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Forum Post: Confusion is not helpful

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 9:31 a.m. EST by EdmondSeymore (101)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If OccupyWallSt.org is the unofficial de facto online resource for the growing occupation movement happening on Wall Street and around the world, where is the official web site?

We need to speak with a single voice. Confusion is not helpful.

There needs to be a communication committee to coordinate building a message and getting it out.



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[-] 2 points by mspam (9) 12 years ago

I AGREE, Have an agenda, Stay on Topic, Get the Message across and don't settle for less Stay the Course until real change takes place. Get help to keep the issue and the people organized maintain control and keep a peaceful tone. Don't let anything negative stop or discourage you. You are making an impact on real issues. Stay don't leave just improve have some noise control, police yourselves. You are doing a great job.

[-] 1 points by Frizzle (520) 12 years ago

Decentralization is what makes this movement unstoppable. With no single voice to silence, the message can spread through countless voices.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 12 years ago

Raising the age to collect social security

read more - http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

Diane Swonk claims to be an economist who just said, "I work hard and I don't mind having to work 2 more years to collect social security." That was in response to a caller on C-span who said she was 48 and she opposes raising the age.

While I'm sitting here at age 69 writing this blog post I don't claim that this is hard work sitting on my ass. If Diane Swonk drove an 18 wheeler and had to pull the pin to release the trailer every day or did some meaningful work making products, cooking food, repairing things, or building things Diane would grasp that increasing the age to remedy social security will be impossible for many workers.

Diane Swonk is another clueless economist who never saw the mortgage bubble and doesn't know what she's talking about on any subject. When she claims to being a hard worker, even if that was true, she's never accomplished anything. The economists designed the slave trade called "globalization" that has destroyed America for 50,000,000 workers who earned money by working. Its the economists who refuse to admit the mistake of advising the government to use policies that have destroyed the economy.

Any reader who wants to read my entire composition posted just under this post will receive a copy if they send their email address.

[-] 2 points by EdmondSeymore (101) 12 years ago

You must have posted to the wrong topic. Your post is off topic.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 12 years ago

That was my message for OWS.The issue is messages.

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 12 years ago

Steve you have admitted that you are a convicted felon who spent 9 years in prison for extortion. Why are you looking for your next prey here?

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

There is a message, and it is already out. Welcome to Occupy.

[-] 1 points by EdmondSeymore (101) 12 years ago
