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Forum Post: Confuse the NYPD, impersonate the 1% and get NYPD to arrest 1%

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 11:34 a.m. EST by rachaelmatheus (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

During Nov 17 shut down, we should have a lot of actions going on at the same time.

  1. People dress in business suits and walk around the subway/sidewalks during rush hour.
  2. Need people to create fake access cards and fake employee IDs to get into NYSE and corporate HQs.
  3. Need people people to get into NYSE using access cards/employee IDs.

Police won't be able to tell who is an employee if we get fake IDs/access cards. They will end up arresting some people in the 1%.

When some 1% get arrested and go to jail, we research their white collar crimes. We then create a petition on change.org to pressure the prosecutor to charge the arrested 1%. We get everyone across the world to sign the petitions.

We can bring attention to white collar crime and show the NYPD's hypocracy.



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