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Forum Post: Demands. Propaganda. Forum. Movement. Politics.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 4:04 p.m. EST by FIVE (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have been reading this forum for over a week now and I want to say a few things.... why not? some people say way too much, I suppose I can have my say as well.

I am not apart of the protests, in a literal sense. I can't be. That being said, all this talk about demands, meaning, the point of it all. From the first day this movement erupted I have been under the obvious assumption that the protesters are frustrated (if not plain ole pissed off) about the obvious issues. Foreclosures, bailouts, jobs (or better stated the lack of them) congress playing politics and not playing fair. The constant blocking of actions proposed in the house or senate that might better the economy or the people, but might not better an elected official's desire for re-election. The extreme lack of health insurance for many, or the lack of coverage for those who need it the most. The monopolies, the corruption, corporate backing of elected officials and agendas. The uneven advantage in the system given to those who are already so far ahead.

These were all the most obvious assumptions I made initially (and still believe now) that motivated many, many Americans (and now citizens of other nations) to take to the streets. How any media source or politician can play stupid here and get away with it, is completely beyond me. Is common sense truly dead among the species? Or are those media sources and politicians just hoping it is? Everyone knows what this is about. It is a sad distraction to undermine and deny it, to say they or you don't know what it is about.

At some point politics is going to have to play some role in this movement. Do I think the movement itself should choose a side? Would that be right or left?? Easy answer.... doesn't matter right, left or middle.... its about right and wrong. And right about now, there's a lot of shit wrong!! That is why people are in the streets and parks. However, at some point pressuring for "right" legislation will have to happen. At some point trying desperately to find politicians that might actually give a crap about the 99% and not their campaign approval ratings, trying to force change in Washington that will stop the ridiculous games to block an idea simply because it wasn't YOUR idea (or your side's idea) instead of blocking it solely because it is harmful to the economy or the people. At some point this movement might have to put pressure and transparency upon the politicians in the pockets of corporations by research and disclosure. Spreading information, encouraging phone calls, writing letters, clogging office mailboxes and phones across the country. At some point it should be discussed how important voting will be in this fight. And not just any voting, but educated voting. Voting, after all is the spine that holds up, and holds together, a democracy. (at least that is how it is supposed to work)

As for propaganda and this forum.... I have something I would like to put to a vote.... I move we shut down this forum on the grounds that it does nothing positive for the movement. It is only aiding as a tool of distraction and division. The ability for all to come and post and reply under complete anonymity is only bringing out the true "creeps and creepers" who only wish to stir a pot that is already overflowing. Point should be made here that there is little anonymity in marching in the streets wearing your face, holding your sign, for the whole world to see. Yes, don't bother, I already know some wear masks. Not the vast majority. And those masks in themselves are a statement. It should come as no shock that most who post here are not actually protestors themselves, and many of the names are most likely the same people repeatedly spewing negativity and hatred for the sake of making their lives less boring.... and potentially hoping to create an image of this movement in the kind of light that makes "news" for the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, and other idiots in this nation. Let's put it to a vote...... close this forum ??

(in parting words I just want to remind myself and others that it doesn't matter what town, what country, what protest, what parade, what forum, what government, what color the skin, whatever.... any and all samplings of human beings will always contain some of the best human examples, and unfortunately, some of the worst.)



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[-] 1 points by FIVE (1) 13 years ago

I suppose there is some positive use to this forum....... but I am still scanning posts and finding a much higher negative to positive ratio. Someone point me in the direction of the good stuff. (or you could just vote with me to close the forum)