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Forum Post: Cooperative Individualism, Not Competition

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 3:47 a.m. EST by Bender (98) from Meriden, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It escapes me how so many can look right past the elephant in the room and start trying to solve the problems of the system from within the confines of the same system. Let me clarify that by system, i mean our social structure. A good way to tell if you have a pragmatic society is to compare it to other societies. All societies besides that of humans sustain themselves indefinitely through balance and cooperation. In a forest, everything plays a part and nothing is wasted. The same occurs in a coral reef, and a beehive. A tree does not take without giving. So take a lesson from nature and give something back to a society worth giving to. But give yourself. More than money we need your brain. More than tarps we need your voice. OWS is not a new model for a nanny state, nor is it a protest, even though we do protest. It is a new social model for the complementary growth of humanity through cooperation with our finite world and each other. More importantly, it is the materialization of things that need to take root in all INDIVIDUALS'(you) minds if you wish humanity to move forward.

If you don't know what i'm talking about, go to your local occupation and observe how economy works there, there is no money involved; everything received and taken is a gift, from one individual to another. And as such the relationship between them is different. They actually care for each other because, unlike money, gifts are personal and transfer meaning There's nothing to compete for, no money to hoard, no force that separates them for the sake of coming in 1st place. There is just a society of interdependent independents striving for a tone loud enough for everyone in the world to finally hear the alarm clock going off. So if you say you don't understand the movement, start listening.



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[-] 0 points by Bender (98) from Meriden, CT 12 years ago

seen it. thanks

[-] 0 points by Bender (98) from Meriden, CT 12 years ago

bedtime. will expand tomorrow.