Forum Post: Democratic party fraudulently sells stickers on behalf of #OccupyWallSt
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 6:55 p.m. EST by precipice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Democratic Party has begun selling "We are the 99%" stickers to finance the Obama re-election campaign. The wording is deceptively tricky full of misinformation.
The sticker price ranges from $10 to $1,000 - however much you wish to "contribute." Except that, the funds from sticker sales actually go to the Democratic Party - OccupyWallStreet receives none of it. So how does it support the Occupy movement, as they claim? Well, the sticker's message stating "We are the 99%" sort of spreads the Occupy message when you put it on your car or something, and in that way kinda supports the Occupy movement.
Of course, they don't mention that the Occupy Wall Street protesters have repeatedly told them to fuck off and to quit hijacking the movement.
See the sticker here
Someone send Obama to my house, I have a personal message in the form of a size 9-1/2 boot to the ass. What part of fuck off is he failing to get? Let him kiss up to his bankster friends if he's that hard up.
SO ABSOLUTELY TYPICAL of Obama himself - the Master Manipulator, the Great Deceiver - and of his equally hypocritical and hopelessly corrupt party.
I voted for Obama...probably will again, if only because he is seemingly less for corporations that the opposition. But this pisses me off. Obama (like almost every other national politician) is a bought-and-paid-for agent of the corporations and banks. All the fabulous "Hope And Change" that he was purportedly about never materialized. He repeatedly "compromised" with intractable ideologues, virtually giving the store away for lack of a principled stance. This is bullshit; the Democrat Party has NO RIGHT to try and co-opt the best thing that's happened in America for quite a long time. They simply have not earned it via being Republican ((not so) lite"
wow sounds shady
sounds like bs to me.