Forum Post: Do you remember yourself as being loving?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 11:30 p.m. EST by mutualminds
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I'm talking more about us remembering who we really are. I'm not speaking from a Christan point of view or any other organized fear based or grace based, etc. religions. I'm talking about a individual inventory of self. "Self-Realization" of a conscious awareness of self. Basically this self realization of self would make God whole in the understanding of what true love is. Before us when all there was was God, God could only imagine what true love was. God couldn't experience it. So God took a part of self and placed over here/there. That smaller part of self still knew the whole as all love. This Intelligent Being knew that to know what true love was, loves opposite had to be made. These are the only two emotions the soul knows, all other emotions are a sub emotion of either love or fear. Fear is an illusion, we make it up in our mind. We decide what direction we live our life on. So yes God is all love but love takes on all spectrum's of life. That is why I tell people if you want to see God in action go to an A.A. meeting. Those 12 steps described in A.A. has brought many people to a new understanding of life and the power of the mind. A self-realization of who they are. America needs a self-realization in a conscious awareness for an ending for what we want. Do we want a split in the class of people? Do we want to do away with the middle class of people in America? Or, do we want to remember ourselves as being all love. That love is all there is. America will send a message world wide and in doing so we need to know that those evil people we call evil are to bring us to that understanding of what the true love of God is all about. But now that fear has taken over our thoughts the power of collective thoughts prevail. It will be through the strength of our belief that our faith shall make it so. Much like how the consumer confidence effects Wallstreet.
I guess the question to ask is where does each of us stand in our understanding of the love of God. Can we as humans find our equal to God status as all love. Can we love unconditionally if we choose. I found my way home, can you find yours. I share my spiritual teachers on my website only for others to also experience what I've experienced. I ask no money or anything in return. Your on your own journey.
Remember how Jesus taught us to pray, pray as if you already received it. I don't feel that Jesus is the only way to some place called heaven. God doesn't make mistakes and didn't send Jesus to clean any up. Jesus came to bring us a new awareness of who we really are. Who are you? Can you live heaven on earth as many live a hell on earth. What is heaven? Heaven is peace, love, joy etc. and can't we live that here on earth also?
Christians are the devil, most CEO's and Lobbyist and the Devil himself George Bush are christians
They are very egoistic people with an agenda to suppress people. But I wouldn't say the devil because I don't believe in a hell. I can't generalize and call all people mean spirited...but I do understand what it is your saying.
Jesus never taught you anything. Your pedophilic priest who 'touched' you did
Thank you for sharing your level of understanding. You have much to gain.