Forum Post: Does Your Vote Make a Difference?
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 5, 2012, 3:09 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Conservatives and fools say: Republicans and Democrats take corporate money. There's little difference between them.
Hitler built roads and infrastructure, among other things, that helped to stimulate the German economy.
Stalin ran a state that owned almost everything.
Churchill nationalized oil and formed British Petroleum as a state owned corporation.
Roosevelt built roads and other infrastructure, among other things, that helped to stimulate the American Economy.
Conservatives and fools, if consistent in illogic, would conclude: There is no differences among Hitler, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt.
No matter who we elect, the corporatist ruling elite will continue to run America down. But who openly supports the corporate tyrants and who will limit, however so slightly, the tyranny that rules America?
Maybe Two can understand what's written if its spelled out tediously?
The sheep may cease to follow when the corporate shepards allow the flock's lambs to go hungry. The politicians are just higgler sheep. They'll follow us when we take their bosses down.
Read 'How Does That Work' at:
Read the post as edited to make it tediously obvious enough for conservative fools. [conservative fools is also redundant] Does Two know what redundant means?
The sheep may cease to follow when the corporate shepards allow the flock's children to go hungry. The politicians are just higgler sheep. They'll follow us when we take their bosses down.
You cannot stop the sheep from backing corporate candidates. They almost flat out refuse to do anything besides that.
Indeed. I will again be voting 3rd party for Prez this year...Gary Johnson. I realize it's like a vote for Obama, but I don;t see much diff bt him and Romney. The leftists on this forum can vote for Jill Stein. If and when the total of votes cast for non D/R candidates hits 20% or so, we may finally be able to break the 2 party/corporate stranglehold on our government.
Millenia ago, when reductio absurdum was probably first employed, they couldn't predict Two's inability to observe the obvious.
Voting cannot change anything!
No difference between "Hitler, & Roosevelt"? That is clearly wrong. sorry. It is a false comparison. Like saying no difference between a tennis ball and an orange because they are both round.
But in terms of voting: Voting cannot change anything alone. We must also Protest, pressure, agitate for progressive change to benefit the 99%, to pass campaign/electoral change to end the party duopoly, and to implement real direct democracy!
Replace pro 1% conservatives with pro 99% progressives.
"It's the only way to be sure"
I see....his royal ignorance agkaiser says.."There is no differences among Hitler, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt".
Somebody Better check the psychiatric hospital, and see who's out of their bunk and posting here.
cuckoo cuckoo
Hey chucklehead...any difference between Hitler and Ghandi? Or Stalin and Mother Theresa?
The fucking moron says there is no difference between two of the greatest mass murderers in the history of planet Earth....and Churchill.
What a fucking asshole.