Forum Post: Cornel West, thanks for shredding this idiot on CNN..Be Defined
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 11:09 p.m. EST by IChowderDown
from Dallas, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I noticed CNN cut this great showdown from their live video site, however someone has posted on you Tube:
This a great debate that will (I believe) help define many Occupiers viewpoints and feelings.
Cornel West, thanks for shredding this idiot.
As a Professor, not only Intelligent, Enlighten with the Occupy movement, but really gets it... see for yourself... as he educates this 1percenter (Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital). Cornel West shredded him on facts. Peter tried to disguise himself as perhaps as a sympathizer but he is just a low lying money sucker. He sells investment shit.
Cornel West is a prominent and provocative democratic intellectual. He is the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University. He has a wonderful Blog:
Yes, but only because of the now defunct Enron
Watch the documentary "Enron," and you'll see the obscenity, greed and hubris of those involved.
MattLHolck1 points 3 hours ago
the ca government deregulated electricity and the price went up
the ca government deregulated electricity and the price went up
How true and sad. The "Mulroney Government" Cashed in for himself. The US has and continues on this path. Definition of a politician: says one thing and is thinking (is doing) something else.
You call that a shredding? Cornel West doesn't seem to have a clue about economics, nor what has happened, what is happening or what is going to happen. Bud, you need to take off those shades, the lens are way too dirty.
peter predicted this economic depression to a T 7 years ago. He warned everyone but no one listened. I like Cornel, especially when he protested the stop and frisk in nyc, but he injects way to much politics into his economics
The Schitt Report - Exposed as a Government lacky His business is sinking friend. If you are investor... RUN. He is just-a marketer, that made some impressions on the media. More people than he told people about this problem, it's just he had some pull to get on TV. This is a standard tactic that many investment companies do like the "I Told You So" etc.
put to predict exactly what happened is not to be ignored
there are many US watch dogs that were laughed at by politicians. Like I said he happened to be in the mainstream media, and but i agree at least he was a minority of people who spoke out. It continues today. Top 1% of 1% continue to work on the next scam, that everyone as taxpayers will bail out over a century. They are fighting hard to keep other countries like Greece not to default (Greece has almost sold/guaranteed all there assets, like utilities, health care etc.). They are hording more money in there "portfolio". The US will default in less than 18 months. This a fact. I Believe Peter is advising of this to, but most investor/broker groups are doing this. They don't care about you, they collecting more of your money to keep for themselves.
Peter won. The main problem is the mega world bank at the center of all this, controling the worlds money, the Federal Reserve. Follow the money, it ends at the Fed.
On paper that could be true. If so this is why elected officials and op dogs need to fight for the people liberties and rights. But remember, massive majority of representatives are bought off by corporations. The federal reserve is a very, very secret club that really no one has access to. Scary is an understatement. Peter has no value on how to resolve the diseases.
We could start by dissecting the Fed. I think occupiers storming it and taking the records and dissecting them would be a very good first step. Way too radical? Yes. Productive? Hell ya.
And if the people werent afraid of electing some politicians who have fucked some stuff up, actually live a little bit, then we wouldnt end up with these spineless cowards who couldnt fight their way outta a paper bag.
It could led to that. But once getting close to that, the would bomb their own building. remember the plane crashing into the Pentagon and Building 7. There where investigations into these things, and a few trillion dollars unaccounted for. It is not worth while to get politicians on the "occupiers side", so starting it's own political party.The two party system is really only one system. The honest politicians can join the new party.
Missing Trillions Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01 Press Conference
Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01 On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends. found here:
The person who wrote this article is just as dumb as Cornell West.
Shredding ? Are you kidding me ?
I love how people who have never taken an economic class or just learn what free markets mean yesterday suddlenly become expert on this issue.
Peter Schiff is 1% but a 1% that fights for the 99%.
You moronic protesters have 4 choices : Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, shitty Capitalism.
You currently have shitty capitalism. Make your decision fast.
those are not the only choices, and in fact, not one of those things represents a genuine choice, capitalism has never existed.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
The below written in response to a post that has since been deleted (apparently by the posting individual) :
Capitalism is a fabric for the medium of exchange (money) within our social society. Capitalism is less than the people in society.
Capitalism exists to serve ALL the people in society. When capitalism fails to serve all the people in the society (aka U.S. in my case), it needs corrected.
Capitalists rely on our social fabric (aka Legal System) to enforce their exploitive contracts and enforce crony-capitalist bought legal requirements! I agree- let's have a capitalist system where, if Aunt May fails to pay her mortgage, the bank can't evict her legally (the law does not interfere with the capitalist system, right?)
Banks will be forced to perform better credit analysis when giving out loans.
I agree, let's have a social system where banks can't get bailouts! If the banks fail, then they fail!!!
You know who will disagree with our plan? The FAKE, crony-capitalists who, in collusion with corrupt government officials, run our great country and destroy the American dream for the 99%.
Wake up!!! Its about power, not capitalism. The folks in power, use their influence to maintain power (in this case the folks in power are the banks, so they want to maintain a system (capitalism) that benefits them, at the expense of the 99%.) You need to stop being a shill for the 1%.
You think they care about you? You are just a pathetic a pawn to them!!! They laugh at you, because they know you are fooled into believing you can be like them!!!
Very well written :)
I'll take what Denmark has. Or Germany. Or even what we had 40 years ago.
Austrian tool.
What the USA had 40 years ago was much better than now.
Yes, before Milton Friedman and neoliberalism won the day. Back when we still had a social contract.
Better yet why don't you move to Denmark or Germany,eh? 40 or 50 years ago they'd have just taken most of these punks off the street and whipped their ass and their parents would have been in full support.
Oh yeah, is that what happened in the 60s-70s?
I grew up in the 60's and 70's and got my ass whipped by coaches and school administrators with very little provocation. When I did, my dad did it again when I got home for getting in trouble. Poor abused me!
Well, others were out on the streets, changing the world. Winning the cultural revolution and putting enough pressure on the most powerful government in the world that it had to back out of a strategic war for lack of domestic support.
And look what all that change has wrought. Sometimes less is more. My world growing up was much better than my kids' is. That is a fact.
"My world growing up was much better than my kids' is. That is a fact."
I agree. Which might have something to with why all these "punks" are on the street.
Well, there are a multitude of reasons we're where we are, too long to post on cellphone. Kids weren't babied, there was no cellphones, cable, or Internet, loss of morals for "freedom", illegal immigration, etc. Technology is great, but it has led to a very impersonal society, lack of civility because you don't have to face people you communicate with. Global competition for jobs due to this technology. It's all very complicated and interrelated, but scapegoating wealthy people isn't going to change jt and the genie is out of the bottle.
We don't disagree. But, you talk about morality - and globalization - yet refuse to see the immorality of the system you defend; an oligarchy of the neoliberal elite, and their total domination of public policy w/regards free trade and everything else. Yes, individual morality is absolutely in short supply, and perhaps that's part of why we so easily accept an immoral, compassion-free society. Both aspects, individual and collective, need to change.
I think if you really got to know some of these "punks" you'd find that, perhaps the basis for their morality and some particular esoteric values did not match your own, but they are deeply moral people. They are compassionate and concerned for the weakest among us (not all of them are poor or young by the way). They have accepted responsibility for society's ills, and are taking it on their shoulders to at least try to fix it. Why don't you try supporting them, instead of judging them?
I sincerely believe that many of them are not the "least among u's". We have a system in place that provides subsistence to those in true need. Food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8 housing, drug counseling, the list is lengthy. Most kids today simply will not take responsibility for choices they have made. Life does not owe them a job making a certain amount of money, a comfortable retirement, or a house with a roof that doesn't leak. I think that While healthcare is not inherently a right, getting cancer isn't a choice and the costs involved in the medical arena are too much to bear for the average person. But I look at it from a different perspective. I've never had a paycheck in my life, always have been commission only, have 3 kids and pay 100% of my healthcare premiums. My hair is prematurely gray from stress, but I chose this life because it afforded me the chance to work my own hours and have good potential upside. I go months sometimes between making a dime. I just laugh when I see people occupying or protesting over pension or healthcare contributions or automatic raises or raised cola's. The kids need to rid themselves of the grievance hustlers like Moore, Sharpton, Cornell West, Ed Shultz etc and realize they have much more control over their lives than they think they do. There's not a scary rich guy behind every door.
It's true that peeps don't know much economics these days.
Alan Greenspan was large contributor to the (destruction) economics of the US. Are you suggesting you are as smart as he? Accounting is no rocket science, and what is happening is not "economics" it's fraudulent criminal acts. Secondly when I see people like you post things like "You moronic protesters have 4 choices : Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, shitty Capitalism." shows your low level of intelligent.
Watch where billions of dollars you now owe, it this is a fraction, is this economics too?