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Forum Post: Do we move forward as a nation under God? Who say's? Why?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 9:21 p.m. EST by mutualminds (129)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Doing is the function of the body. We have to do this and that because it's expected of us. Our children and jobs make us act that way. We are doers as humans. We are also Beings. Human Beings or Spiritual Beings you decide what you want to be.

Being is the function of the soul. The body is always doing something, it's either doing the best for the soul, or in-spite of the soul. The quality of life will hang in the balance of it. The soul is forever Being, it is Being what it's Being regardless of what the body is doing. If you think your life is about doingness then you don't know or understand what life is all about. Your soul doesn't care what you do for a living and when your life is over neither will you. Who are you? Do you live life on love or fear.

Republicans have much fear and want to share that fear with all people to keep you suppressed. If you don't like something then change your thoughts about it. The mind is very powerful and Republicans would like for you to be in a no-mind state when your listening to them so they can lead you because people in general like to be led. To busy to think for themselves.

Michael, www.equaltogod.com



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[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

When does God come into the picture?

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

Don't you just love it when people can't bring God into their lives.
Is it shame, guilt or laziness. Many just like to show up at church for one day out of the week and let the church do their thinking for them. No wonder church attendance is down 25% and spiritually is running high with further interest. Fear must be at work here because that's the difference between organized religions and spiritually. No fear in being spiritual.

Must be a God thing.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

Not a topic I guess.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

Well said betuadollar.

Yes republicans are people too. They labeled themselves as we all labeled ourselves in one way or another. But now when the people they voted for are bringing the self-realization of who they are, it upsets people because that's not who they are. I'm only asking people to ask themselves, who am I?

If God experiences life through us under a nation that proclaims itself to be under God's guidance, then why can't we let our experiences unfold to discover? proclaim? or just to have a self-realiation that we are who we are. Who are we/you? That is all I'm asking from people, are you all love or all fear? Those are the only two emotions the soul really knows, all other emotions are a sub-emotion from one of those two. Love and fear directs our actions of every event of our lives. We as doers, (people? Americans?) need to take ownership, we can do that either now or when were not a doer any more but just a Being. Just a Being means (from experience) that when all is taken from you, your no longer this or that, your role as a doer is over. You lie there with just your mind. Who are you then? You may be facing death or just woke up from a car wreck. It's then that you ask yourself who am I now? That is the question, are you a spiritual being or just a simple human being? If death is approaching you go further and discover more about your beingness. In the end like that I found that it's not the love that you leave behind, it's the love you take with you when you die or death is approaching. All this other BS doesn't matter. Neither does your job or what you did for a living. Michael

[-] 1 points by FreedomIZALie (3) 13 years ago

Your speech only speaks for White culture. America has been judified and everything vulgar and ugly glorified, the negro, the homosexual, the deviant, the criminal, the jew..... all revered as false gods

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

That's your thinking about it. I bet you even believe in a hell. You are hell on legs.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

Says who? you? How about just speaking for yourself. I'm out to solve problems. To solve this one you must think your better then God if you don't want to partnership with God to correct this problem. Or is it your lack of experience with a Oneness with God? Why do you feel it doesn't correlate with the problem. Many republican imagine themselves to be Christian and God like. I differ with them on that and can point out truths about them to show otherwise. So let me ask you again, how is it that bringing a self-realization of the person you are, harmful. Do you like to lie to yourself and expect others to buy into it as well. That's a control issue you have then. There is nothing wrong with being a republican as long as you accept ownership for it. That's not the kind of guy I am. I have a soul that's One with God. Don't worry about going to a hell. My God doesn't make mistakes and didn't send His son Jesus to clean up any mistakes God made. Jesus came to bring us new thought. Much like me. We're both rebels. Michael.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

christian fascist genocidal war and death cults don't help any problems. I don't think i am better than GOD- i simply know your alleged so called god is a stupid infantile fantasy used to cage peoples minds. As far as my personal experience with one ness, i have. As far as the REAL GOD, i have experienced that deeply and i have great chats with GOD all the time. One of the things the REAL GOD tells me is that your "God" is a pack of lies and BS designed to control and sheeple herd the masses.

let me state again. there is no self realization inside of false god and false religions designed to keep everyone ignorant, stupid, and emotionally stunted.

Do not lie to us and expect anybody here to have any sympathy for your stupid evil religion.

there is everything wrong with being a republican, just like there is everything wrong with being a so called dem. Participation in either party makes you an enemy of the people.

You have a soul thats one with god... lol. Thats nonsensical on all sorts of levels. the first of which, is that is true of EVERYONE, the second of half of that being you imagine that its somehow exclusive to YOU- another proof of your evil fascist religion, and another proof that you are in fact separated from actual GOD.

Your not a rebel, your a sheeple bah. Real rebels don't prop up stupid fascist evil sheeple herding religions.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

You still don't get it. I don't have a religion. I have a Oneness with God. Many call it enlightenment. You can call me anything you want. So it is!

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

we do not need any stupid evil crackpotted christian nonsense trying to co-opt this movement. Your god does not exist, your religion is fascist, and your religion is detached from reality. you wouldn't know who yeshua is , and you have no business trying to interject a stupid evil fascist genocidal war cult into this.

It does not correlate positively with the problem. it correlates very well as PART of the problem. Religion has been used by republicans against the people and christianity is in fact one more enemy of the people participating in dumbing down the population, fighting against truth, fighting against science, and creating assorted exploitable wedge issues for republicans to use to get dupes to vote against their own better interests.

There is no self realization inside of a stupid evil fascist cult, which has the express function of limiting us to beta brainwaves and denying people access to altered states of consciousness. that is not self realization, it is the opposite- dumble down and spiritual warfare.

so please take your stupid evil fascist genocidal war cult, back to your private little hell and off this forum.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

Now, what is Jesus' true given name? His name is recorded in the original scriptures as YASHUA BEN YOSEF. This is translated into English directly as "Annointed One who is Son of Joseph." Then how did we end up calling him "Jesus"? That's simply a habit we've fallen into. "Jesus" is a mistranslation into English from a mistranslation into Latin from a Mistranslation from the Greek word "Iesous" from a rough translation from the oirignal Hebrew "Yashua" (or "Yeshua"). The name "Jesus" never existed in any culture until it was cobbled together over many centuries of inept scriptural translations. In fact, there was never even a letter "J" in the Roman alphabet until the 17th century. Certain Romance languages (i.e. those based upon original Latin) such as Italian to this day still do not include the letter "J" in their alphabet.

Who's the crackpot here? Your lack of experience with God doesn't justify your anger, only the level of your own serf-realization. Yes religion is a huge part of the problem and the lack of understanding as you pointed out is the issue here. Thanks again for showing me the importance of bringing a higher power into this. I hope you don't get left behind.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

almost right. Yeshua ben Yeoseph. how you manage to miss the extra few letters is a fine question. The actual origin of "Jesus" is dionYSIUS which decays into YSIUS, JSIUS, Jesus. So your so called god is actually a hybrid between a factual person, and dionysius.

Who is the crack pot here? the people promoting a stupid evil fascist death and war cult false god.

my lack of experience with god? hahahahahaha. I actually have meaningful contact with the REAL GOD. You guys are merely lying to yourselves and faking it.

You can't bring a higher power into this- you can only bring in an evil fascist war and death and genocide cult.

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

Doing is the function of the body. We have to do this and that because it's expected of us. Our children and jobs make us act that way. We are doers as humans. We are also Beings. Human Beings or Spiritual Beings you decide what you want to be.

Being is the function of the soul. The body is always doing something, it's either doing the best for the soul, or in-spite of the soul. The quality of life will hang in the balance of it. The soul is forever Being, it is Being what it's Being regardless of what the body is doing. If you think your life is about doingness then you don't know or understand what life is all about. Your soul doesn't care what you do for a living and when your life is over neither will you. Who are you? Do you live life on love or fear.

You may have heard/read what I said, but did you understand what it is I'm saying?

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

I tend to think that Republicans are people, too.

One Nation under God... it's our national motto simply stated: We cannot, and must not, answer to corrupt governance because we must one day (perhaps NOW) answer to a higher power. Historically it's a whole big thing... huge... but It was a "radical" approach to deference of power in light of moral corruption. Or stated another way - it served to empower the individual. One Nation Under God we shall remain, and if you don't believe me, then ask our minority subcultures because there is absolutely no thought whatsoever to secularism in their camps.

[-] 0 points by Joeschmoe1000 (270) 13 years ago

Pooing is a function of the body. We have to do this and it is expected of us. our children and jobs make us act. We are pooers as humans. We are also peeing. Humble peeing or special peeing you decide where you want to pee.

Peeing is a function of the bladder. The body is always pooing the best for the bladder or in spite of the bladder. The quality of life will hang in the balance of it. The bladder is forever peeing, it is peeing and what it's peeing regardless of what the body is pooing. If you think that your life is about pooingness then you don't know or understand what life is all about. Your bladder doesn't care what you poo for a living and when your life is over neither will you . Who are you? Do you live to pee or to poo.?

Republicans have much fear and want to share their fear of all pee-ers to keep you suppressed. If you don't like something then change your thoughts about it. The mind is very powerful and the poo people would like for you to be in a no pee state when listening to them so they and lead you to poo people in general like to pee in bed. Too busy deficating to hear themselves stink.

Joe. www.equaltome

[-] 1 points by mutualminds (129) 13 years ago

You are so special. Keep up the good work you pooing and peeing fool.