Forum Post: DNC protest good idea?? or sabotage to enhance Romney/GOP?
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 2, 2012, 8:46 a.m. EST by triakis
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If I were a right-wing redneck/hillbilly, I would get all my buddies together to infiltrate the occupy protests at the DNC convention next week to cause chaos and violence. Giving the movement and the DNC huge black eyes and elevating Romney and the GOP's stature in the presidential election this November...
If OWS doesn't protest at the DNC, all the people involved with OWS tacitly give approval to the Democratic Party. No, thanks. Protest! Put the Democrats on notice: fail the workers, and the workers will look for other representatives.
did they protest the RNC
not much news from there
Yes, OWS had live feeds, but the MSM pretty well ignored the "anarchists."
I thought it was repubs were calling for (anarchy)smaller government less regulations
They lie. No surprise there: most of them are like comic-book villains; they want to control the world.
VERY VERY good point
Remember that the 1968 DNC protest gave us
That's right, the left is never wrong. The left is always right. (sarcasm and circular logic)
typical tactic - did you graduate from fox u ?
or were you trained by david? or charlie?
"Cars go in circles"? People who claim we shouldn't worry about this real problem are serving the anti OWS forces. They are dishonest plants. Disregard their anti 99% opinions!
"Cars go in circles"? People who claim we shouldn't worry about this real problem are serving the anti OWS forces. They are dishonest plants. Disregard their anti 99% opinions!
You are 100% correct don't listen to the redneck defenders. Those who pretend this infiltration/plant activity does not happen are plants themselves.
We must protest! The difference in the dem convention is there will be tea party protests as well. Also probably tea party pretending to be OWS and inciting violence to malign the OWS movement.
Gotta be wary. Be careful, Stay non violent! Be aware of plants!
The rednecks will be home watching cars go in circles.
Fear of instigators should never stop a protest.
and trolling here
You got HC's number!