Forum Post: don't you people have anything better to do?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 10:34 a.m. EST by morons123
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
take a walk? smell the fresh air? take a bike ride? read a book? listen to music? this wonderful country and beautiful city has so much to offer. all of this negative energy could be used in a positive way. since you all seem to have the luxury of free time (unlike me I have a job, provide for my family and happily pay my taxes) how about going to a homeless shelter or visiting some kids at sloan who are dying of cancer? donate your time. give of yourselves. no one really cares about your bitching and complaining in fact most of us are pretty much over it and you are becoming more and more annoying and it is becoming more and more clear that your "cause" is a joke and people need to stop and stare not because you make sense more like a car crash that you just cant not look at. You guys are a train wreck. pack it in, put a resume together, look for work, stop crying; no one said it was going to be easy. take all of your silver spoons out of your mouths. get rid of your sense of entitlement. buy a plane ticket and go to another country that offers you what you are looking for. no one has asked you to stay here in the wonderful country of ours.
I have a job, a family, a mortgage, and I pay taxes. And yet I still have time to protest with OWS. Why is that? Two reasons: First, I take it personally when corrupt, bloodsucking, sociopathic thieves (in Washington and on Wall Street) loot our Treasury and corrupt our electoral system and then try to lie about it like little girls; and second, I give a shit about people other than myself and my family. Now go watch TV--you're IN THE FUCKING WAY.
They are all just to scared to do anything for themselves and have to rely on us to do the work.
Lazy, good for nothing pecker woods. We did some of the work here:
The complete document is here:
This is my country and like Vooter said get the FUCK OUT OF MY WAY. I don't play well with others because this is not a game, this is the future of my country.
I have to laugh, look at how you are freakin' the little righties
If they weren’t scared shitless they would watching the gay porn like they normally do.
Keep up the good work
careful, your homophobia is showing.
see, when you use "gay" as a put-down, like you just did, the real you is revealed.
Vooter, Couldn't have said it better other then, "Now go watch your (Faux News) - you're IN THE FUCKING WAY."
This is ironic considering how ows decided to intentionally "get in the way" last Thursday blocking people from going about their business
nothing better to do?? NO, there is nothing more important than making changes to what has become a corrupt, broken (and broke) political and financial system--there is nothing better to do than that--there is no higher calling!! what if george washington had something better to do?? go OWS!!!
Thanks for that.......:)
I was about to say something similar.
are you saying that girls lie. Why are you so sexist.
They DO lie!
I know right!!! Girls are nothing but cum dumps
Couldn't have said it better Vooter. Morons123 you're "moreoff" than "on" I lived through the S&L crisis and was able to make a decent living despite that but THE MASSIVE SHORT that effectively devalued the nation's REAL ESTATE is WHY my Real Estate and Mortgage Banker/Brokerage of slightly north of 200 reps with me in the top 10 reps was unable to legitimately help our clients. After 8 years as a top privately held company in the San Francisco Bay Area United Mortgage Group/HARMAK Real Estate closed in 2008.
I know there are thousands if not millions of former loan and real estate agents who are AWARE and rightfully OUTRAGED at the corruption in the rarefied air of the traders and investors of the DERIVATIVES not to mention behind the overt corruption in the form of SANCTIONED INSIDER TRADING of our fucking CONGRESS!
To you morons123 I say:"Wake Up! Reread the fucking Constitution, Bill of Rights and Federalist Papers. Visit note the threads concerning the FED and others addressing THE CRISIS of CORRUPTION that as a concerned US Citizen anyone can see is RIPE for a new REVOLUTION. What the fuck do you think was the reason the Founding Fathers started America in the first place?!
So it's the Banks & Mortgage Co fault that the Realstate bubble busted- what about Barney (Lite in the loafers) Frank. Head of the "Senate Banking Commtte" - Who stated " If you don't lend to minorities your a racist" Crist Dodd & Sen Waters "There's nothing wrong with Fanny & Freddy"
If you didn't lend to Dirtbags,who couldn't pay it back-The DOJ would threaten to shut your mortgage / loan dept down. But you know this - How's that "Hope & Change" Working for 'ya - Über Realtor
Yep and sadly legit mortgage and real estate companies such as mine who even went to the trouble to explain the risks AND have the clients sign additional plain language paperwork for riskier product-ie:pick-a-pay,I/O Interest Only, Balloon & NINJA (No Income/No Job) have been penalized along with the unscrupulous. To add insult to injury perhaps the greater part of my unemployment outside of the field of real estate/loans is "Pariah Status"-it's difficult to functionalize a job application and conceal background when employers call my prior or no longer active employers and find out that "Pacific Inc." or "United HARMAK Inc." used to be "Pacific Mortgage Group" and "United Mortgage Group" where my collateral skills in sales, marketing and team leadership are automatically devalued due to the taint of the industry. Most of us rank and file loan officers are or were straight arrow in assisting clients with their loan applications but we all bear the brunt of the nefarious in the financial industry.
Get a real job
---And you sir are nothing more than a Unionized fricking Tool
And your Jack the Ripper.
I prefer the former.
Haha. So typical of you mobsters. You call anyone that disagree silly names. So its all fair game now.
Your "peaceful" protest is one drunk short of a full on riot. You will get what's coming to you very soon. Even the liberal media is mocking you. But you don't care. Go ahead, block bridges and buildings, keep people from picking up their kids and taking care of their pets after working all day. It won't last long. You looks like thugs that never left the Nirvana concert.
That was his name.
So why the attack?
No. His name is not Jack THE Ripper, and you know exactly what you were doing when you posted.
General Jack the Ripper.
And whats your handle supposed to signify?
And there you go again. You sound super original.
Drugs, it's all about the drugs...
I love this because it's finally gonna put ole bama to the test. After all, we are talking federal here.
very well put. this movement is a joke that only the delusional "members" believe are accomplishing anything. It disrupts where we live and where I work but they don't care. they are an embarrassment.
Your a troll , ===morons123===
Nice troll name by the way. It gives you away.
Why is that?
So we can all assume you will just run over anybody whose " IN THE FUCKING WAY". That is what you're insinuating,isn't it?
By the way you must have accrued a lot of PTO to be away from your so called job for so long. You must be a public sector union employee
"bloodsucking" from the taxpayers supporting your right to relive your '60s misadventure in protesting.
Nope--private sector all the way. I'm at OWS at lunchtime, after work, and on weekends. It takes some discipline and effort, but I don't drink, eat shitty food, or watch much TV, so I have plenty of extra energy to spare.
LMAO,that's real dedication there.
Again? This time see if you can pay attention and answer this.
So we can all assume you will just run over anybody whose " IN THE FUCKING WAY". That is what you're insinuating,isn't it?
Not insinuating. Saying.
Is this the way you talk to people in person? Do you speak to your children this way? It makes it very difficult to take you seriously with all the name calling and vulgarities. If you could state your beef in an adult manner you might actually find more common ground and support from those who could help your cause.
When you consider the sneering tone of the original poster (a tone that is pretty standard for the trolls on these boards), my response is pretty measured.
I'd have to disagree with you. Seems to me you responded in a more than sneering tone. As I said, hard to take you seriously. In fact your tone would cause most adults to harden their position were it contrary to yours.
you are stupid and a socialist and i would rather seceed from this great union than have your filthy kind anywhere near power. ah crap you already do with OBAMA. he aint worth the money he prints.
Let it be known that if I lived on Wallstreet or anywhere else you idiots stand outside of I would get through even if it meant some of you had broken noses that you so rightly deserve.
We're not idiots or deserve a broken nose
But you are a ========TROLL===========
For the record feel free to watch. I'm not scared of spineless protestors.
LOL when you change the electoral system let me know. all of these bloodsuckers as you call them will continue to get paid the big bucks. nothing you say or do will change it. again, go to a homeless shelter. donate your time. be productive. kids with cancer need a friend.
Apathy rules!
You are too lazy to fight the bloodsuckers, and you denigrate those who do. Really, go back to the TV, preferably the Cartoon Network.
fight the bloodsuckers? i really do want what you are smoking. may i suggest working harder and/or working toward a promotion?
Parasites are bleeding you to death and you won't lift a finger against them? Just deserts. Apathy rules!
FYI, I own my own business.
I think you're missing Scooby Doo ...
i dont watch Scooby Doo anymore I loved it as a kid. You know your ipad that was manufactured in China? Well you can probably watch whatever you want on it. "Parasites are bleeding you to death" You are a real drama queen huh? No one is bleeding me to death my friend. I learned many years ago that hard work pays off as did my family for many generations before me. I am so proud to be American and so proud of this wonderful county of ours.
It's not our country, it belongs to the corporations. We are taking it back.
You are the one who brought up "bloodsuckers".
I don't have an iPad. Ever wonder why they are made in China?
you are not taking back anything. you are holding up traffic.
It's only been 60 days, give us some time. And if you think traffic is bad now, just wait till the $600 trillion derivatives time bomb explodes.
and the US was behind 9/11 and Elvis is alive and Kennedy was shot by...
A picture is worth 1,000 words
Nucleus: How were you able to upload your photo? Thanks for posting that.
OMFG that is socialist liberals like yours fault omg your stupid
you are the lazy socialist not us
hey moron,
So nice of you to donate your time to the least fortunate amongst us. I was beginning to think you were a troll but I guess not all your behavior is troll-like.
Anyway, don't you have something better to do?
(We have a delusional movement to get back to if you don't mind. LoL)
Why aren't you volunteering more time for those cancer kids. They need you because otherwise nobody else cares. Many, especially in the world we're in now, don't have much compassion any more. I was raised by my parents to always donate my time for needy folks. It warms the heart. Makes you feel alive, and most of all, it cures that greedy tendency we all have. Reality check you could say.
Thanks for helping Moron!!!
i give my time several days a week with children, the elderly and with animals.
This movement will continue to grow. The silent majority will rise. I have work and very little extra time. But putting this country back in order has become (after my family) one of the most important things I will ever do in this lifetime.
then you are delusional. you are not putting this country back in order. you think you are; that is the comedy in all of this.
Then what I choose to do with my time, should not matter to you.
How incredibly selfish and thoughtless. Do you think your actions in anyway cause inconvenience or loss of income for some?
It matters if I have to pay for what you do with your time. For instance, if I am late to work because you have tied up traffic. Or I have to foot the bill for your arrests, or to clean up your mess left behind - then yes it does matter as to what you do with your time.
you are aware that Iraq tab YESTERDAY cost the country, and you the taxpayer, 400million and Afghanistan 300 million? yet you'll complain about $50,000 of police overtime? you need to get a sense of judgement and proportion.
and when you become one of the unemployed, finally return under employed....
except when you wake up my newborn and cause traffic that then causes me problems to get to work earn a living and feed my family. So in fact your disruptions do matter to me.
oh! you were talking to the protesters. It does seem somewhat disruptive to people who live nearby.. but at the same time, they INSPIRE me. :) I don't live anywhere near them. Though I wish I did!
no comment
Shouldn't you be down at Best Buy picking up some cool new gadgets to play with?
you mean like the one YOU are posting from that was produced in China?
Oh there we go reasonable use negates the argument of the activist==logical fallacy
What better way to spend the day, facilitating a conversation, taking back the message from the corporatocracy/the minority. Out of that conversation in November 2012, returning the framework for governance, the Constitution to the service of the majority!
you actually think you are doing that? i want what you are smoking. guess what? Goldman will be open for business monday making multi millions worldwide as will the rest of wall street. CEO's will make their huge bonuses, Tom Cruise will make $25M per movie, Derek Jeter will make $22M a year to play a kids game. This is American my friend and the sky is the limit. If you are an underachiever, look in the mirror and ask why. Stop pointing fingers.
underachiever? there is a capital markets attorney on this board who knows all too well what's wrong with about a million financial and commodity regulations, and how they blatantly coddle those who pay for those regulations to be drafted as such. he also knows exactly why you pay so much for gasoline, when supply/demand fundamentals would dictate a much lower price, but there is a particular UHNW (that's ultra-high net worth) group that benefits exclusively and directly from this CFTC regulation--if you're fine with getting hosed everyday and everywhere by these types of things, then go watch a reality TV show and be dumbed and numbed. or you can do something about it. your choice.
but i want to make clear one thing: don't think for one minute this group doesn't have quite a few incredibly bright, highly-compensated, high achieving people who support it 100%. don't underestimate, that can be dangerous.
yep, that sounds much better than standing up against oppression and trying to make a better life for our children, you convinced us, we will all convert to gardening and bird watching as a new hobby.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Barack Obama To Resign
"If the Occupy Wall Street protesters truly believed in the things that they are proclaiming, then they would be calling for the immediate resignation of Barack Obama and his entire cabinet. The truth is that the Obama administration is responsible for most of the things that Occupy Wall Street is supposedly complaining about. If the Occupy Wall Street protesters were intellectually honest, we would see a flood of anti-Obama signs during these demonstrations. But instead we have barely heard a peep of criticism for Obama. In fact, the vast majority of the protesters seem very excited about sending Obama back to the White House in 2012. As will be clearly demonstrated in the rest of this article, this makes the Occupy Wall Street protesters tremendous hypocrites. If Occupy Wall Street wants to have any credibility whatsoever, it needs to call for Barack Obama to resign. Either Occupy Wall Street protesters will call for Barack Obama to be held accountable for his actions, or they are just a bunch of sheep. They cannot preach to us about how principled they are and yet turn a blind eye to everything that Barack Obama has been doing for the past 3 years....."
You're right, America is wonderful and we are lucky to live here. But it's on the wrong track and has been for awhile now. We're trying to change that. Like all movements this one has had it's share of issues but it is far from over. We will not pack it in. We will learn from our mistakes and persevere.
morons123: speaking of kids dying of cancer- it's corporate greed at its finest. Have you read Daniel Haley's book, "Politics In Healing," or Ralph Moss's book, "The Cancer Industry"? I'm a mother, work full time, live meagerly, trade my skills, planted a garden and we get by. But now I get to watch my good friend dying because effective, nontoxic cancer teatments are unavailable. Why? because it would bring down the chemo and radiation house of cards. Well that just pisses me off! We need to speak loudly and clearly. Listen to what these people are saying, do the research and stand up for what is right. For the sickening truth, watch Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) @:
OWS is not taken seriously. They have become a nuisance. You are so sure these nontoxic treatments are effective? Be careful what you read and yes I have read Moss and Haley's books. Very interesting but does not mean it is the truth.
morons123: speaking of kids dying of cancer- its corporate greed at its finest. Have you read Daniel Haley's book, "Politics In Healing," or Ralph Moss's book, "The Cancer Industry"? I'm a mother, work full time, live meagerly, trade my skills, planted a garden and we get by. But now I get to watch my good friend dying because effective, nontoxic cancer teatments are unavailable. Why? because it would bring down the chemo and radiation house of cards. Well that just pisses me off! We need to speak loudly and clearly. Listen to what these people are saying, do the research and stand up for what is right. For the sickening truth, watch Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) @:
addressing morons123: speaking of kids dying of cancer- its corporate greed at its finest. Have you read Daniel Haley's book, "Politics In Healing," or Ralph Moss's book, "The Cancer Industry"? I live meagerly, I trade my skills, I planted a garden and I get by but now I get to watch my good friend dying because effective, nontoxic cancer teatments are unavailable because it would bring down the chemo and radiation house of cards, well that just pisses me off! We need to speak loudly and clearly. Listen to what these people are saying, do the research and stand up for what is right. For the sickening truth, watch Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) @:
sure you can work hard and better your life- I seem to be reading a lot of the taxing, economy issues- so what about when you get cancer and the FDA won't let you be cured because it would bring down the radiation and chemo house of cards? This is the straight and sad truth and we should not stand for it. Corporate greed at its finest! Read Daniel Haley's book, "Politics In Healing," or Ralph Moss's book, "The Cancer Industry," and stand up to the FDA. We need to speak loudly and specifically. For corporate the sickening truth, watch Dr Burzynski movie (FULL VERSION) @:
I had testicular cancer over 5 years ago and had all the treatments and surgery necessary. In fact my grandfather who is 92 takes his chemo by mouth everyday. His insurance covers these costs. Don't believe everything you read. Is Elvis still alive?
Yes! Boycott Toshiba
Toshiba uses UPS to help them commit warranty fraud by having you ship your damaged computer to Toshiba. Toshiba receives the computer and says the damage is not covered under warranty and if you question them, Toshiba says UPS did an investigation and determined you shipped the computer damaged. You call UPS and they say they have no record of a damage report but will not send you and written documentation. If you press UPS hard enough, Jamie Rogers of Legal will send you a generic letter saying they have no record of a damage report. If you try to contact Jamie Rogers, you can't because she is always out of the office and never returns calls.
UPS 55 Glenlake Parkway, NE Atlanta, GA 30328 404-828-4900
You should call UPS and ask to speak to Teri Plummer McClure. You can say Jamie Rogers knows Toshiba is using UPS' name to commit warranty fraud and she isn't doing anything about it. What are you going to do Terri?
We need your voices! Shout it out loud!
We want to know what you think about the protests!
This is a grand misuse of energy and as such, I really don't get why any of you are wasting your time being baited into a conversation with this person. You don't require his validation. Who cares what he thinks? This thread should have zero comments.
It's fun!
Did you say the same thing about the tea party?
No. We have nothing better to do than protect democracy.
Christ, in his time, left the kingdom of the Father and of his own accord - took the crucifix. What do you think - "What for?".
People, joining together, in search of a better tomorrow can hardly be deemed as manifesting negative energy. Negative energy is inherent in your words, "no one really cares", et. al. There is a monumental difference between seeking change and fearing it.
Have no fear, we are in the right time and place. You are correct, in that you can, "buy a plane ticket and go to another country that offers you what you are looking for. no one asked you to stay here in the wonderful country of ours."
Be well and thrive.
That Martin Luther King would have listened to you, or Cesar Chavez, or Ghandi, or the many others who saw a troubled world and would not sit idly by
The OWS are the destroyers of apathy like those mentioned before. I would love to take a walk, smell the fresh air, or take a bike ride but my humanity tells me that people need help and I cannot sit Idly by.
Thank you OWS, you are the true patriots of this country.
I have time to better society. better to do than support a movement who promises to improve the human.condition. I say there is not much better
improve the human condition? by holding up traffic and being disruptive and belligerent?
We use the only means we have
I would suggest the same thing to you...take a walk? smell the fresh air? take a bike ride? read a book? listen to music?
great idea thanks. i could only imagine what it must be like when you yell and no one hears you.
well you replied right?
yes i did i will say it again, you are not accomplishing anything. You are annoying people like me who live and work in the area. If that is your goal then great job. Continue to alienate yourselves.
will do!!!!!!!!!!!!
stay tuned, perhaps read a book Hartmann's deeply footnoted, Unequal Protection, or Web of Debt. Don't like to read, how about the documentary Inside Job?
morons123 ............................Do you totally agree with the following...and by the way love it or leave it is the bullshit of the ignorant..................I for one am happy our Founding Fathers didn't follow your advise................................. .The development of a modern efficient political system, especially lobbying, by top earners — and particularly corporate executives and the financial services industry. According to political scientists Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson writing in the book Winner-Take-All Politics, the end of the 1970s saw a transformation of American politics away from a focus on the middle class, with new, much more effective and well-financed lobbyists and pressure groups acting on behalf of upper income groups................................................... Executives successfully eliminated any countervailing power or oversight of corporate managers (from private litigation, boards of directors and shareholders, the Securities and Exchange Commission or labor unions)........................................... The financial industry's success came from successfully pushing for deregulation of financial markets, allowing much more lucrative but much more risky investments from which it privatized the gains........................................................... while socializing the losses with government bailouts....................... (the two groups formed about 60% of the top 0.1% of taxpayers.) All top earners were helped by deep cuts in estate and capital gains taxes, and tax rates on high levels of income.................................................................................................................................................Krugman postulated another theory:
A change in norms of corporate culture rather than pure economics. While corporate executives had (or could develop) the ability to pay themselves very high compensation through control of corporate boards of directors, they restrained themselves....................................... The New Deal imposed norms of relative equality in pay and executives followed those norms for more than 30 years, but in the late 1970s there was a "relaxation of old strictures, a new permissiveness", in American management akin to the sexual revolution of the 1960's. "By the end of the 1990's, the executive motto might as well have been If it feels good, do it.............................................................," and the average real annual compensation of the top 100 C.E.O.'s skyrocketed from $1.3 million -- 39 times the pay of an average worker -- to $37.5 million, more than 1,000 times the pay of ordinary workers from 1982to 2002............................................... Journalist George Packer, writing in Foreign Affairs magazine, also sees the dramatic increase in inequality in America as a product of the change in attitude of the American elite, which (in his view) has transitioning itself from pillars of society to a special interest group. .................................................................................................................................................... According to the Congressional Budget Office, between 1979 and 2007 incomes of the top 1% of Americans grew by an average of 275%. During the same time period, the 60% of Americans in the middle of the income scale saw their income rise by 40%. Since 1979 the average pre-tax income for the bottom 90% of households has decreased by $900, while that of the top 1% increased by over $700,000, as federal taxation became less progressive. From 1992-2007 the top 400 income earners in the U.S. saw their income increase 392% and their average tax rate reduced by 37%. In 2009, the average income of the top 1% was $960,000 with a minimum income of $343,927.
why are so concerned about what others make? worry about your own income. take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming others for your problems.
if you don't like it move. this is a great country; while not perfect my guess is you don't have the balls to get up and move because you know it is no better anywhere else. like i said, go do something productive. you are wasting your time. you are making fools of yourselves and in fact the silent majority that was beginning to listen has lost interest. enough already. you are sounding like school girls crying that someone stole your candy.
Guess what? I DON'T like it, and I'm NOT going to move. You know why? Because I was born here, and this is MY country. Why would I move? I don't like criminals running MY government and looting MY treasury, and I'm going to make sure they pay for their crimes, one way or the other. And the best part is, I absolutely KNOW that lazy cowards like you won't get in my way! won't do shit. I've dealt with sniveling little twats like you my whole life, and your specialty is DOING NOTHING. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that....
i do plenty. i give back tremendously to this city and this country. i give money and more importantly i give my time. the real sadness in all of this is you really believe you are going to make a change. you are going to make sure "they pay for their crimes." and just how are you going to do this? by walking over a bridge, disrupting traffic, sleeping in your urine in a dirty tent? if you told me you were going to law school and your goal was to get laws changed then that would make sense and I would wish you good luck. you people say you want to do something but have no clue what you are doing.
why all the whining? if you don't like ows then move on, nobody is keeping you here. perhaps you feel that america is the greatest country but if you want to live the american dream you'll have a better chance of doing it in denmark or sweden. you have no idea of how life is like in other countries and by watching tv you'll always believe america is the greatest. travel, you'll learn about the world.
the link below might give you some useful info
i am not whining. i love NY love America love my job and my family. I am very blessed. this country has been and continues to be wonderful to me and my family and has been for generations. is it perfect? no. will it ever be? no. has it ever been? no.
morons123....Obviously you have no you tell me to move!........................Your a Troll.
i responded. not much more to say. take responsibility for your life and stop counting everybody's bonus and pay. wouldn't it be nice if you earned a bonus this year? i hope you do. some who makes less may think it is too much. imagine the nerve of some people. stop bitching and earn your pay. mommy lied when she told you life was going to be easy.
in switzerland where live its traditional to give a month's pay for an x-mas bonus (most companies do) and by law we get 4weeks paid vacation per year. america doesn't look so attractive if you've seen something of the world.
actually my wife gets a larger bonus than that and 6 weeks paid vacation. I have traveled all over the world have seen some beautiful countries and I still would not live anywhere else. This is my home. You certainly can leave anytime. One of the many beauties of this country is our freedom. No one is forcing you to stay.
your wife is an exception but here almost everyone gets a bonus and 4 weeks paid vacation BY LAW. you can't even come close to that in the us. being a tourist is not the same as living in another country. until you do you really don't have any idea about what we're talking about. being a tourist in the us is not the same as working and living in the us.
Again no rebuttal just your warped opinion............Your a Troll.
okay chuck i am warped and a troll. keep up the good work. you are doing a great job holding up traffic.
morons123......I feel your admitting to being a Troll is an accomplishment.......Let others be warned moron123................. is an admitted Troll
Nope. I just want to bang on the drum all day.
All you liberals are the same you want to steal the hard earned money of us working class people. the only reason you are doing this little peice of crap occupy wall street is because you cant afford to live your fast paced lifestyle anymore. you cant party all night long, or buy your drugs. or whatever. im not paying for your crap. so stop with the Socialist BS and go find a job thats not in NewYork and do something usefull with your pathetic life
Your pathetic.
And your a troll.
Go find another playground troll.
very well put