Forum Post: Don Barack Corleone
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 6, 2013, 9:27 p.m. EST by DeathsHead1
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So the president claims the authority to put anyone on his drone kill list. Criteria is vague at best. Is this worse than water boarding?
Not worse than allowing 9-11 and lying us into a bogus War on Terror!
So you agree with Obama s kill list. Okay.
the ultimate stupididty -
pretend that someone said something they did not say
Actually I was replying to a post.
You do know that the primary objective in war is to kill people, right?
I don't "agree" at all with anything about this Fraudulent Bush-Cheney War. But since we are stuck with it and we can't just leave (Why? I don't know) then I want the fewest casualties possible. Drones are designed for that objective. If you send a bunch of soldiers into enemy territory many more casualties ensue.
our terrorist government can decide you are a threat to national security and may kill you without explanation. So keep your mouth shut
gotta sell those US weapons
Yes. I know all that. Most people don't. Your point?
Don't ya just love the complete hypocrisy of the low information Obama voter? They can't compute or spin this situation in to a positive for Don Barack.
It really just sickens me how this shit is glossed over and completely buried by the MSM Obama media and these low information clowns will support this piece of shit no matter what.
the ny times and washington post knew about secret drone bases and was asked ( told) by obama administration not to report on for 1 year. marines go through waterboarding, uncomfortable , yes, torture, no. but the obama adminstration will outright murder americans and the libs dont say anything about it.
Hey the younger generation voted for him so they know what they are doing by making him president again - stop complaining and learn to deal with it - it isn't going to change anytime soon.
The younger generation chose the lesser of two corporate evils...buying themselves time to forge revolt before the two parties and corporate oligarchy copulated out their giant three headed beast...pick whichever head you want to rule you since your own head appears to be hidden elsewhere I won't say where but you can probably guess my drift...but Occupy wants to stab the beast in the belly and live in the fresh clean air of new system and our own minds free to follow our own path.
Well if you talk "revolt" get back to me in 20 or so years - maybe just maybe we might be a "socialists" country and those who want to have "minimum necessities" and be happy with that to live on go for it.