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Forum Post: Concerns over corruption and criminal activity

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:43 p.m. EST by arius047 (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Dear Occupants, I and thousands of dutch people sincerely support your protests, this world needs to change, and we need to stand up, because if we dont, those greedy fucks are going to fuck us over again and again.

This is a worry thats been bugging me for some time. During alot of grand protests, you always see small groups of people starting to act with criminal behaivor, ruining it for the rest. I think plans are being made to have the exact same thing happen here. I dont want to believe in conspiracies, but I actually think this time, our governments might be plotting against all this. I've heard serious stories about government agents infiltrating into groups of occupants to commit crimes, to give cops a reason to beat down the resistance. If true, THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN. Even if the government is not behind this, and just mere criminals will try to get a bust out of this, STOP THEM.

This cause is far to great to be ruinned by criminals or in the worst case, the governments itself. Be safe, and keep protesting, this world needs to change. We all know it. We shouldnt argue over systems like capitalism vs communism or socialist or any ism at all, because thats not the point. The fact is that WE, the WORKING CLASS should decide what happens, because power ALWAYS corrupts.

Be safe, all of you,


A guy from The Netherlands



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[-] 2 points by OWSProporganda (7) 12 years ago

Please don't let the OWS movement get hijacked!!! People please stay alert and don't let proporganda distract from the real issues at hand that need to be addressed. http://tarpley.net/2011/10/07/occupy-wall-street-who-wants-to-hijack-the-movement/

[-] 2 points by arius047 (3) 12 years ago

Absolutely right! I urge everyone of you to watch for troublemakers, its important.