Forum Post: David Koch Wins Award!!
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 13, 2013, 11:53 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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Greedy bastard of the month!!
And now an award!
Well deserved!
One of the most vile libe(R)tarian plutocrats on the planet.
Very well deserved.
The brothers should get a vile lifetime achievement award too!!
Yes lifetime, ..of the year, worst in the universe, They work harder than anyone.
They deserve it all.
That's Greedy Bastards to you, young man!!!......LOL
Did you see their new plan for Galt's Gulch?
Did not. Not surprised, they are looking for an isolated defensible place for their 1% vile plutocrat friends.
They want to take it from the city.
You didn't think they were actually gonna build their own?
Oh I understand, They smell blood in the water as a result of Detroit serious wound. This city is desperate, and like true Libe(R)tarian, capitalists Kochheads don't care about helping anyone else (even an entire city), but rather see an easy opportunity/profit.
Truly vile bastards.
I don't want to take away from someone else's post.
Yes I've seen it.
How did the 1% get away with using capitalism to buy our democracy ?
WE 99% LET THEM !!!
wking America up to this truth is OWS's biggest victory
sever capitalism from democracy
Kochs should get an award for this.
That is the real problem. The public is largely uninformed and worse, a very large segment doesn't wish to be.
interesting - I see the "blind" 99% are blind out of belief
how many millions believe their parents' & their minister's lies about the world and about the "others"
w hy would I "wish to be informed" if I "know"?
We're probably talking about the same thing in different ways. Freedom requires constant effort, resting on simple belief is easy.
I've been bitching about it for decades.
Most people looked at me funny when I told them that in the eyes of the law, corporations a not just citizens, but a kind of SUPER citizen.
In retrospect a few have come around to that truth.
Too few.
I hope this wont make you throw up-
david koch is the money behind PBS Nova !
Marketing told him to do it, and it's through the Foundation.
They may even have a publicist.
No kidding - the asshole stopped funding the PBS news hour about a year ago.
While he has won others, this one is most fitting.
There should be another award here.
Do we have anything beyond the Evil Bastard Award?
At the rate they a propagating "evil" we have to invent something......:)
We have to. Somewhere between evil and upchuck.
The Darth Vader Universal Humanitarian Disservice Award for Corporate Insanity?
Or is that a bit over long?
I like it. It's splashy.
I was thinking of maybe replacing insanity with psychopaths.
Just for the sake of accuracy........:)
If they don't have much invested in Disney Corp. we may be able to get a tie in to the new Star Wars too!
Can I say Star Wars without paying Disney?
I hope so. I'm broke..................:)