Forum Post: Debt Ceiling Debate: Let the Charades Begin
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 14, 2013, 12:54 p.m. EST by OTP
from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This will be great. Both sides posturing about this, that and the other thing, while really both are under the banker's thumbs and have their heads up the MIC's asses.
So what is debt ceiling, and why did FDR create this process?
And as far as Republicans and the debt ceiling go, where were they when Bush was spending us into oblivion? Oh ya, that was their guy, so it was all gravy.
As evidenced by the Paul Ryan budget, the Republican Party is not capable of cutting spending. They are whores to the banks. The last thing the banks want is less spending. Deficit spending is financed through Goldman Sachs. The 85 Billion a month right now, under the cover of QE-ternity, is just the icing on the cake.
What bank wouldnt like to finance over a trillion worth of bonds a year?
Republicans need to realize their party's talk about cutting spending is just PR fodder. Go look at the fiscal cliff deal. Full of bullshit. Proof.
Both parties are intent on furthering this financial disaster. Nothing has changed since 08. Nothing. Asking those that repealed Glass Steagall to write the reform bill was shameful and should have been recognized as such immediately.
People need to realize that those in Congress are living a different lifestyle than you and I. They dont have to worry about putting food on the table. Shit, they can even vote themselves raises.
Its hard for people to realize what happens when currencies go crazy. We have never been in a position like this before. In fact, with the USA being the official reserve currency of the planet, this situation is unique and different than any before.
Can a nation go under, financially, if it can print its own currency and the rest of the planet is forced (up until the last few years) to trade in dollars?
If may be that with that level of control and central planning ability, they actually can inflate their way out of this.
That being said, the debt ceiling will be raised again. Republicans will act tough, their voters will call the Dems wreckless. And in the end, some kind of deal will be reached that will raise it and slowly chip away at benefits.
Remember: United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
The debt ceiling was started in 1917
If only we would wake up and realize the debt is a scam, we wouldn't even have a debt ceiling to worry about.
Monetary policy should be used to solve this issue and used to further fund beneficial social programs as well as creating jobs and invest in communities. THEY currently abuse monetary policy and money creation to give trillions to Wall Street and corporations.
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better!" Sen. Obama 2006
Repubs are the problem
But the truth is repubs are already walking back their destructive debt ceiling threats. Their 1% corp oligarch puppet masters do NOT want the accompanying disruption of business.
Repubs will abandon the debt ceiling effort, and be content with the leverage the might get during the sequester, & continuing resolution debates.
The Debt is a SCAM. They've turned it into a process to dick over the people. Paying for a fake debt that shouldn't even exist.
The "ceiling" shouldn't be an issue, because the debt is a scam.
Anytime the talk of a "trillion dollar coin" makes it into the msm, I think its official that the ENTIRE SYSTEM is bullshit.
A trillion dollar coin to pay off a fake debt.... but no one wants to use it to create jobs or solve the underlying problem that is the fake debt in the first place.
Said this to bensdad earlier - Monetary policy should be used to solve this issue and used to further fund beneficial social programs as well as creating jobs and invest in communities. THEY currently abuse monetary policy and money creation to give trillions to Wall Street and corporations. We need an entire different system in how we value money. One that doesn't just favor the 1% and instead works for everyone.
"And as far as Republicans and the debt ceiling go, where were they when Bush was spending us into oblivion? Oh ya, that was their guy, so it was all gravy."
Exactly....and now the argument is "well he we get to do it too"......which will happen under the next republican pres as well...self perpetuating cycle.
How about a balanced budget amendment? Or how about if they want to spend indefinitely like they've been doing the last couple decades they can raise the money they need through taxes...instead of inflation. This would make it blatantly obvious to the american people that they are actually paying for this stuff...instead of hiding it underneath our noses with rising prices (from money printing) and a lowered standard of living for the people.
yes - a balanced budget amendment - exactly what alec wants !!!!
the Dems refuse to budget. But with the way the Repubs acted, can you blame em?
Obama [ last time I checked is a Dem ] has submitted many budget proposals
you have been watching too much faux noose
Last I checked 85 Billion a month was being robbed. And not a peep from em. Or the Republicans.
If you think these people represent you, you must be getting some favors.
Budgets with over a trillion dollar shorfalls are not budgets. Its a free for all.
YOU: the Dems refuse to budget.
ME: Obama [ last time I checked is a Dem ] has submitted many budget proposals
So, can you figure it out? did the Dems submit a budget?
FYI- just because you don't like the budget on the WH web site does not mean it is not a budget
YOU: misunderstood the post if that's how you interpreted this.
YOU: still think people funded by Wall Street are going to save you from Wall Street.
I said they dont budget, not that dont submit budgets. Theres a difference between budgeting your money, vs creating an actual plan for the year.
A trillion dollar deficit is not budgeting your money. Republicans are no better, obviously.
On MSNBC right now: The "No Labels" scheme...
If this is what people are coming up with, it should be obvious this entity cannot govern. And its not because of different ideologies.
Its because every one of them is bought out.