Forum Post: Drones---More Issues
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 1, 2012, 12:40 p.m. EST by Nevada1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 1, 2012, 12:40 p.m. EST by Nevada1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You must realize the MIC is run amok. Article V of the constitution is the only remedy.
With preparatory amendment it is politically safe. Three amendments are demanded of all delegates for preparation BEFORE Article V, to assure all amendments have constitutional intent.
1)End the abridging of free speech (mass media)
2)Campaign finance reform (citizens united)
3) secure the vote (diebold etc.)
Thank you rayolite, for post.
Nice reply.
The nwo loves it when we only discuss problems. Therefore I work to inspire discussion upon solution. I appreciate your recognition of that:-)
Perhaps we make a statement about this being very political, and if you are of the "we arent political" nature of some occupiers, then you dont have to attend?
ows seems committed to socialist democracy not a democratically controlled republic. Such is the reason the nycga was unable to carry discussion upon Article V back in December of 2011.
There appears to be the unreasonable assumption that if it is associated with the constitution it is an extension of the status quo federal entity we have known all of our lives.
As if that entity had a lot to do with the constitution. It does not. In fact, the USA corporation created in 1867 is dedicated to removing the constitution.
Thats why I think there needs to be an announcement that addresses this, and if people are down then come along, if not, then no one is forcing you to.
Either way, someone/place/thing has GOT to give the people something to start creating their own thing again. Its the only way out of this.
"Either way, someone/place/thing has GOT to give the people something to start creating their own thing again. Its the only way out of this"
hchc, our constitution meets our need for a government that respects our lives. Our lives ARE our thing. Really, constitutional intent is a philosophical position that preserves our lives and assures future generations have the same opportunity.
This IS our thing
Understanding preparatory amendment, or how it is "our thing" because it makes the nation constitutional enough to properly conduct Article V with all amendments having constitutional intent.
Also, with states citizens in agreement, state ratifications will be much easier. But the discussion on constitutional intent must be pervasive in our culture.
I can get down with that. Im saying that most people dont understand this stuff, and that most people think they have no power. We need to bring this to light in the streets of every major city and start involving people in creating this.
Yea, Abraham Lincoln on every corner.-the people are the rightful masters of the congress and the courts" BECAUSE they know and agree upon constitutional intent. Free speech MUST have it's greatest meaning to do this.
That information needed for survival be shared and understood.
Preparatory Amendments To Article V: 1)End the abridging of free speech. 2)Campaign finance reform 3)Secure the vote
Art 5 Convention this upcoming July 4th in every city? One city per state? This was suppose to happen last year, similar, for Occupy, in Philly.
Then all the bullshit worrying about this and that and the other thing ruiined the whole fuckin thing instead of just going forward with it.
We could make another push for something this year?
Yes, but we need to become the "masters of the congress and the courts", which happens through free speech.
This site kinda' has a problem with that sometimes. Another forum dealing with Article V specifically was deluged with spam accounts and was temporarily locked.
Not sure if it will be opened up or not.
"just going forward with it."
Let me expand.
Justifiably, one American at a time must agree to focus primarily on Article V and preparatory amendment. Politics as usual are observed to what ever degree is needed, and, every effort to inhibit erosion of any constitutionality is of course made in unity if possible. Just to maintain whatever is left while we restore constitutional federal government through Article V.
Damn, only 43 registered on that site. Perhaps need to start posting on facebook.
Constitutional intent is the key. Once Americans start discussing that, the future can be secured.
Judge Napalitano said the first person to shoot one down here will be a national hero.
More abuse by the judicial system here:
Down with Military Drones - militarized drones are an abomination.
Hello DKA, More Drone info.
Thx - yeah we really want these things filling the air - Hey? NOT
Even if unarmed - a break in transmission to the drone and there is gonna be an explosion on the ground where it crashes. Any loss of control by the operator - and - BOOM - somewhere.
Agree. This brings up concept of countermeasures.
Signal interference? Intentional? Yeah they would seem to be susceptible to things like that.
Regarding the drone that went down in Iran, the technology has likely been shared.
Yeah - there is always that to consider as well - Bad information/technology - proliferation.
"Proliferation"---that is the word.
US has proven them to be such an effective 'weapon of terror'.
9,000,000 per unit - a pretty pricey weapon of terror - weapon of terror none the less - and I am sure they could be made on the cheap as well.
Wonder how many water purification set-ups 9,000,000 would finance?
Wind power farms?
How many solar energy farms?
How many deep well water pumps?
How many medical clinics?
How many schools?
How much towards healthy life - peaceful life - prosperous Life?
Good Points
Just think of the strife that could be ended around the world - the reasons for conflict - if this money was used in a positive manner.
Death is not the solution for peace. These drones need to disappear.
End the drone strikes NOW!
Identify, denounce, ridicule all pols spewing the fear mongering that creates support among the American population!
"An inexperienced military contractor in shorts and a T-shirt, flying by remote control from a trailer at Seychelles International Airport, committed blunder after blunder in six minutes on April 4.
He sent the unarmed MQ-9 Reaper drone off without permission from the control tower. A minute later, he yanked the wrong lever at his console, killing the engine without realizing why.
As he tried to make an emergency landing, he forgot to put down the wheels. The $8.9 million aircraft belly-flopped on the runway, bounced and plunged into the tropical waters at the airport’s edge, according to a previously undisclosed Air Force accident investigation report."
Glad to know it's that easy to access these. Makes me feel so safe!
Good point Trevor.
End the drone strikes NOW!
Identify, denounce, ridicule all pols spewing the fear mongering that creates support among the American population!