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Forum Post: .." Dictators of Wall Street".. have been enjoying full Control of our Economy and Elected Officials Far too Long

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 10:59 a.m. EST by Marlow (1141)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Those of you who are researching the Truth, and finding the Facts of Why you and so many around the World are outraged and now Filling the Streets in Outrage, allow me to give you some of the Facts that these Dictators have been allowed by our representatives to control and pilfer the coffers for decades now. Right under our noses..!

1st one... http://www.cato.org/pubs/regulation/regv31n1/v31n1-7.pdf

I post these older links to show you Nothing has changed. If anything, it's gotten worse. Thats why we are here, Thats why we are sharing our time and fighting the good Fight!

ENGAGE the Police ... Give them these Facts.. let them know why their Pensions are now gone , or will be. And,..YOU are there Fighting for THEM, and their Children's Financial Future and Security!

Marlow/ editor of Investors4Justice.net.. We have all the Facts leading up to #ows 'Beating the Streets'



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[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

Have you Signed 'The Petition' On line.. Stop the Corruption on Wall Street yet?

It's for everyone, and those who cant 'Beat the Street' with the #ows, but want to be a part of the movement for Justice.

It is being Circulated in the Camps around the US Cities..

nearly 35% of the Signatures so Far are from Around the World!


TY for your efforts. Marlow/editor Investors4Justice.net

[-] 1 points by paplanner (58) from Mt Union, PA 12 years ago

Keep exposing the crimes.....much of what the Wall St./Washington Axis of Evil legalized is still a crime in Europe.....Keep exposing.......they are investigating in Europe

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

TY Pap... ... yes, we have been working at our website for over 7 years to stop this. Against Justice Denied, and it is a GLOBAL problem. That is why the petition has nearly 30% of the signatures from out side the US.. and i am most appreciative that our Fellow Protestors over seas are circulating 'The Petition' ..Stop the Corruption on Wall Street. Marlow/ editor

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

( Heads Up) ..Mike Moore 2 B Interviewed Re: OWS on cnbc in next segment.. about 3 to 5 min from this post time...

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

He did a great Job!!.. And Mike might not have money in the Market.. but there are 100's of Thousands of us On Line Independent Retail Investors that do.. and we are the Back bone of Investors.... WE are the ones on the front lines of this Battle.. as the Henchfunds are trying to do away with us!

..... We are Fighting Back!

Marlow/ editor of Investors4Justice.net.. ( since 2005)


Please Sign it. It's been circulating in the #ows Camps TY