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Forum Post: Demand a Global Minimum Wage

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 11:29 p.m. EST by globalminimumwage (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As long as corporations can exploit the poorest nation in the world, labor will never again provide livable, reliable salaries in any country. We should demand a global minimum wage and a global set of worker's rights. All it would take is for a few of the world's largest economies to ban all products that are manufactured in whole or in part using sub-minimum wage labor or by violating worker's rights (e.g. safety standards, environmental standards, 40 hours work week, etc.).

I'm not sure about what numbers would be reasonable, but I will throw out some numbers just as an example. Perhaps we could set an international minimum of $2/hour, which would be a significant raise for the many people who make $1/day or less. That still allows the poorest countries to compete and grow their economy. Beyond the general base, a local minimum wage can be computed using portfolio of basic necessities. It could be tied to things like the local cost of 1000 gallons of running water, cost of 100 pounds of grain, cost of a 2 bedroom house, etc. By tying it to necessities, it ensures a living wage in that location.



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[-] 1 points by sooth (9) 13 years ago

global minimum wage is not practical. the best we can hope for is fair trade. did you watch nbc last night there was something about "artisanal gold mining" basically it was the dangerous small scale gold mining done in places like mali using child labor, dangerous mining conditions (like ppl literally digging a hole hundreds of feet into the ground with little support) toxic chemicals etc. in the usa, all that artisanal gold is commingled with regular mined gold so that the consumer in the end doesn't know where it all came from. the show ended with a pitch for fair trade gold standards like that used in the uk that traces where gold comes from and consumers can choose to support practices that are not only good for the environment, but good for the producer.


[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

i have considered this for a long term solution. it makes sense to require any company manufacturing elsewhere and importing to fulfill the regulations of the destination country as a minimum. a very unpopular idea with many problems that would need to be worked out but the concept itself i think is a good start.

one of two things would happen. the destination country would retain more jobs or the host country would be able to afford to buy more exports from other countries, thus helping global employment.

i'm no economist but i like the idea.

[-] 1 points by forOWS (161) 13 years ago

Excellent idea. This would encourage people to stay with their families and on their homelands. It would discourage jobs being shipped to other countries to exploit cheap labor. It would encourage local manufacturing for goods needed to that particular area.

[-] 2 points by globalminimumwage (3) 13 years ago

Thanks- yeah it would eliminate a lot of unnecessary transport of goods too - which is good for the environment.

[-] 1 points by globalminimumwage (3) 13 years ago

What do you think?

