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Forum Post: Democracy has failed humanity.

Posted 6 months ago on Aug. 31, 2024, 6:58 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have seen VP Harris answer questions on fracking and climate change, she is the best shot we got, and we are so screwed. Now we won't even get a chance to nominate a serious candidate until 2032, we will continue fracking and drill baby drill until at least 2032, it's going to be far too late to save the future in any meaningful way. Pollical leaders across the globe have failed humanity since the mid 1980's, at least we don't have to worry about what future historians will say about us. Democracy has failed humanity.



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[-] 2 points by agkaiser (2560) from Fredericksburg, TX 4 months ago

Democracy has been dominated by the spiritual if not genetic heirs of feudal aristocracy who invented capitalism to preserve their power and wealth a couple of hundred years before the 18th century beginnings of democratic republics. The rich also corrupted the people's advances from the very beginnings. It's not a failure of Democracy. It's a failure to address the real problem all along the historical path: the existence of the aristocrat class. We, the people, have failed ourselves.

[-] 2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 4 months ago

This could in fact be the answer to the Fermi paradox, the great filter is energy use.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 months ago

Apparently you "have seen VP Harris answer questions on fracking and climate change, she is the best shot we got, and we are so screwed. Now we won't even get a chance to nominate a serious candidate until 2032"!!! So ...

Where would we all be now ... IF, Bernie had gone 3rd Party years ago?

Have you seen how Dr. Jill Stein's policies, are way better for The 99%?

Do you accept USA's Con'Troll'ed Opposition Duopoly, is a total failure?

How can the 'choice' of 2 Parties, ever be anything .. but an Ultimatum?

Democracy hasn't "failed" because it can & does work elsewhere, right?

FROM WHICH: "Many of the principles and policy proposals of “third-party” and independent candidates are more in line with the views of most Americans than those of Harris or Trump.This is hardly surprising given the widely recognized corruption of the U.S.A.'s political system. While Trump cynically flip-flops to appeal to both sides on many questions, and Harris generally avoids committing to policy specifics at all, especially regarding foreign policy, most Americans understand that they are both more beholden to the billionaires & corporate interests, who fund their campaigns than to the well-being of working Americans or the future of the planet." & ...

NOTE: "War and militarism are the most deadly and destructive forces in human society, with real world, everyday, physical impacts that kill or maim people; destroy their homes, communities & entire countries so it is deeply disturbing, that the political system in the United States has been corrupted into bipartisan subservience to a military-industrial complex (or the MICIMATT, to use a contemporary term) that wields precisely the “unwarranted influence” .. that President Eisenhower warned us against 64 years ago, and uses its influence to drag us into wars that wreak death and destruction in country after country." AND in the USA too - I'd argue!

That tRUMP is a fkn fascistic monster - is not under any debate, but just what a poor candidate Harris is the real thing to consider; as you, yourself note in your OP. Finally as if proof were needed about DJT ...

ad iudicium?!

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 4 months ago

We'd still be screwed the only chance we really had was for Nader to support Gore in 2000 and get that Dem elected, back then we had a chance but Nader and the 3rd party movement killed us. It was because of that election when i realized the 3rd parties were filled with polical hacks that didn't give a shit about the world. People like Jill stien who has been "nominated" like 20 time by the Greens, go figure what's the chance in "free and fair" elections?