Forum Post: Debt Collectors Code of Conduct, is this really happening, its a huge victory for main street if it is.
Posted 11 years ago on March 30, 2013, 12:26 a.m. EST by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition
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Pretty much everything in the Debt Collectors Code of Coduct I have been advocating for years. Is it really happening now?
Thanks for replying. The link I posted does go to my debt neutrality site because that is where I broke this story about the newly created Debt Collectors Code of Conduct and I always re-credit my sources even if it is me.
But that article has the link that goes to the "press release" story that debt collectors are signing on to a Debt Collectors Code of Conduct regarding debt collection that includes NOT suing people in court!
Amazing, no?
It would be wise to promote the debt collectors code of conduct as it does many things to help out main street.