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Forum Post: Connect, Organize, Unite!

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 2:34 a.m. EST by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Wall Street saw yet another surge in protesters today: hundreds of Continental and United Airlines pilots demonstrated in New York City's financial district.

Now is a great time to begin expanding networks and building coalitions. Connect with different groups and find out what they have in common with Occupy Wall Street -- and what Occupy Wall Street has in common with them.

In light of Wall Street and their political spokespeople in Congress disproportionately placing the burden of the financial crisis they created onto the backs of the working and middle classes, it should not be difficult finding common ground with other groups that have been negatively impacted by their greed and unjust policies.

Connect, organize, unite!




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[-] 1 points by occupyradiola (1) 12 years ago

Has anybody from LA contacted the moderator of this site about our GA that just happended tonite?

[-] 1 points by FirstCircle (9) 12 years ago

Solidarity in the making....yet another thing to add to the list. Airlines have been shafting pilots for years--choosing profits over qualified pilots that should be paid wages they can actually live on--given what they do.