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Forum Post: cold fusion - game changer - prevent a cover up

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 1:28 p.m. EST by Willem (35)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

These are links to Andrea Rossi's E-Cat, if his claims are true, and so far no one has been able to contest them, free energy is within reach.

An important test was done on 28th of october, apparantly the E-cat was acquired by a customer who wished to remain anonymous.

I'm sorry if this reads like some bad james bond movie but just read up on Rossi if your interested.

A couple of news channels have wrote something about this technology but so far none of the mainstream press.


"Since the E Cat is just as important as the invention of the radio, the Internet, the light bulb and the atom bomb, and since - as DOE spokesman Sean Murphy told reporters in 2009 about the device's fundamental element, hydrogen - so it can completely replace oil by 2050, this reporter thought he was doing the A.P. a favor when he called up their national desk and told them about it just 30 hours or so before the test."





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[-] 1 points by Willem (35) 12 years ago

I can imagine just as with every other power structure that lot's of people stand to lose if this technology was made available.

Russia's economic growth for instance is for the most part due to their massive reserves & export of gas and oil.

I know the OWS movement has politics, reform, money system on their mind but energy is the foundation of our civilization.