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Forum Post: DNCheadquarters, spinoza34, and SerfingUSA, are all one in the same. Several more may be as well.

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 29, 2014, 10:51 p.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

DNCheadquarters, spinoza34, and SerfingUSA, are all one in the same. There is no doubt whatsoever. The accounts were all created this mid-term election year of 2014. All three within days of each other this past January. Their posted views to date and attacks on me have been virtually identical.

All of the above are one individual, a fiscal conservative posing as no less than 3 disgruntled liberals. Probably 4-8. I'm watching another 4 IDs for near identical 'disgruntled liberal' and 'don't vote' behavior. Three of which were also created this mid-term election year. Again, the posted views and attacks on me have been virtually identical.

Full disclosure: Several months ago, I created the ID 'TheUglyTruth' in order to comment exclusively on corruption within the healthcare industry. I made no attempt to hide anything. I even linked the various pages explaining that I was the author. That was about six months ago. I haven't used it since for any reason.

OWS has been taken over by conservatives posing as disgruntled liberals and using multiple IDs in order to keep their own poser comments 'best' rated. Their strategy has been to redefine the direction of OWS, to offset the influence on non-conservative voters, and to keep non-conservatives home on election day.

2/3 of Americans, mostly centrists, progressives, liberals, and free thinkers sat this mid-term election out. There will be consequences for their inaction. These consequences will surely include a new round of Federal and State tax breaks for the rich and their corporate golden geese.

Let's not make the same mistake in 2016.

Read, inform, protest, and VOTE, even if that means voting for the lesser evil.





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[-] 3 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

Do YOU sleep with one eye open, firguring that, "they.. [are] after you"??

That's good. Let me know how it goes. I'm going to sleep.

BTW, is Pinkerton still in business? They may have an opening for YOU.

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

i am guessing you are very short - is that the root of your emotional troubles?

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

It's called a Napolean syndrome, and then SMC believes that he has been anointed with a special talent where he has an uncanny ability to predict the gloom that's coming. You don't have to be a soothsayer to realize we are in an unprecedented crisis, and the consequences could be unimaginable, if we dont aggresively act. However advocating for all of us to vote for more Democrats in an effort to slow things down a bit is STUPID.

'Solutions' are imperative for the crisis that we are in, not a 'postponement' which SMC continuously calls for and believes that the Democrats can give us.

Slowing our demise down is cool for me 'cause everything should be going down the tubes about the same time ;-), but that is not the case for the younger generations, including my progeny. For more than any other reason, that's why I'm here.

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago


[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

I understand the predicament that you have gotten yourself into with your assinine stance of having us settle for the "lesser evil."

I'm trying to be sympathetic to your plight, but so far, it's not working out..

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm not asking anyone to 'settle' for the lesser evil. I'm asking them to read, inform, and protest but when left with a LOUSY choice to vote for the lesser evil in order to prevent the greater evil from taking office.

You would have non-conservatives believe that by not voting, they somehow improve the system. Now THAT is asinine.

Mark mark mark!

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

does that mean you would like me to continue with my psyc analysis. i am good aren't i - i have similar power to you. i know things - i just do. like you are alone and bitter and jealous of those who are happy. i feel bad but what can i do - it is a gift

[-] 3 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

I'm great at prophesies too! SMC predictions are ONLY 90% accurate. When I predict the 1% will screw the 99%, my predictions are 100% accurate!

I prophesize that if we keep voting for the DemoCRAPs and RepugnantCONs, things will keep getting better for the banksters and worse for us.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Russell Brand with his 'don't vote' campaign and a personal fortune of $20,000,000 and counting is a member of the 1%.

Still, you sit there with at least three IDs that I know of (probably 4-8) and FLAT-OUT REFUSE to admit that he is screwing the 99% as well. Care to explain that poser?

A one, a two, a one two three.

Mark mark mark!

[-] -2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

i think your crystal ball is better than his

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

You didn't go on record predicting the market crash of 07, the recession, and a half dozen related events as early as 05/06.

I did.

And if you actually believed me to be alone, bitter, and jealous of others who are happy, then you would be an absolute monster to continue with your daily campaign of attacks, insults, and relentless markdowns.

Any human being with a shred of compassion for others would reach out to someone alone, bitter, and jealous of others simply for their happiness. To do the exact opposite would risk driving them to suicide.

{[-] 6 points by flip (7729) 1 day ago i am guessing you are very short - is that the root of your emotional troubles? ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink}

{[-] 2 points by flip (7729) 1 day ago does that mean you would like me to continue with my psyc analysis. i am good aren't i - i have similar power to you. i know things - i just do. like you are alone and bitter and jealous of those who are happy. i feel bad but what can i do - it is a gift ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink}

This leaves two possibilities. Either your comment above was just another grade-school psychological trick, an outright lie or you truly are a monster.

Which is it?

A one, a two, a one two three.

Mark mark mark!

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

well you are absolutely correct that i have been unjustly cruel - you on the other hand have been sweet as pie - and i like pie. so i am thinking more the monster type not that i am proud of it. now i did predict the crash of 07 and more - i don't seem to understand how you think you know what i know?? maybe that is what ticks me off - not sure but i am not always so unpleasant. just to be clear i have NEVER marked you down - or anyone else. now if you will stop PRETENDING to know what i think and do i will stop the analysis - deal?

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I don't need your sympathy or respect. I'm not nice to people I don't like either. But I damn well would be if I thought for one second that they were miserable to the point of being jealous of others simply for their happiness. To prod someone you think may be in such a state or on 'the edge' is going too far.

At the very least, there are six IDs marking my comments down every single day. Probably 7 or 8. It started with the Russell Brand debate and has gotten progressively worse damn near regardless of what I post. I can't even agree with another user without losing points.

I HAVE LOST 230 POINTS AND COUNTING JUST WITHIN THE LAST 72 HOURS. Before that, my comments generally scored neutral or positive and my user rating was 617 in spite of the occasional markdowns.

At the very least, 5 IDs are involved. The same approximate number it would take to mark the pro-Russell Brand and 'don't vote' comments up to 5 even after my SINGULAR markdowns.

Aside from the occasional markdowns which all users receive because of legitimate disagreements, I have absolutely no reason to suspect any user in particular for the relentless markdown campaign other than you, shule, turbocharger, DNCheadquarters, spinoza34, and SerfingUSA, and of course, occupiedfrog if that account is still active.

Like I said, there are at least five IDs involved. Three of which at the very least, are one in the same (DNCheadquarters, spinoza34, and SerfingUSA) but I suspect 6-8. In order for only five IDs to be involved, those who used to mark my comments up would have had to stop cold just within the last 72 hours.

I don't have to pretend to know what you think. I can read plain English and I can read between the lines. You're one of 6-8 users here complain about 'the system' but always mention Democrats in particular when criticizing active politicians. You support Russell Brand and his 'don't vote' campaign which is directed at NON-conservatives in particular, you refuse to apply the 1% mantra or define greed in terms of income or net worth, you refuse to give FDR, the most fiscally liberal President in American history any credit whatsoever for ending the Great Depression or rebuilding the middle class, you refuse to attribute higher taxes on the rich to non-conservatives politicians, and you remain hell-bent on discrediting me, a MODEST capitalist SWORN AGAINST the very concept of extreme personal wealth.

You are a fiscal conservative cleverly masquerading as a disgruntled liberal (regardless of what you call yourself) in order to offset the influence of OWS on non-conservative voters. Your goal is to keep them home on election day even if that means encouraging them to protest instead, INSTEAD OF VOTING, NOT IN ADDITION TO.

My goal is to encourage them to read, inform, protest, AND vote.

That makes you my sworn enemy, one of 6-8, hell-bent on discrediting me.

You have made it all too obvious.

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

i did my mea culpa and now fuck you - you stupid little twit. maybe you get down voted because what you say is not too smart - ever think of that? i do not down vote - i up vote on occasion but mostly for my one true love here! think what you like but this is silly - "I don't have to pretend to know what you think. I can read plain English and I can read between the lines." - seems to me that reading between the lines is knowing what i think. could this be a reason for down voting? could it. or maybe your thinking is not in line with the stated policy of ows - that would be NON PARTISAN! do you like the caps? you have 5 to 8 ids going after you - i have no idea how you know that and am not involved in that side of things. i can tell you for a fact that spinoza34 is not the same as the other two - i know for sure since i am spinoza34 - we all are spinoza34 - no sorry that is the wrong movie. i got confused between sparticus19 and spinoza34. ok run along now - take your meds - and leave me alone - we disagree ok - you are wrong and i am right - now predict what the stock market will be tomorrow - where is oil going and when - tell me who will be the next president and please tell me how to shut you up!

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

You still refuse to post a single straight answer on my challenge pages and you expect me to start predicting ultra-short term for profit? An investment strategy that does nothing but harm? One that I've labeled as the work of assholes?

Do your own homework you fiscal conservative you. I will never help you concentrate wealth.

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

challenge pages?? ok - how about give us some predictions on other subjects - it is easy to say i knew this and that after the fact. let's see how you do the next 6 months - what is coming?

[-] 2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

That's easy. A new round of tax breaks and subsidies for the rich and their corporate golden geese. These tax breaks and subsidies will be passed at the State and Federal level. The votes will come primarily from Republicans and independent conservatives who were able to sweep themselves a significant majority thanks in part to Russell Brand and others who were able to convince millions of non-conservatives to stay home on election day.

Tell you what. I will create a new page devoted exclusively to that prediction and post regular updates over the next two years.

My 'Ebola' predictions are already coming true. From day one, I swore that it would ultimately kill fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand Americans. In all likelihood, A WHOLE LOT FEWER. I also guaranteed that it would NEVER become an epidemic in ANY developed country.

Damn right. Another one to keep my record well above 90%.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

A new round of tax breaks and subsidies for the rich and their corporate golden geese.

Speaking of which - a new round of trickle down (?) . . . . sorry - hoover up! Economists don't think Republican jobs bills would create jobs. Again. Still.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Thank you. The first of many updates to come.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

If people thought the government was lousy these last six years - well - they just ought a love the next 2 = insanity to the max in a majority of both houses.

[-] -2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

great idea this new venture of yours. i look forward to keeping score. but if they ar all like this one then i won't be looking at it often. but you are right. pretty easy to see what the new congress will do - and what will you lesser do - veto anything? and how many of your beloved dems will vote with the gop

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

hey little capitalist - have you seen the annoying orange - that would be you. the only proper response to most of your comments is "oh god. " i hope you took note of the fact that i said most - very kind of me don't you think? although to be fair they (the creators of annoying orange) are much more intelligent than you.

don't you have anything better to do? call into a talk show or put up a soapbox and rant on a busy street corner - come on this place is unworthy of your shameless self promotion. but really i get it - very few responses to your posts - not many twinkles (i personally do't do much of that one way or the other) - it can't be because you are boring and pointless. it can only be because there is a conspiracy of a few evil doers who spend all their time trying to get you. and just so you know you are not a capitalist - modest or little or tiny. you are a day laborer - you are a worker selling your labor on the open market.

cap·i·tal·ist ˈkapədləst/ noun 1. a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism. "the creation of the factory system by nineteenth-century capitalists" synonyms: financier, investor, industrialist; More adjective adjective: capitalist 1. practicing, supporting, or based on the principles of capitalism. "capitalist countries"

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Yes you do mark up and down to spite me. You've been doing so every day since the debate over that filthy disgusting rich multi-deca-millionaire hypocrite pig Russell Brand.

I've lost over 40 points just within the last 36 hours. That sort of wave doesn't happen when boring entries are posted or legitimate disagreements are had. That happens when you're singled out.

For the thousandth time conservative. I'm not simply a capitalist. I'm a modest capitalist. Your ongoing refusal to acknowledge the difference makes you a coward.

[-] 3 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

You're a Wall Street Capialist?? What's up with that? You've got some splaining to do.

I can understand (too) if you feel on the defensive, since YOU have been pushing so hard for one of WS's bought political crowds.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago


[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

ok so like too many things here you have your own definition of certain words. not a great way to discuss important issues but you are not really interested in that are you? and where might i find a definition of a "modest capitalist"? oh, from you of course. can you incorporate it into the traditional definition? like this maybe -capitalist 1. practicing, supporting, or based on the principles of capitalism - but only a little bit and only for people who don't make too much money like me. "capitalist countries" - i don't think i have ever voted anyone down but you have these really weird and brilliant powers so i must be wrong - i may be a coward but you are boring and stupid - and i think very very short - and angry and emotionally unstable

[-] 3 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago
  • SMC, you're the guy with "capitalist" in your moniker.

  • Wall St is the vanguard of capitalism.

  • You're the one espousing the support of a corrupt political establishment.

  • You are on a website that condemns the current corrupt economic and political establishments you promote.

  • And, somehow it is everyone else but you who is trying to subvert this movement !

  • You are nuts.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

SMC, you're the guy with "capitalist" in your moniker.

Does that mean that your DNC moniker references the medical procedure?

[-] 0 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

No. DNC stands for "Do Not Camp".

We're opposed to camping.

When will campers wake up and realize. IT'S NOT SAFE OUT THERE !!!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

[ EDIT ] Funny - I would have guessed if not a medical reference - then perhaps = DoNotCare.

EDIT-> Or DespondentOverCrap.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

It may stand for Dumb Neutered Conservative.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Has it ever occurred to you to space your multiple poser ID activities apart?


[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

To be precise, I'm the guy with 'ModestCapitalist' in my moniker.

There is a HUGE difference.


[-] 1 points by JPB950 (2254) 10 years ago

I wouldn't worry about about anyone redefining the direction of OWS through this forum. This site has shrunk considerably, but never had much to do with determining Occupy's direction even in the beginning. Also regardless of what anyone may think of Occupy, it too has faded to the point of being irrelevant. A conspiracy of conservatives here is somewhat pointless.

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

i agree here to some extent - i would say that this site had NO influence on the direction of ows. also not sure how much it has faded. lots of things going on under the radar - time will tell

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

This is priceless:

"[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1807) 6 minutes ago

Ahahahahah they are neutral....

You have a long record, as far as I can see, of being paranoid and acting like a fool with most of your time giving the internet waaaaaay too much credit.

No one knows you, no one cares what you say, because its the same MSM dribble.

Keep it up, whoever you are...

Do you have a name?

Sincerely, Jeremy Griffin OT

Pm me if you want my #, everyone else has it anyways.

↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink"

One of my conservative critics masquerading as a disgruntled liberal, while stalking me on a relentless mark-down campaign, claims to believe that no one cares what I say.

That's a good one.

I suppose a pack of gremlins got a 4 day case of the munchies and ate away 350 of my points.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

It gets better:

"[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1807) 25 minutes ago

No need to pm me, Im an open book. Shyness never got anyone much, right? My number is 8133237481.

If you want one of my more worse moments after beating some slimes for harrassing some poor women, whom I didnt know, I'll send you those links too...

Heres a link, apparently the police state doesnt allow for a direct download lol


So, who are you anyways? Surely, you must have a name eh?

↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink"

What a desperate and juvenile tactic. Truly pathetic. Next, he will threaten to not like me anymore unless I shut up about Russell Brand.

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

A number of true-core OWS accounts have been invalidated in recent months. I've read a number of allegations regarding the nature of these removals.

I haven't drawn any conclusions.

[-] 0 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

So your solution is to vote for the DemoCRAPs and be Cheerleaders for capitalism?

And your advocating this on an Occupy Wall St site?

And everyone here is after you because they are not true core Occupiers like you?

Got it.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

ouch - that hit the nail squarely on the head - i wonder if he felt the blow - nah too thick headed right?

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago


[-] -2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

did it hurt

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

how can you be proud of that horseshit. oh i know - your an idiot. porter stansberry - that is like putting up something proving hannity is wrong on some issue. a child could do it. no surprise here but i still have not seen proof of as prediction - other than the sun will come up tomorrow type shit

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

That page was posted before the laws went into effect. Not after. That makes it a prediction. The same goes for all of my Ebola pages and most of my older rants on the 1%. My record is well above 90%.

But you're right about one thing. A child could make the economic predictions. That is, if it weren't for the relentless brainwashing courtesy of the rich. Politicians, celebrities, ect. Every last one of them.

They absolutely refuse to admit that the economy really is like a giant game of Monopoly and that they cause hardship, misery, suffering, and death simply by getting too damn rich.

This is true even after you take 'growth' into consideration.

I'm not that smart. I just refuse to be brainwashed.

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

nice job here man - i agree with all of it - well not the first paragraph but the rest is spot on. i would add that while i do get annoyed with some of the individuals who push this agenda (especially obama and bill gates but that is for another day) it is the system that is the problem. it is not the individual camp guard or the grunt in vietnam or even the ceo who is at fault - it is the system that puts them in those positions. the guard at the concentration camp is a victim of the nazis even if he is a cruel bastard. i heard someone say once that our system (capitalism) promotes greedy people and induces greed in others. that never happened in the lakota nation in 1800. we must change the system to promote democracy and human values. very very modest capitalism might do that but that is very far away from what we have now. nice to chat with you!

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

No poser. As you know, I don't expect any 'solution' to come. That would take an act of God. But I do hope to convince others to read, protest, inform, VOTE, and for the good of society, to STOP GIVING SO MUCH OF THEIR MONEY TO RICH PEOPLE.


Mark mark mark!

[-] 2 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

Quote: "I hope to convince others to read, protest, inform, VOTE"

And this comes from a guy who said he never heard of the TPP !

NEWSFLASH, The TPP is going to screw you over one zillion times more than Russell Brand.

You insist everybody "VOTE". Let me take a wild guess, you want us all to VOTE for Hillary 2016. Another 2008? Feels like Deja Vu, all over again.

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

By SMC purposely obfuscating the difference between voting for the "lesser evil" (Democrat), and radicals here who want real systemic change that we need so badly....SMC is hoping to divert this struggle down the tubes, into the safe (to them!) hands of the plutocrats.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

How do you propose the big shift happens? How do we discard what we have today and what do we replace it with?

Elucidate - how does it get done?

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

so i often wonder about these people - like bill gates and others - who seem so sincere in their obviously nonsensical and self serving beliefs. do they really believe their own bullshit or are they just sneaky bastards. the ones who have drunk the cool aid are the really sadly stupid people. the others - like henry kissenger and too many more - are cynical bastards. i am pretty sure smc is on the stupid side

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Then don't vote for the 'lesser evil'. Vote against the 'greater evil'.

In the meantime, read, inform, protest, and STOP GIVING SO MUCH OF YOUR MONEY TO RICH PEOPLE.

Mark mark mark!

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

Trying to blend Occupy with your brand of supporting the corrupt status quo is BS!

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

No. Trying to blend your fiscally conservative ideology with Occupy under the guise of disgruntled liberalism is BS.

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

When YOU are on an Occupy forum and indirectly pushing people to vote for Democrats, YOU have to rely on accusations to keep yourself afloat. The more that YOU feel that your true agenda is threatened by a person who has credibility, the more essential it is for YOU to discredit that person.

That's in the DNC manual isnt it?

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago


[-] -1 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

Exactly right. SMC says to vote for the lesser of two evils. That's just an indirect way of saying vote for the demoCRAPs. Sneaky guy that SMC.

Why doesn't he stop with the semantics?

SMC, just come out and say 'it'. Your a DEMOCRAT! YOU support bankster backed, Vetted, corrupt, Wall St establishment, sell-out candidates. And, you want us all to VOTE FOR HILLARY 2016. Stop beating around the bush with your lesser of two evils dog whistle campaigning.

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

SMC, and the other posters here who have a similar goal of bringing us into the Democratic Party most likely will not say to vote for 'Democrats', instead, they use a more oblique message which relies on 'implication,' but still the message is the same...

[-] 0 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

It would be very refreshing indeed if SMC was not "sneaky", but being forthright would not be helpful for his deleterious (to us) purposes.

Unlike Occupy, where people have begun to reschool themselves in good sound reason and logic, the neocon agenda of which both parties belong to still relies heavily on twisted logic..... on McCarthy-like accusations... on catch phrases and on redefining words, or semantecs to further its nefariuos agenda. The fact that they succeeded, and we are paying the price is another reason why we are here.

So, my question for you is; Why do you think that SMC is here? *(Note: This is one of the rare times that I do expect an answer (!!), as it's not rhetorical question... OK?)

[-] 3 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

SMC's genius plan is to vote for evil. He says if we do that, only bad things will happen to us.

This will save us from very bad things happening to us.

Can't we come up with a better plan than that?

I guess SMC thinks I'm talking to myself, since he thinks we're the same person. Obviously he's not as clairvoyant as he thinks he is.

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

"Can't we come up with a better plan than that?"

Apparently not lol

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

SMC's plan of us voting for the "lesser evil" is also called the 'same old,' and it is designed for people who are "pessimistic" and have little mettle. It is doubtful though that he is an independent, but rather someone who has a handler.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Then don't vote for the 'lesser evil'. Vote against the 'greater evil'.

In the meantime, read, inform, protest, and STOP GIVING SO MUCH OF YOUR MONEY TO RICH PEOPLE.

Mark mark mark with your multiple IDs!

I have two more predictions to make.

I will continue to lose points regardless of what I post for as long as this site remains active.

My poser critics will continue to mark their own comments up for as long as this site remains active.


[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Sorry genius but defending Russell Brand is still supporting the 1% and the obscene concentration of wealth.

Stop doing that shit.

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

And there you go, giving the very person you seem to have a problem with, even more attention through your insane ramblings..

How many times has Russell Brand been mentioned on this site since you started your nonsense? More times than all combined.

Try talking about some actual on teh ground activists and what they are doing well, instead of just going around bashing things like a game of whack-a-modest.

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

The 'very person'?

Again, for the thousandth time, what part of 1% don't you understand?

1% entry level net worth. About $9 million.

1% average net worth. About $16 million.

Russell Brand net worth. $20 million and counting.

The richest 1% currently own 43% of all financial wealth, over 40% of total private wealth, and 50% of the market.

It's not brain surgery. The richest 1% are too rich period.

The 'very person'. That's a good one. However Russell Brand is a special kind of hypocrite because he has been going out of his way to discourage non-conservative voters in particular thereby giving the more wealth concentrating conservatives an edge.

With regard to the diversionary crap posted below:


[-] 0 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

No one really talked about Brand before you showed up//

Now he's got 50 comments per post, congrats!!

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

What planet are you on? A full page was posted in his honor. It was riddled with glorious praise and free advertising from a half dozen mor, err, 'users' before I showed up.

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

hey i just figured it out - i know i am slow. you are the factless one right. or maybe you are twins or did a jedi mind meld or something. same one track mind - same logical illogicalities (a line from kissenger i think) - bang that one little drum you have and do you get together with factless at night and worship at the altar of hillary

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

"I will continue to lose points regardless of what I post for as long as this site remains active."

I won't argue with that point at all. You see, we can agree on something. That's positive...eh?

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm against abortion under most circumstances, against blanket amnesty (I'm ok with the 5,000,000), for voter registration, and for the death penalty, but hell-bent against tax breaks for the rich and their corporate golden geese.

Both major parties kiss 1% ass. The difference being that the Republicans have a long history of kissing more 1% ass thereby concentrating more wealth than Democrats in general.

Because the COW is the most important issue to me, I see those who support and enact more conservative economic policies as the greater evil.

Damn right we should vote AGAINST the greater evil.

Mark mark mark with your multiple IDs!


[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I had heard of it. I was well informed some time ago by another user as you know from your ongoing campaign of relentless comment markdown. I only failed to pick up on the abbreviation when it was later posted with no reference whatsoever.

Damn right I want people to read, inform, protest, AND VOTE. Even if that means voting AGAINST the greater evil whoever that may be.

I see Clinton vs Romney as a real possibility for 2016. Romney of course, being the GREATER evil.

2008 bought us a few years of time. Otherwise, the Greatest Depression of all time would have already been well underway.