Forum Post: Dump Your Bank Day Tuesday November 8th 2011
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 6:29 p.m. EST by weenk
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dump Your Bank Day. Imagine all Occupy supporters going down to close their bank accounts and open up credit union accounts on the same day.
Dump Your Bank Day!!! Tuesday November 8th.
We are unhappy with banks, their policies, their profits, their bailouts, lets do more than talk about it, protest about it, let's DO something about it.
Let's have Dump Your Bank Day on what would be "election day" ... First Tuesday after the first Monday in November... TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2011.
What better way to send a message to our elected officials?
Those of us who already have credit unions will show our support by marching in the Financial District and/or holding signs near local credit unions that say "We Dumped Our Bank Today"
Click the following link and start a campaign to get millions to sign it...Thanks.
I love dump your bank day! A national holiday, indeed!
I hope we can have another day after this. I could not get all of my online banking switched and had only stayed with BOA to get help from them with needed to help close my Mom's estate. I think I can do that now. Maybe it is something we can coordinate to continue and schedule accordingly and as long as it proves relevant.
Official Bank Transfer Day is Saturday November 5, what's the difference between Dump your Bank and transfer from your bank...?
Official Bank Transfer Day is Saturday November 5, what's the difference between Dump your Bank and transfer from your bank...?
Different event, similar goals, already has over 20,000 participants.
No FB page for this event. Hope that this is something that the folks at OWS will run with. Schedule it as an event of their own. Communicate w/ groups across the country to do the same. make it a national Occupy event.
Lets make this happen in every Occupy movement across the entire USA!
Is there a Facebook page for this event? Get it out on social media!
OWSers have no money.
Banks would love to dump them if they do have accounts.