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Forum Post: Coming to America-Coming to the World: Alarming Mainstream and Alternate Opinions Shared by Many!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 4:50 a.m. EST by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In visiting a link earlier I began to play various other political and economic offerings on youtube.com

What I found was surprisingly interconnected philosophies and conclusions and the range came from individual participants from mainstream to alternate/simply bizaare in terms of method or style.

Feel free to add to the supposed moving exhibit so that all may freely see what OWS is really about.


Coming Soon to a City near You!

From: Sandman369 | Apr 6, 2011 | 3,111 views

Compilation of real life and movies clips gives an idea of what is to come.


Jim Rogers: The World is facing disaster


• Yeah he co founded the fund, but he left it in 1979.

When Rogers left he had 14 million

Soros made 1 billion from the quantum fund after all the trouble it caused to everyone, an interesting fact to think about is that the Rothschild Family was also involved in the Quantum fund :) makes you wonder huh ?


9-21-11: George Soros Predicts Economic Collapse "WE WILL HAVE A DOUBLE-DIP"


When will America Collapse? Today's bad news provide a timeline to Economic Collapse.

Uploaded by PaulRevere2012 on Sep 24, 2011

Double dip recessions, falling home prices, mortgage foreclosures, high unemployment, tight oil supply and rising sovereign debt are today's news. What does tomorrow hold for us? By examining today's news we can look at one possible scenario and the future isn't pretty.


WORLD WAR 3 SET UP BY THE ELITESUploaded by SeekerTruth2012 on Mar 25, 2011

Anyone who can't see what's happening now is Blind.


THIS IS A GAME. Are they telling you something? YES!


Uploaded by MacSlavo on Jun 6, 2011

More: http://www.SHTFplan.com

The following exchange between Congressman Ron Lawl (R-TX) and the Fed's attorney Scott Alvarez proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that The Federal Reserve has no gold backing the US dollar.


Uploaded by RTAmerica on Dec 3, 2010

Shorty after the US Federal Reserve released data revealing trillions of dollars in emergency aid to financial institutions and foreign banks, among other companies, RT's Dina Gusovsky spoke to Congressman Ron Lawl, a longtime critic of the Fed. The interview includes his reaction to the revelations, his own solutions towards fixing the economy, the situation on the Korean peninsula, as well as his thoughts on a Sarah Palin's potential presidential run.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Dzehenuti (15) 13 years ago

They are not miscreants. They are Pharisees.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

And they are 'the owners' see:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2vclIqxwvE&feature=related George Carlin: The Elite and The American Dream

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Thanks! 'I pledge allegiance to the earth' Indeed...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw Here's George Carlin on Saving the Planet

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

It is game over for these miscreants, They are gasping their last breath before their head goes under a tidal wave of change, so vast no one will be untouched.Debt forgiveness, Fake Money= Fake Debt..Gold backed currency, General Assemblies and Tribunals..

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

are you suggesting that gold backed money is the way to go? i believe that gold as the only decider of wealth is the same as the resource curse that has plagued many nations. if you put all your eggs in one basket and the basket's bottom falls out, then you go without eggs. no?

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

are you suggesting more worthless paper? Gold doesn't burn,and is recognized worldwide..Backing it with nothing is counterfeitng,The fed has been printing fake money since 1933 and 1964,took the silver backing out..

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

i did not say that. and fiat money exists because it allows for easier trade with other nations. say japan makes VCRs, and America grows corn. the fiat money supply allows for one VCR to equal ten bushels of corn. or what ever japan is willing to trade a VCR for how many corn bushels, becomes the exchange rate. But this configuration has allowed speculators to devalue and manipulate money. i find this to be a problem. But if our money is tied to all of our production, not just gold or silver, then speculators would be forced to create value in our economy, instead of betting high or low. resource based economy is better than gold, silver or fiat.

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

you have to take speculation and futures out of the equation, selling things that don't exist is stealing,just like printing money backed by no goods and services is counterfeiting..Fiat money supply allows corruption and devalues the currency to nothing because it is backed by nothing..

[-] 1 points by JohnWatson (250) from Nürnberg, BY 13 years ago

Currencies in the capitalistic societies are backed by private property and without the gold standard you just have more choices for generation of money.

The global problem we face is that there are not enough good securities for creating more money and therefore we have a global debt crisis. For more information see:


[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

i agree, that is why the dollar should be begged to the GDP divided by the number of the population beetween 16 and retirement age. if the gdp is a 1000units per hour and the population has a workforce of a 100, then the value of a credit is 10. therefore the market can allocate responsibly. and if someone corners a service or product, the market can invest else where., without the whole system stagnating. if we attach our currency to just precious metals, than some one can hoard, then we would have to divert capital and labor from other services to make up the difference. now, if none of this make sense, it is because i have not thought it all the way threw. i just know from history that having wealth dependent on one product is a recipe for disaster. In economics it is called the resource curse.

[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Let us all be open for suggestions and ideas,Solutions to our monumental problems will take everyone's input to push it through.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

i know at first glance this idea may look like a rehashing of a defunct modal, but i believe the differences are enough to make a difference. tell me what you think?

