Forum Post: Could this be why? Attackers of OWS keep reporting the movement as dead? Are they trying to prevent a fundamental realization?
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 17, 2012, 11:05 a.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
People are beginning to wake-up. It will take some time before all who are waking up make the connection to Greed being the main all pervasive source.
Attackers complain that OWS is too diluted with all of it's protests.
economic meltdown
living wage
etc etc etc etc
What the attackers of OWS are really afraid to say is that - people are gonna start making that concrete connection between all of the various ills of society/environment/world and realize it is all fueled by = GREED
This is what the attackers of OWS fear - the final realization - the acceptance of fact - that we need to unite to confront and put down Greed in all of it's varied and wide spread operations.
This will provide the antidote/cure to the causes of the ills of society/world and allow us to move forward in healing the damage that has resulted from it.
Otherwise we will for ever be running from one disaster to another and getting nowhere.
Great points. That unity you speak of is of course exactly what the 1% fears most. They've kept us divided for so long... Along racial lines, left-right lines and countless other ways. Now people are realizing that they have more in common than they have separating them and together they represent a force that can't be stopped :). This is a pretty intense time for humanity and the environment. Corporate forces are rising just as people are uniting and rising. It's neck and neck I think. We humans might even be a little bit behind. But we can do this. As MLK Jr said, "The moral arc of the universe bends towards justice."
The Rastafarian poet Bongo Jerry put it like this: "Sooner or later it'll all come down because you can't push people around.
Good comment - thx - it goes to why even this small forum is under constant attack - those in power are having a waking nightmare - the people are waking-up and they ( TPTB ) are not sleeping - IT IS REAL.
You bet it is. It's happening. Momentous times man. Momentous times.
Hope my heart is strong enough to see it all of the way through to the birth of real life/society/world.
Never Give Up Connecting The Dots!!! Occupy The Ideas!! Solidarity With This Good Post & Insights!
And this is why the attacks on society by TPTB have intensified. They are trying to crush all life/spirit out of the People to prevent the People from getting involved and ending the insanity the misrule. They are getting frantic because the People are waking-up are becoming aware.
And that is why OWS and this forum are so important!!! Never Give Up! Go Occupy! Solidarity.
And this is why this forum and all of Occupy are under constant attack - they try to put us down and say we are not at all important - and yet they are here and are attacking. Kinda puts the lie to them - Hey?
Good point!
We must be doing something right if the trolls are upset.
Making the right enemies is an excellent measure of success.
If you are doing good - if you are trying to do good - and are attacked - why - why would one be attacked for doing good? - because it endangers someones game of control? subjugation? OWS/Occupy are about making a better world for all - so being attacked would make the attackers(?) against humanity against a healthy world for ALL.
And yet they continue. Never admitting this logic, but adopting some twisted logic that defies reality.
They are brainwashed, they believe they work for the betterment of all by advocating for the 1% oligarchs.
They believe in the superiority of the plutocrats, & that one day they will be rewarded for their effort by being made one of them. They have been duped.
How sad for them.
How sad and how lost.
Oh well. That is their misfortune. For me it is just entertainment.
And the Wall Street Government etc etc
it is all fueled by Greed!
created by
In a word YES.
That's the only word necessary to convey a complete thought and answer to the question posed.
The ill's are caused by greed and tolerated by a false sense of security.People today will put up with anything so long as they feel safe from society and danger.Once that illusion crumbles all of them will scramble to the streets.By than it will be to late.
Perhaps ( I hope not ).
To find out if something is dead-Poke it with a stick-preferably a long one so The Thing can't see where you are.Saying over and over again that The Thing is dead also helps.For those devoted to the Death of #OWS-#OWS is a Thing whose Time has come.Learn to love it,because there are Things Much Worse whose time might come if #OWS should meet an untimely death.Be nice to #OWS-#OWS is a nice thing that loves ALL Americans-even the wealthiest among us.#OWS only wants everyone to be treated fairly,and for the US Constitution and Rule of Law to be restored.Be not Afeared...
Well said Long live the peoples movement!