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Forum Post: Definition: Republicat

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 6:04 a.m. EST by stelth (7)
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A Republicat is a person with either republican or democrat ideology, who, once elected, is primarily interested in doing two things: increasing his/her personal wealth and getting re-elected. Governance is way down on Republicat's priority lists.

The reason our country is in such tough shape today is because the Republicats have made it that way. They have done this by refusing to do the right things for 99 percent of the people. Instead they cater to Big Money because it fills their pockets which helps them get re-elected, their two primary goals.

Americans have been told that the recession was caused by the Big Banks, but look a little deeper. It was the Republicats who loosened the regulations that allowed the Big Banks to engage in shoddy business practices. In addition, Republicates had oversight authority but refused to use it once they saw the course the Big Banks had chosen. It's not entirely correct to place all of the blame on Wall Street for bringing our economic system down; a large part of it was due to the action and then in-action of the Republicats. Why hasn't the media focused on this angle of the story?

Everyone is looking forward to the next election cycle. The mantra is "throw the bums out." But, stop and think about it. Will dethroning the incumbent Republicats drive home the message that 99 percent of the country is thoroughly disgusted with the current state of our political affairs and result in meaningful change? Will it result in better governance? How can it when the only choice people have is to oust the current Republicat and replace him/her with another Republicat. How does this result in any improvement? It doesn't. It's been done in past election cycles and look where we are today. What's needed is another choice on the ballot, and that choice is None of the Above.

Imagine if there were an election cycle - just one - where a majority of the voters chose None of the Above rather than one of the candidates on the ballot? That would have a profound affect on all of the Republicats who were not up for re-election. The thought of loosing their jobs might even scare them into doing the right things for the 99 percent instead of catering to the 1 percent. If nothing else, it would do something that Republicats have been talking about for decades: It would reduce the cost of government. Less Republicats would mean less support staff and less money wasted on representatives not responsibly doing the job they were hired to do. One can only hope.




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[-] 1 points by stelth (7) 12 years ago

Every Republicat draws a handsome salary, gets a cushy expense account, has better health and retirement plans than I do, and gets more paid vacation time in a year than I get in five, and for what?

Sidestepping important issues? Kicking the can down the road? Raising taxes on the middle class while cutting taxes for the super rich? Bickering endlessly about nonsensical issues? Hiding within their party's ideology (left or right, take your pick)?

These folks are supposed to work for their constituents - all of them, not just the 1 percent. No wonder the approval rating of the US Congress is an abysmal 11 percent; 99 percent of the population is fed up with these government shenanigans.

If the USA were a third world country, there would likely be a revolution. Since it's not, however, we will find more creative ways to protest this unconscionable situation. For it cannot be allowed to continue.


[-] 1 points by ES2012 (1) from Oklahoma City, OK 12 years ago

You are doing well to expose a fundamental problem with our political system. A little more research and you will be there. Here is a link to an article from 2008 to further your exploration....

Neocons and Neoliberals: Two Masks, One Face http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2008/11/neocons-and-neoliberals-two-masks-one-face.html

[-] 1 points by trickledown (66) 12 years ago

"The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, "I've got a really bad idea." And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, "And I can make it shittier!"

-Lewis Black, Nothing’s Sacred (2005)