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Forum Post: Do you really believe in HOPE or Change can come from US government

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 10:51 p.m. EST by anarchism101 (23)
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Wasn't that WHY we the 'left' elected the OREO-OBAMA hope&change and send all the bankers who put him in office in prison?

Yes the 'endgame' for occupy is to recognize, that this mysterious 1% stole something from us? and what exactly did they steal? and who are 'they'?

So the DNC's last candidate didn't have the balls to send anyone to jail, why should the future be different?

The only hope of controlling the 99% MIND is to get control of TV, but the MIL-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX already owns that, so how in the hell are you going to educate the 99%?

There will be NO arrests, never have been, never will be. WHITE COLLAR CRIME always pay's, always has, always will. The USA is a kleptocracy, a government ran by common criminals, always has been, always will be.

The USA is a failed prison colony, today its a nation of morons who believe that they're #1, a 3rd world country in a delusion after 50 years of consuming stolen goods, sort of like a big fucking party, and no hope of paying off the credit card. The parents themselves are crooks as were the grand-parents. Now the grand-kids have awaken to the fact that the Party is OVER.

It's best to watch this unfold from a distance,



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[-] 1 points by anarchism101 (23) 12 years ago

6% shadow stat's, or 6% labor stat's? :)

Yes, in 18 months re-elected OBAMA-OREO start's WWIII and we have full employment, ... yeah but how will it be funded? Do you really think the Chinese will loan us money to kill Chinese kids?

[-] 1 points by leavethecities (318) 12 years ago

I believe hope is something that internal to prople not thing. Hope is a state of being. Government does change things. Im very optimistic about the future, less tha 6 percent unemployment in 18 months.