned.
"The world’s financial power has been diverted from improving the human condition into money making schemes designed to enrich those who create them." FrF
from my bio
This little gem popped up on the side bar, even I did not know Reagan raised taxes 11 times on people making less than $200,000. He is the only President to cut taxes on the wealthy while in the same bill raising taxes on the middle class.
Son of a gun. That's pretty fucking outrageous. Audacious. Vicious. And he essentially got away with this because of good marketing and folksy charm. Americans have been charmed by all this bullshit. We need the light of day to expose to so-called "average Americans" what's really going on here.
re-watched the first one, I said the same thing in my bio
Let's make it happen. Let's shine the light of day on this this way: Brand New Day is available if we want it. Please see this link . It's all within our grasp.
That's the video that got Hannity twisted in knots?
That 2 second scene, with the high and money mighty, looking down on the "little people", with barely heard sound effects?.
Gotta love it................:)
I wanna pee on Hannity and all his FLAKESnews friends!
It shows how desperate the 1% are with their propaganda that he is one of their stars :-)
Can't argue with that.
There's always been something profoundly desperate about FLAKESnews.
When I see that channel on in lobbies of banks, insurance companies, bars etc., I'm struck by the arrogance of the proprietor. And that happens a lot. I remember when President Bush (senior) lost his reelection bid to Clinton, staffers were shocked. When asked in the days following the loss what they were doing with their time, they replied to reporters that they were "watching a lot of Fox News." That really struck me. Because here was a supposedly intelligent adult essentially saying "I'm burying my head in the sand in the echo chamber of my own making. I'm learning nothing."
And that learning nothing in the echo chamber thing still persists to this day.
I now eschew establishments featuring FLAKESnews on TV.
That's if they don't throw me out for commenting on what they're saying.
You just can't trust them.
Well that's true. You know, it kind of floors me that fox news watchers don't realize that George Bush's cousin, Roger Ailles, is the person that got fox up and running. And he called the 2000 election for Bush when all the other networks were calling it for Gore. That had a real impact on the election. And people didn't say, huh, I wonder if Bush's cousin running a network (propaganda channel) means we should question the data and motivation. Huh. I wonder.
How many here have forgotten that Geraldo was one of the first people to ever get mic checked?
I love it!!! One of my favorite scenes from the "early days".
FLAKESnews lies was the call and answer at the time and so it still should be.
Oh that's fantastic. Do you have a link?
Google is still my friend, for now.
Oh that is just priceless. I just love seeing Cornel West speaking out to millions of bug eyed fox news viewers across the country. It's just wonderful :).
Musta been better than I thought,. the trolls searched me out for a down vote.................................................:)
Ha. They crack me up.
I thought you were being figurative.,0,4728933.story
Thi s hilarious, just imagining it. Now I will watch it.
Oh Chris Matthews just plugged OWS and 99 percent meme.
The really funny part, is if you check the youtube you will see that it was FLAKESnews that added in the yellow stream.
they still can't report things without video editing.
Now I see:. A yellow stream was missing in original.
I didnt notice it in the fox news version, tilll you pointed it out.
No wonder they feign being upset. ( After they themselves added the pee)
Then, they again blame teachers, for being political.
Actually, PAC fees for political stuff is not included in union dues. Those fees are extra, above and beyond the union dues, that are separate from dues, but for POlitical speech, like this, money well spent. So this is from teachers Private and personal donations, not from unions.
So corporations shoul have speech, not teachers, according to the flake newscasters logic.
That's so funny I will mail hannity a copy of the video once or twice each day for one year. Already sent to my senators.
Ps hannity thanked me once again. I told him it was better unedited, and union dues didn't pay for it.
According to FLAKESnews, liberals should sit down, shut up, listen to Glenn Beck and never, ever vote.
Fortunately, liberals laugh at such things, as they have a sense of humor.
Twisted in knots and frothing at the mouth and I am sure ( off screen ) lying down and having a fit. Yeah - LOL - Good Times.
Ed rules!
I hope more celebrities realize the power they have to get information out. He was brave to do this. Matt Damon did similar thing narrating inside job.
I liked Matt on Inside Job. He's doing a Fracking Movie, looks good
I see he supported Working Families Party
And he has stood up for teachers
Here is interesting schools commentary
Thanks very much. Will check out these links tonight. Very cool.
Really good post. I like that the California teachers sponsored the video. Teachers have heart and work for everyone, kids and planet's future is their concern. They are concerned for 99 percent, and that all voices are lifted. Way for them to fight for the 99 percent! Great videos.
And Where the one percent are pointing fingers at everyone, nails it!
Everyone, email that video to boehner and and all who are wrecking the country. Zip code finder to mail to all the 1 percent loving Scrooge-politicians
Just today, some ol guy was complaining about "welfare-loving" Obama. I had to remind him of the Walmart workers not able to afford food needing food stamps. That shut him up.
I want to send this video to everyone for Christmas.
I'll Mail it to hannity too.
Here's all the repubs if anyone else wants to mail it to repub reps. and At least their staff may view it.
Ps hannity says thank you for sending link to video
Ha! Fantastic. We can't let wacko conservatives speak such nonsense without a verbal response any more. Good for you!
We certainly have great left wing celebrities compared to wackjob rightie celebs (Nugent, conners, etc) Andthey can be critical of weak dems which is good.
Ed has always been a great liberal soldier.
I need to research him a bit. Don't know much about his political efforts.
He was head ofthe actors union I think in the '70's. But has always but a fighter for liberal causes.
Very cool
asner is a self proclaimed member of the socialist party. obama is taking a shit on the entire country and dummies like you are cheering him on.
But Pres has turned the repub 'great recession' into the Obama recovery. (weak becaus3e of traitorous repub obstruction).
Repubs are the problem. They shit on the decent hard working Americans at the behest of corp 1% oligarchs.
When you support them you betray your class & share the repubs dishonor.
And dummies like you are cheering for exactly who and what?
anyone who stands up to the obama regime
That's not exact.
It's just wiggling and squirming.
Give me an actual name.
I have no" actual" name(s). I applaud anyone or group that stands up for the BOR and opposes the obama regime.
Still incapable of being exact I see. Is it the Kochs you're applauding?
What about those that are standing against the Snyder regime in Michigan?
I have no knowledge of the Kochs activities. Regarding Snyder and the Michigan legislature, congratulations to them. I did see a video of a pro union person punching ( more than once) a reporter who did nothing to incite the violence .There was also the dem. Michigan legislator who promised the would be blood is this passed.
FLAKESnews has done more to incite violence against itself than ANY other TV propaganda outlet..!
It's simple, they are kings of lying ass shit.
Now answer the question, instead of constantly evading it.
the violence was entirely due to the union people. union people destroyed a tent ( afp) that had men and women in it. tony camargo was the man who punched ( more than once ) the interviewer who did nothing more then ask questions. the interviewer did not fight back.
It's all they fuckin' do, and YOU believe those lies.
Now repeat after me..
FLAKEnews lies!
You do recall the palm tree incident?
They've been lying since they went on the air.
camargo attacked the interviewer for asking some questions, , punched the interviewer numerous times. The interviewer did not hit back.
I saw the video, I saw the right wing anti labor reporter taunting, and his provocations, and his smugness and his ridicule, and his disrespect, and I saw the reporter lunge right into the fray.
He wanted to get a beatin'. He refused to listen to the mostly non violent protesters begging him to stop. He refused to stop until he got the beating he wanted. Of course then he stopped. Problem solved.
His goal was to provoke this violence and smart people will note that 99.99% of the 12k decent hard working Americans protesting didn't take his dishonorable bait.
One did. I give him a break because I know that sometimes you break, you are weak in the face of the type of intense abuse he was subjected to.
there was no " taunting", just a question that were asked. "What is it about right to work that you oppose so much"?The repsonse from the union guy was to punch ( more than once ) the interviewer.
This thought is no-doubt wasted on you - But - Have you ever heard it said that you should not stand in front of an angry Bull(?) - But then to go ahead and prod it? Doing so you of course know that you are gonna get stomped - but you went ahead and ya did it anyway.
When occupiers taunt and stand in front of angry cops and they get out the pepper spary, guess they get what they asked for, huh?
blaming the victim, quaint. If mr. camargo didnt not want to answer any questions he could have walked away. in fact at one point the interviewer was walking away and camargo grabbed him and punched him again.
Vision fine. You need to get your integrity checked.
Why do you support 'right to work for less. laws.?
I saw the interviewer taunt, disrespect, provoke and hit back.
My problem with right to work for less is that it is race to the bottom and creates the ability of corps to pay workers less! provide poor benefits.
It pits states againsteach other in a competition of who can offer the lowest cost workers. That only helps the corp 1% oligarchs continue exploiting decent hard working American workers.
It also is an attempt to destroy unions capacity to contribute to candidates that support worker issues.
Why do you support it.?
You need to get your vision checked.
BTW - you have a video link that shows this "incident" - um - In full context?
Something with or without commentary?
Any follow-up investigative report commentary?
Police statements?
He provoked them. He wanted to get beat up. He got what he wanted. You should be happy! now you can call all the decent hard working Americans thugs!
That guy is a real low life for sucker punching someone like that. I bet if he fought someone toe to toe then he would get his union thug ass kicked
Did you watch the video?The interviewer did not provoke anyone. Your " spin" isnt working. Anone that repeatedly punches someone , ( who does not hit back ) for asking some questions IS a thug.
When occupiers taunt and provoke the cops, is it ok for them to retaliate?
"asking questions is not smug" no but he was being smug! He was mocking them, he and his koch brother funded Americans for prosperity tent dwellers were throwing pennies at the workers claiming that was "all there labor was worth". He and his tea party right wing wackos were provoking the decent hard working Americans fighting for there livelihood, and when you provoke people they react. Not all of the 12k protesters reacted but 1 did, and that is all it takes to shut up those without honor.
Your right wing, tea party, smug, little shit deserved a beating.
sure, right, he ( union dimbass) couldnt help hinself, he was forced to repeatedly punch an interviewer. the questions made him do it. You are whats wrong with humanity , which is considered a plus character trait for te lib/dem/progressive.
The interviewer was smug disrespectful and provoked the attack.
The workers were fighting for their livelihood.
Interviewer deserved a beating, but I have to say officially we should not have hit him........... on camera. LOL ;)
"We"? "We"? Are we to consider this your confession?
Asking questions is not smug or disrespectful. Since when is beating up an interviewer " fighting for their livelihood"? the interviewer is not their employer. Your last sentence say evrything there is to know about you. "Interviewer deserved a beating, but I have to say officially we should not have hit him............on camera . LOL ;)." By the use of "we" you have indentified yourself as a thug with no regard for other people and a belief that violence is the answer to people you don't like.
What part of FLAKESnews lies are you having issues understanding?