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Forum Post: Daily Beast, "echo chambers of thought", ideas are dangerous watch what you say (fringe movements!)?

Posted 9 years ago on June 10, 2014, 11:58 p.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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CNN is setting the stage to take down " fringe" movements..I see anyone who is not msm? ...they are postulating ideas could be dangerous if they get into the wrong hands??!! Holy shit is all I can say in response to the segment with John Avlon You may not care about this because they are bagging on right wing fringe groups but it's a thin line before they come for us ...this is the most dangerous assault on freedom I have perhaps ever seen...the idea that we can no longer spread or communicate ideas because there are unstable individuals who might twist it in their deranged heads... that we should all silence ourselves!!!!! I don't want to live in that sanitized world ...it is not freedom...give me liberty or give me death ...is that too dangerous to say now?

Who is John Avlon and why is he trying to link murderous psychopaths to fringe movements and political activism which exists in " echo chambers of thought" I'm very scared of where this type of debate is heading and can see it easily shifting into censorship of free speech and a minority report future should we be scared our comments here could incite deranged individuals..will we be blamed ? ...this is the equivalent of blaming Catcher in the Rye for the deranged individuals who twist ideas to fit their personality disorders and their version of reality and act out to complete their own matryous visions of themselves by spreading their munchausen by proxy on the world...sort of similar to the article written by Avlon...link at end

Well, ideas and echo chambers aren't the problem...how about lack of adequate mental healthcare combined with stress and lack of upward mobility or perhaps marketers constant barrage of materialism assault on the masses and developing psyches creating jealous unstable individuals in a WS kill or be killed world...desperation and chronic stress does things to the mind..lack of therapy treatment ...along with inbuilt personality disorders and sociopathic nature are a dangerous mix...Avlons eagerness to blame ideas and free speech was startling and doubly crazy that CNN would air this foolishness...we are back at witch hunts and book burning? Watch out Salinger! Watch out Orwell...obviously I whole heartedly denounce the actions of these sociopaths and their murderous rampage but we can't allow Avlin and his friends at CNN to propagandize arguments for censoring free speech and ideas...they certainly don't censor themselves in airing all their corpirate love for Phizer and BP...who is your daddy cnn ...? Yes...I pay attention to your ads..so who wants you to justify censorship? Shall we expect a daily assault on the exchange of ideas? Will grass roots movements such as Occupy be targeted? I see so fringe movements are dangerous spreading their scary propaganda...but corporations such as CNN with their profit driven propaganda and psycopathy at the helm are just kittens and puppies? Sure corporate news outlets just help launch actual wars and elect our officials ...let's give them all the leeway to skate by on this while groups (hmm-like Occupy?) are targeted as the real cause for the ills of the world...yeah...that seems fair maybe Avlon needs to assess his corporate partnership / career if he truly feels this way...do they have financial stakes in the stories they either report or fail to report on? CNN has the power to sway a nation...more powerful than any echo chamber or facebook page (how many deaths can we place on them?) So what he is saying is speech can only be free and unaccountable for the actions of sociopaths (including the ones wearing suits) only if it has corporate backing and a wealthy media empire/ platform to back it?


CNN debating themselves...




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