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Forum Post: Congratulations FOX NEWs, MSN and CNN on your WRONG choice

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 12:30 a.m. EST by paulg5 (673)
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Congratulations FOX NEW; MSN and CNN on your WRONG choice, Ron Lawl shows strength ahead in Iowa caucuses over Newt Gingrich.



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[-] 1 points by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

gold standard

fractional banking fiat currency bubble of 750 trillion derivative(s) off the books shadow banking bubble is about to burst. People will be begging for Ron Lawl's [Pawl] knowledge at that point. ~~


The shadow banking system is the infrastructure and practices which support financial transactions that occur beyond the reach of existing state sanctioned monitoring and regulation. It includes entities such as hedge funds, money market funds and Structured investment vehicles. Investment banks may conduct much of their business in the shadow banking system (SBS), but they are not SBS institutions themselves. The core activities of investment banks are subject to regulation and monitoring by central banks and other government institutions - but it has been common practice for investment banks to conduct many of their transactions in ways that don't show up on their conventional balance sheet accounting and so are not visible to regulators.


Bloomberg reports that Bank of America (BAC) has shifted about $22 trillion worth of derivative obligations from Merrill Lynch and the BAC holding company to the FDIC insured retail deposit division. Along with this information came the revelation that the FDIC insured unit was already stuffed with $53 trillion worth of these potentially toxic obligations, making a total of $75 trillion.

Derivatives are highly volatile financial instruments that are occasionally used to hedge risk, but mostly used for speculation. They are bets upon the value of stocks, bonds, mortgages, other loans, currencies, commodities, volatility of financial indexes, and even weather changes. Many big banks, including Bank of America, issue derivatives because, if they are not triggered, they are highly profitable to the issuer, and result in big bonus payments to the executives who administer them. If they are triggered, of course, the obligations fall upon the corporate entity, not the executives involved. Ultimately, by allowing existing gambling bets to remain in insured retail banks, and endorsing the shift of additional bets into the insured retail division, the obligation falls upon the U.S. taxpayers and dollar-denominated savers.


In the past three years, while banks all over the world and Wall Street were imploding, while some $40-$50 trillion of capital was being destroyed in global stock markets, one financial market kept growing. That market is the financial derivatives market.

According to the Bank for International Settlements [BIS], the global Over the Counter [OTC] derivatives market has grown almost 65% from $414.8 trillion in December, 2006 to $683.7 trillion in June of 2008. On the BIS’s own website, there are no updated figures for the notional derivatives market since June 2008, so we can likely assume, with some margin of safety, that this market has now grown to more than $700 trillion. Comparatively speaking, the total market cap of all major global stock markets is approximately $30 trillion.

~AND the only people who are going to get bailed out are the CEO bankers; soft landing for them, while everyone else suffers. Have fun to all those who mock Occupy...

[-] 0 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

The Revolution has a new theme song!



The Revolution starts here!

[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 13 years ago

Islamic law is discrimitory towards women and many business practices that Americans would not tolorate! Islamic banking practices would never fly here sorry. Come here to live become an american be free but leave Islamic law in Islam!