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Forum Post: DOCUMENTARY: Looking for Occupiers

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 1:45 p.m. EST by Evabodine (18) from New York, NY
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Hello, Fellow Occupiers!

My name is Eva Bodine, and I'm a videographer living in Harlem. I'm so overjoyed and inspired by our movement, and it's already changed my life, giving me fire and passion about my Government, and the way our country is run. I've been apathetic most of my adult life, not really engaging, thinking that's just the way things are, and there's nothing to be done about it. I'm so grateful for this movement for shaking me up, giving me something to aim for...!

In that vein, as a Creative-- Writer, Photographer, Filmmaker-- I want to share this experience with people across our country, around the world.

So I'm looking for people here in New York, who are willing to give them over to the cause, in this way. If you're an artist, singer, poet, actor with a relevant monologue, or just someone that wants to share their thoughts and experience, please let me know:


I also have a page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Occupy-Movement-A-Tribute/111661405609506

Can't wait to meet each of you!



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