Forum Post: credit crunch, a critical acclaim of the movie we've been waiting for for 4 years
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 5, 2012, 8:34 p.m. EST by merkozy
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Like millions of other people throughout the world, I have been looking forward to watching a movie that will absolutely nail the credit crunch, without doubt the greatest con in the history of the entire world. Four years into the crisis that has ruined millions of lives, I am afraid I am still waiting. As consolation, I have come up with a critical acclaim of the reality one. The one that many of us live every single day. In other words, the real movie. So, here goes...
"Shot amid the smouldering ruins of a once proud empire, at sub-prime slums in North America, Europe and Asia, THE CREDIT CRUNCH retains its power to provoke and startle. With a stellar cast comprising some of Wall Street's most prolific swindlers, this is a thoroughly fraudulent and immoral piece, wild, shitty and fatally bankrupt.
In this crunching new production, starring Bernie 'The Grim Reaper' Madoff and Lloyd 'God's Banker' Blankfein, the former revealing a much darker side than he does on Florida's Palm Beach golf courses, this is the definitive blueprint for organised crime. With Frederick Anderson Goodwin, the British Fiend Formally Known as Sir Fred 'The Freak of Nature' giving a flawless cameo as the greedy pensioner, Wall Street’s latest reality show is set to be another money grabber at the Bank Office.
Directed by Dick 'The Gorilla' Fuld, the reviled ringleader of the gut-wrenching horror 'The Lehman Brothers', this bankbuster sees the notorious ensemble plunge to fresh depths of human depravity. Already odds-on favourite for a clean sweep at the 'Rotten Shame Awards', here is a tragedy of Greek proportions. "
You can see a full-colour newspaper snapshot of the critical acclaim on
I was actually talking about a fictionalised movie. But yeah I agree there have been some great documentaries, and Inside Job is perhaps the best of the lot. Another excellent documentary is 'The House of Cards' by David Faber of MSNBC.
Niiice Idea Mr/Ms Merkozy !! Meanwhile, please also consider these 12 links for 2012 ~{;-)
a) Doc. Film, "INSIDE JOB", The Latest Working Link : ;
b) "Inside Job", the movie- free --- 1.5 hours ;
c) "INSIDE JOB" : Official Movie Website (+ Trailer) ; ;
d) An excellent animated critique by David Harvey, "Crisis of Capitalism: Is it time to look beyond Capitalism to a New Social Order ?" : ;
e) An uplifting and illuminating 15 mins. : Slavoj Zizek @ OWS ; (and as he has a strong sLOVEnian accent, thank goodness for 'MIC-CHECK!!) ;
f.) ;
g) ;
h) ;
i.) ;
j.) ;
k) "Viva G.I.A.B.O." : &
l.) !!!
per ardua ad astra ...~~~*
Also a recent find (thanx to forum poster 'Scout') : et fiat lux ...