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Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 2:42 a.m. EST by strivehappy (31)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is the biggest threat to the movement, that will turn it into a political party affiliated thing. Not Michael Moore, not Van Jones, not Roseanne, they have good intentions but don't understand our struggles, and will turn it into a socialist movement. PLEASE speak to the media and say that those people are a very small of a diverse group and don't represent us



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[-] 2 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

You see there, sport, the problem is that this IS a leftist "socialist" movement.

I know that there's tons of Ron Paul libertarians like yourself showing up because they got kicked out of the Tea Party, but that's just tough cookies. You're in our house now, and the American looter-class is not going to just volunteer to return all the money they stole to the American people. There will need to be "redistribution". Fines for the criminals and taxes for the rest.

I know that fact burns you Paulites up, but we tried your "coddle the rich" plan during 8 years of the Bush Administration, and the economy collapsed. We've been trying the same trickle-down crap since Reagan and have only driven the country deeper and deeper into the ditch.

It's time to give genuine Liberalism a try, again. After all, it worked pretty well when you libertarian Hooverites blew up the economy, last time.

[-] 1 points by strivehappy (31) 12 years ago

I feel sorry for your thinking, all that will happen is the government will get bigger and the problem will get worse, get ready for NWO

[-] 2 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

"New World Order" - A term coined by another guy who hated "liberals" and "socialism": George Bush.

Just because Obama stabbed us liberals in the back doesn't mean that we dirty socialist commie liberals are going to forget who our real enemies are - or who supported them and only found their "principles" after a black guy became President.

[-] 2 points by AvgJane2 (20) from Nashville, TN 12 years ago

Don't let anyone just SAY they support OWS. They need to show it by their actions. Maybe the unions could help some people get jobs. Maybe stars could anonymously provide food, moral support, sanitation facilities, shelter, clothing... WITHOUT their photographers and publicists by their sides. Maybe politicians could show it by actually pushing to fix a few problems. SHOW, don't tell.

[-] 2 points by Alan (8) 12 years ago

our votes, taxes, work and even silence are empowering an evil system that makes money more important than us; this is stupidity, incitement to crime , slavery and huge crime; "our" system is exploiting and killing us and our earth. Your vote and money are killing people through injustice : dehumanization, unlimited greed, unemployment, bankruptcy, poverty, hunger, incitement to crime, a gambling economy, the gambling industry, insecurity, depression, discrimination, pollution, wastage of resources, occupations, wars, terrorism and all the illnesses and pollution that come with all these crimes

The only legal system that can work for our world is the system that respects, protects & serves the human, the earth and the universe and that has the interest of all these as the only aim of all its laws. Life (including our children & earth) is precious and nothing is more important than it, not even "the country", "economy or money", power, politicians, "democracy" or any political system. This system can only be built on our human values including love because only these values can take care of life; this system is goodness. All the other systems are evil and only are killing the human and his earth. A child can understand this. I wonder why our "philosophers" and "thinkers" missed or ignored this fact. I think they all failed to understand the simple fact that goodness is for all and evil is also for all; they all thought that they can win with injustice and an evil system.

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

You just posted this exact thing in another forum....why?


[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

Why did you just post this exact response in another forum?

[-] 1 points by jhfgs888 (2) 12 years ago

强烈支持美国人民争取民主自由的正义革命 means "Great support to the American people's righteous protest for the democracy and freedom".

[-] 1 points by jhfgs888 (2) 12 years ago

强烈支持美国人民争取民主自由的正义革命 means "Great support to the American people's righteous protest for the democracy and freedom".

[-] 1 points by drfeelrotten (18) 12 years ago

So... in essence you're asking for loosely organized anarchy? That won't work. Someone will have to speak up or nothing will change. 9 million demands will water things down to an incoherent message of rambling nonsense.

[-] 1 points by strivehappy (31) 12 years ago

It has to be focused on the biggest issues, which IMO is the federal reserve and money influence in our politics, not more government

[-] 1 points by jakjones (5) 12 years ago

yes, Google controlled opposition. Then you will understand some of these are counter intell

[-] 1 points by Socialmedic (3) 12 years ago

Michael Moore is an iconoclast, the first man in this nation to project the face of the traditional left in the face of the fascist takeover of the USA. This being so, this man has more balls than anyone in America. And hw has shown, Suffering humanity can ALWAYS count on HIM to be there. Anti-Wall Street is a leftward move after more than 30 years of Wall Street dictatorship infiltration of our government brought on us by the Right. Wall Street IS Right Wing America. This movement is against the right wing fascist takeover of USA.

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

No, that is what "they" want you to believe. The same people like Moore who have become millionaires off feeding you propaganda are the same ones who are telling you that capitalism is evil. Moore has some awesome exposes but, in the end his only solutions are socialism, a system of govt that does not work. If it did, social security would not be bankrupt. Besides, the whole idea that we contribute our tax dollars now so we can benefit from it later is predicated upon the idea that forthcoming generations will pitch in the amount needed. This is the fatal flaw in the new deal (even though they new it wouldn't work but sounded great at the time) because it didn't take in to account that future generations would not be nearly as large as the baby boomers. We have a negative birth rate in this country. When social security began, there were approximately 15 people putting in for every one taking out. Now its a 1:1 ratio or even less. Its only a matter of time before it collapses so instead they just make more bailouts....so your kids grandchildren are already committed to debt before they're born. And then they blame it on Wall St or conservatives...go figure that one. If liberals were anti-Wall St why did they vote for Obama, a shill who keeps top Goldman Sachs people responsible for the breakdown in charge. He's in bed with them. He's a puppet for them. He's owned.

Right now America is pissed off about the current situation but, they're only reacting to a series of events that were initiated long ago. OWS' demands are just a step further off the cliff we're already falling off of. In order to correct the problem, we need true capitalism, not the corporatism that people like Moore would have you believe is real capitalism. We need to reduce the size of the govt. We need to stop promising protections to large institutions. Corporations write the laws that govt signs. Bottom line, we're where we are because of too much govt intervention! End of story.

[-] 1 points by skbird (2) 12 years ago

Hello, my friend, capitalism itself isn't evil, it's greed that's evil. Let's clarify. My best friend is a corporation with an employee of one --- HERSELF! Greed has always held a place in human history, and this includes communism, which was meant to be the antithesis of greed, but instead discovered another more insidious version of it: government bureaucracy, and the privilege of power. We bring greed into every aspect of society, from the personal to the corporate, to our governments.... I think we sometimes get freaked out if we think people want to keep us from possibly achieving that American dream of getting rich or succeeding. But this is a diversion. Succeed. Make that million.

Michael Moore focuses on Capitalism gone bad. Me? I'm a capitalist and a liberal. Can it be? Atheist/moralist. It's not all back and white. We ALL have more in common than we think. Let's not let the wedge manipulators make chumps of us all.

[-] 1 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

Your friend is a human being that created a legal fiction to protect her personal assets in the event of business failure.

One of the many reasons I laugh at libertarians who defend corporations is that they are always hating on the government, yet they adopt a practically worshipful attitude toward a legal construct of the government (a corporation).

A legal construct that was primarily formed to evade personal responsibility for one's business mistakes should not be the main influencer of government policy. Bribes are not free speech.

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago


See, Michael Moore is totally against Capitalism. He doesn't explain to his followers the difference between TRUE capitalism and CORPORATISM. He has an agenda. He gives a lot of truth but, in the end he only directs you toward socialism. He plays on the ignorance of the average man.


[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

You're right. I'm not left or right but, I recognize there are certain principles that cannot be violated and when you do, you get certain results. Man has been trying to figure this out or fight against these principles for centuries.

You cannot remove greed. You cannot make life fair. You cannot legislate equality. You can ban bullying but, it will still go on. You can ban murders but, people will still get murdered.

My contention is that the govt, in its efforts to make things fair and to eliminate things like greed, has actually made things worse, not better. When we minimize govt down to the essentials, and let the markets do what they will, we will have a better society overall. The result of our current situation is ALL from govt intervention. For instance, if we didn't bail out those banks, the correction (albeit painful) would have occurred. Furthermore, it probably never would have been necessary because people would not have invested in these derivatives if they knew the govt would NOT bail them out. Since they were given the assurances, they went ahead and invested in financial products that were ridiculous. Its the same thing as if you went to Vegas, and the casino told you that no matter how much you gamble and loose, they would cover you.

[-] 1 points by Socialmedic (3) 12 years ago

I would add that Prince Charles could be a wealthy ally in this cause. This man is committed to the preservation of the natural environment and the growth and proliferation of organic ergo nutritious foods. I do not think you have to accept him as king to acknowledge the wealth of effort he has given in this area.

[-] 1 points by ThatSkepticGuy (4) 12 years ago

"I would add that Prince Charles could be a wealthy ally in this cause. This man is committed to the preservation of the natural environment and the growth and proliferation of organic ergo nutritious foods."

So being an anti-science representative of a billion dollar industry that sells marked-up food based on a lie that it's more healthy or nutritious (it's not) makes him a hero for the Working Class? Whatever.

[-] 1 points by RP2012 (86) 12 years ago

He is committed to telling people not take baths while he rides around in trains and private airplanes.

If the top environmentalists would follow their own advice, they wouldn't have to be out there promoting constantly.

[-] 1 points by Hicard (30) 12 years ago

Its tanking with union affiliation ... fail!

If you want organization, get shirts that have printed on them "occupy wall St." Then make them multicolored to represent each person role in each section of the camp, maybe you have 4 sections total.

I was at the camp in SF today, and it was not approachable at all, they need Greeters and a welcome sign.

The barriers of society are sick I think we all agree so camps must look at them and do their best to dissolve them, a welcome sign might help the homeless enclave image people see.

Overall people were nice and friendly, especially Steven the camp scribe. Hard to miss the wide eyed spun kids and homeless tho. That said I still plan to help when I can.

Best, J

[-] 1 points by AvgJane2 (20) from Nashville, TN 12 years ago

My unions reply should have gone here. I think all HONEST support is welcome, and I'm glad to see so much of it. But occupiers need to be very wise and wary of who might have hidden motives. Accept all support graciously but conditionally, that nothing is expected in return, such as publicity, etc. I too am rather frightened that some of the biggest unions are right at the top of the list of supporters.

[-] 1 points by Socialmedic (3) 12 years ago

I am sorry but I can think of at least one celebrity who deserves a nod by this movement, Leonardo di Caprio and another Matt Damon ... both who have spoken loudly at the risk of their careers on social issues ... the right ones. Take care with those of whom have power which you alienate.

[-] 1 points by ThatSkepticGuy (4) 12 years ago

How the Hell have either Matt Damon or DiCaprio put their careers at risk by parroting the same empty-headed, self-defeating socialist BS that wealthy elitist Hollywood worships?

[-] 1 points by AvgJane2 (20) from Nashville, TN 12 years ago

I would say the same thing about the big unions. I'm definitely pro-union in principle. BUT many of the biggest ones are just about as corrupt and wealthy as the corporations they do battle with. So, while it's nice to have workers on board, their union leaders may have other agendas! I don't see these unions offering to help us get jobs and become part of their unions. It's practically impossible these days to even get into a union unless you know or blow somebody. If not, prove it, unions, and help us get hired! So if they're on board, they may just want to break some corporate backs to gain their own power.

[-] 1 points by Hicard (30) 12 years ago

Thank you! I have got nothing but BS in my concearn here as well.. unions will and have/divided this country especially in recent times. They will do the same to this movement.