Forum Post: Code Red- : Well, the NDAA passed the House as many of you may know. I like to thank OWS for addressing this awful bill and protesting today. We need to keep doing this. Stay vigilant everyone.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 11:14 p.m. EST by Windsofchange
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The road to Fascism starts here: S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)/IP Protect Act
Please check this link out about what the House is doing about the detainee sections of S.1867. This may be the good news we are looking for.* It passed in Senate on (12/1) with 93 yeas to 7 nays and has been introduced in the to the House. It will be added into an already approved bill--The Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Here is the info on the bill. They will be working to resolved the differences. The M.C.A.A. passed in the House back in May 2011 with 322 yeas to 96 nays. After the House resolved the differences of the two bills then it will go to President Obama to approve. Everyone call your House Reps and write to President Obama--get the word out that you strongly disapprove of this bill. Spread the word and make your voices heard on this. Thanks.
Please call these House Representatives who were just appointed to review and resolve the difference of each bill. Tell them how you feel about section 1031-1032 of the S. 1867 bill. **
**On Dec 7, 2011: The Speaker appointed conferees - from the Committee on Armed Services for consideration of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: McKeon, Bartlett, Thornberry, Akin, Forbes, Miller (FL), LoBiondo, Turner (OH), Kline, Rogers (AL), Shuster, Conaway, Wittman, Hunter, Rooney, Schilling, Griffin (AR), West, Smith (WA), Reyes, Sanchez, Loretta, McIntyre, Andrews, Davis (CA), Langevin, Larsen (WA), Cooper, Bordallo, Courtney, Loebsack, Tsongas, and Pingree (ME).
Here is a little info on S. 1867 bill.
The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.which will be on the Senate floor on Monday. The bill was drafted in secret by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) and passed in a closed-door committee meeting, without even a single hearing.
Check out these commentaries. The first is from Lionel on WPIX New York News and the second is from Judge Andrew Napolitano of Freedom Watch on Fox (one of the only people I will listen to on Fox.) They are both sounding the alarm on this awful bill.
*SOPA/IP Protect ACT According to the Stop Pricacy Act the Attorney General has the right to shut down any site it pleases and claim that it infringes on copyright laws with out due process. Guess what that means Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter, Ebay, some of Amazon are all offenders to these bill.
Please look at this you tube documentary to get a further idea about this horrible bill. This bill will change the internet drastically and will affect social network sites, even this website.
The biggest supporters of SOPA & Protect ID are ofcourse Hollywood, The Music Industry, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In addition to this list of companies that support these bills. Please see these links, ignore the title of the first one.
Also, check out these tech companies that are for SOPA.
I say at the very least we should have mass boycotting of Hollywood and The Music Industry. Don't go to the movies any longer, don't buy or rent videos, don't buy anything associated with these two industries for as long as it takes for them to back off with thee two horrible bills.*
So please stand up and don't allow these awful bills pass as they are going to really try to push them through.
Are we heading towards Fascism--you tell me.
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism 1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism 2) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights 3) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause 4) Supremacy of the Military 5) Rampant Sexism 6) Controlled Mass Media 7) Obsession with National Security 8) Religion and Government are Intertwined 9) Corporate Power is Protected 10) Labor Power is Suppressed 11) Suppression of Intellectuals and the Arts 12) Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14) Fraudulent Elections
If you don't think we are heading towards a police state than please read this article.
WE should demand the resignation of the senators who drafted and secretly pushed forth this bill so it will pass in Senate. These traitors and their supporters must resign immediately--they are traitors to this country and to the American people who they are suppose to represent.
they should face trial for treason
Oh, hell yes!
Someone posted this link . . At first glance it seems interesting, but will need to read everything . . .
Okay, I a bit tired, but I will look at it tomorrow.
me too - have a good night
You, too.
Repeal the Patriot Act. It is being used against Americans. Don't just read this, do something. Please sign the petitions:!/petition/repeal-patriot-act/JF1pdPKg!/petition/end-patriot-act/nH20qwfr
and what about the other members of congress who approve of it?
To approve a bill that would fraudulently allow American Citizens to be imprisoned without trial or charges for a limitless time span: yes - IMO all should face trial for treason.
The bill would be fraudulently passed because a bill cannot legally alter the United States Constitution. An ammedment is required.
Congress works for the USA Corporation and are mostly all traitors to our republic. They should be all arrested by the sheriffs. Please study the links in the following blogs to find out that they work for the british crown and not the USA !!!!
Boy are they ever traitors. This bill will pass tomorrow. They did not consider the other amendments that would uphold the U.S. constitution. I hope and pray that this is shot down in the White House. There was talk that this would be done, but we have to wait and see.
Here check this latest article out.
I am only going to be on this site for a very short time, so I will check out those links you gave me tomorrow. Spread the word around about this awful bill set to pass the Senate tomorrow.
The best bet now is to get Sheriff Mack's and Alan Stang's info to get as many sheriffs as possible to arrest these bastards. From one of my blogs: #7
"If only we can get the sheriff (has more power than the president in his/her turf) to arrest these bastards, that would be great. We just have to inform the non-bought out sheriffs to be aware of their powers under the US Constitution. See some links below about this power: (Part 1/5 ) (Part2/5 ) (Part 3/5 ) (Part4/5 ) (Part5/5)
Sheriff Mack is educating and training sheriffs to understand their powers under the Republic US Constitution and in their turfs: They have more power than the president of the USA Corporation (operating under the fake constitution)
Let them know their powers under our constitution and that the traitors work for the british crown's USA corporation and operate under a fraudulent constitution. The comparison of the 2 constitutions:
same blog above #4:
Well, it passed in Senate. Feeling kind of down about this.
Well, thanks for the links. Will try to check them all out.
So True !!
From item #7 of
7) The sheriff in his/her turf has more power than the president:
If only we can get the sheriff (has more power than the president in his/her turf) to arrest these bastards, that would be great. We just have to inform the non-bought out sheriffs to be aware of their powers under the US Constitution. See some links below about this power: (Part 1/5 ) (Part2/5 ) (Part 3/5 ) (Part4/5 ) (Part5/5)
zionism is the enemy of man:
mixed metaphors are confusing and read weak.
I copied the links
GOOD ON YOU ! This is what we need - SOLUTIONS AND ACTION ! !
also check on this:
Sheriff Richard Mack speaks candidly about the project to train sheriffs across the nation to understand and fulfill their constitutional duties.
Naomi Wolf wrote "The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy, published Nov. 25th in the UK - not here.
The violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class's venality.
Thank you for the Sheriff Mack link - - I've known him for a few years for his work and battle against the "fraudulent" feds in his turf in AZ. He's mentioned in the paper I was reading too:
Your link above is in the following blog:
more blogs filled w/ links to hopefully wake up our friends: (lots of my other posts in OWS)
they haven't represented the American people for 30 years- they represent the 1% - remember taxation without representation.
Hem, then it's time to tar and feather these jerks. No, no what I really mean is demand their resignations and put them on trial for being traitors to this country.
bribery is against the law- bribing a senator / congressman. put them on trial-- and the corporation that they worked for. once we find them guilty- then we tar and feather them- they won't need a jail uniform- if treason the death penalty.
These scoundrels shouldn't be above the law--yes they should be tried for treason. Oh, and I like how you slipped the tar and feather thing in there--hehe. I am more for life in prison, but could see where you come from with the death penalty. It is a great crime against the American people.
Life in prison is dumb. I don't want to pay for that. I don't want to torture people. I just want those who are a danger to human life removed from society.
Stick them all on a remote island that they can't get off and let them all attack each other. You are right, they are a danger to all.
All serious people in Michigan have been trying to get rid of Carl Levin for 2 decades.
re-redistricting has kept him in power even as Michiganders have tried to remove him tell me again how my vote counts...
This is a good reason to renew those efforts. Good luck to them.
I agree but they won't resign because they know nothing will happen to them. Congress is above the law. And above ethics. And above morality. And they know they will be reelected.
There should be a vote of no confidence where we can vote out these jerks. Did you know 87% of Americans disapprove Congress's performance. How on earth are they allowed to keep their jobs with that high disapproval rating?
What the point of having an approval rating system if when noting can be done about fixing the problem? Once again--a vote of no confidence is needed. Vote the bums out.
I agree.
Yes, I was wrong about their disapproval rating it went up again, so it is 91% of Americans who do not approve of Congress's performance. Now more than ever we need a vote of no confidence put in place so we can get these bums out. We can't afford to wait until the next election--they need to go now!
They do not know they will be re-elected. They just assume that they will because the past trend has been to elect those who raised the most money. We don't have to continue to follow that trend, and we don't intend to. Fund-raising ability is no measure of how well a politician will serve their constituents.
The attempt to rig elections with Diebold wasn't foolproof or we never would have gotten Obama in the first place. That is why we are seeing these new attempts at voter suppression - and those are being dealt with as we speak. No one is going to tolerate that kind of subversion of our system.
We can still regain control of our government. It was designed specifically to allow for us to do so in situations like this. We simply have to flex our collective electoral muscle. The government belongs to us and those who govern need to keep that in mind or we will remind them. If they have forgotten the will of the people, then soon they will learn to fear it again, as they ought to.
I truly wish you were right. But you are not.
Your defeatist attitude is not helping. If you can't stand with us and work for what is right, then get out of the way. Why should anyone listen to such talk?
I consider myself a patriot, and not in that jingoistic "America is the greatest" kind of way. I love this country and I am duty bound to make it better. I intend to keep at this until either I am satisfied with the results of my efforts.
Good for you. But the way of Marx is not the way to improve the country.
"The way of Marx" Really? Where did I ever mention Marx? Where did I use any rhetoric associated with Marx? You are making a lot of unfounded assumptions about what my way is, Was the way of Ghandi also the way of Marx? Was the way of Dr.Martin Luther King also the way of Marx? Please explain yourself.
Ghandi? No. MLK? Big time Marxist sympathies. And what do either of them have to do with OWS? setting the bait......
They both helped to model the kind of civil disobedience methods that are now being used by OWS. Considering that at this point OWS is pretty much purely a discourse fueled by civil disobedience, that is a lot.
As for you conclusions about what is or is not Marxist, you are applying the term far too broadly for me to believe that you actually know what you are talking about. Your associations are reactionary. You can't stop change from happening. Adapt or die.
If your kind go far enough we will see who does the dying....
Threats are the refuge of the impotent.
I'm not threatening anyone. You are the one saying agree with filthy reds or die. And considering the murderous history of you communists I should be the one feeling threatened.
Are you really suffering from paranoid delusions as it appears, or simply trolling? What are you, a member of the John Birch Society? No one thinks the "filthy reds" are a threat anymore. Wake up. It's the 21st century.
Yeah. You're right. Communism kills no one anymore.
The American people have been stripped of more of their freedoms in the last few years than at any time in our history. It has been done quietly and blatantly, while the American people were busy burying their heads in the sand and hoping the routine political humdrum operations would just go away. Those politicians who saw a chance, moved swiftly and decisively, cutting us off from our rights, in the name of security and economic stability and so we are in the bad political/ economic standing we face today. The changes to privacy, free speech, and freedom laws, has yielded a near Fascist state. With the passage of these bills, nothing new is going on, save the continued fleecing of the American Public. People... the last three nails are in the coffin lid of freedom and soon we will have nothing to do but wait for the air to run out. Removal of the apathy, insistence in education and action in our politics is the only way to have any hope of escape. As it is, I believe, short of a bloody, destructive revolution, 'a movement' is too pathetic in the face of the safeguards taken by the 1% in recent years. If the movement dies out, I will be a saddened man, yet I will have 'called it' true.
It just kills me how they did all this, of course under the guise of "for the greater good" (security, fighting terrorism, etc). Of course they hide these fascist bills under the guise "for the greater good of the country"--it's b.s. they want to strip us of all our rights as you say and are doing a pretty good job of it. Our constitution is being ripped to sheds and most Americans are not even aware of it. There will come a time where they will wake up and their will be a peasant revolt. This movement will not die out--I have faith and you should too. Hang in there.
they are afraid they are becoming dangerous as they become more afraid of OWS's power, how long until targeted killings of OWS political opponents by drone strike? we were killing political figures for a long time now. Have any of the occupiers spotted the drones circling? look for soaring birds....
Unfortunately, I think the real reason the powers of evil can get away with this is because most Americans are too drunk, or busy watching football games to figure out what is going on.
.....cut the TV cable during the Super bowl, and then you'll have a revolution.
Read Fahrenheit 451 if you haven't already. The society in that book is just like our society. Most Americans are only concerned about what is going on in their own life and what is on TV.
Yes, if TV was taking away, there would be rioting in the streets. Then they will be screaming it is the end of the world. lol Sad, don't you think?
If you have not already, you may like check out this book "Noli Me Tangeri" by Jose Rizal.
Congress is owned by the banks, so the only one that a Congressman will take calls from is a bank CEO. Goodbye democracy.
They must be held accountable for this. They can't get away with this.
You have the right idea. How about they are british crown's agents? Read on.
Whatever these british agents in congress pass is all fraudulent because they use a "corporate constitution" and not the US Constitution and a "maritime flag = US flag w/ gold fringe". Please read on.
Please look at the bigger picture and study the following info that they always have wished we do not know. We must expose the following as far and as wide / viral as possible:
1) They work for the british crown's USA Corporation (i.e. the fraudulent federal gov't that we think they are). We have traitors / domestic enemy that we must expose and get rid of. (USA is a corporation) (USA is a british colony)
12 yr Girl Discovers ALL U.S. Presidents Except One Related to One British King (David Icke said they were selected by bloodline and not voted by ballots... a long time already).
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 4/19/89 File No. 2193946 (USA Corporation...disguised as Federal Gov't - - using a fraudulent constitution.)
INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICE (IRS) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 7/12/33 File No. 0325720
FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION (Federal Reserve) Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 9/13/14 File No. 0042817
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 3/9/83 File No. 2004409
Lots of politicians are lawyers who took a secret oath called kol nidre (israeli) and work for the british crown – - -> BAR = British Accredited Registry (
Here’s the document that shows the comparison of the two constitutions: (probably the most important document that USA patriots entrusted the Contact paper to publish it - - it's pure "proof" and should be used to take back the USA.
They use American flags with Gold fringe is not our US Flag. See the following links for more info into this "foreign flag":
Suggested solutions using our real US Republic Constitution:
It takes 34 states with their sovereignty restored to form a new and real federal governernment under the US Constitution: (Page 13 to 15)
How do states restore their sovereignty? Use the 10th Amendment !!! Here’s an update of where we stand:
Current state resolutions so far:
Please study the info below to see that we can use the sheriffs to arrest these traitors of the british's USA Corporation:
The sheriff in his/her turf has more power than the president:
If only we can get the sheriff (has more power than the president in his/her turf) to arrest these bastards, that would be great. We just have to inform the non-bought out sheriffs to be aware of their powers under the US Constitution. See some links below about this power: (Part 1/5 ) (Part2/5 ) (Part 3/5 ) (Part4/5 ) (Part5/5)
Sheriff Mack is educating and training sheriffs to understand their powers under the Republic US Constitution and in their turfs: They have more power than the president of the USA Corporation (operating under the fake constitution) and more info on Sheriffs: (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association)
So, you should be curious as to when these british bastards took over our USA legally (not "lawfully") on paper??? It was 1917 (quoting from Page 3 on)
In actuality the conquest of the United States of America started right after its conception—and the realization that the “New World” was not just some little island in the West Indies. The more land you conquered from your Native American brothers, the more the elite Club Of Rome understood what they had to contend with. America (“Heaven on Earth”) was not just a vast mineral and agricultural resource to be plundered and raped—it was the beginning of the end of the elite’s rule over the “Old World”.
So all their know-how and cunning went to stopping this young REPUBLIC (NOT DEMOCRACY!) from coming into being. The Federal Reserve was the tool that was going to do it for them. By creating a “central bank” (something everyone was running away from in Europe) in this “Free” Nation, it would be possible to win a war with America ECONOMICALLY, even though you might not win militarily. But the real takeover started in 1917 with the loss of America’s true ally—Czarist CHRISTIAN Russia."
Please wake up and expose / expose / expose this precious info today !!!! Go wide and viral !!! Thanks for loving America.
Great post. Insane bills.
Thank you, Thank you Thank you. Thank you for posting this again. There are multiple posts on these three bills on this website. People we are not reposting this to be annoying this is serious stuff, pay attention!!!
Your welcome PeoplehaveDNA.
I am thankful for all those who posted about these bills. Stay vigilant all.
"Hello, Fascist State."
hopefully those bills pass- do you realize what will happen to our movement against oppression then- the shit will hit the fan-
You want these to pass for the benefit of the movement? It won't benefit the movement... they'll start using these things to identify you and label you a terrorist so they can use drones to kill you with no trial.
This corrupt government has taken everything away from us- we no longer live in freedom- we have nothing left to loose- WE ARE NOT AFRAID ANYMORE---
You mean don't pass.
These bills will rob Americans of their freedom; this movement would be in big trouble.
rob Americans of there freedom? no it will just prove to all Americans that there were never free. the American people don't want to see that they live under oppression- and in fact live in a police state-- if those bills pass - ows will gain members by the hundreds of thousands-
Well, after these bills pass, it will all be out in the open--nor more illusions of freedom.
Yes, OWS will grow greatly in numbers. Suddenly, it will make sense to other Americans why OWS is out there protesting in the first place. They won't be laughing at us/demonizing us then.
They'll probably shut this site down.
Yes, this is a threat to our liberties. We are heading into scary territory if these bills pass.
Hell no those bills can not pass! Do you know how hard it would be to get legislation reversed.
Nope. The people will just go to McDonalds and talk about Dancing with the Stars.
I think that you guys should get as many cameras and prepaid phones as you can . Film everything that haopens and try to stay in touch with each other, also when ever you accupy an area have an ascape plan. Its going to be survival from here on out.
Unfortunately most of the OWS occupiers will not notice because they are so busy with putting up their tents....WAKE THE FUCK UP!
I like this movement, but now it is time to focus on D.C. We have to protest in front of Capitol Hill. What is the sense of protesting everything else under the sun ( I know that there are other good causes) but allow draconian/fascist laws to come out of Congress. It is crazy.
protesting everything keeps you busy and in a place where they can watch you closely. They are afraid of loosing POWER, to OWS.
Yes, I am agree that they are afraid of loosing power to OWS.
This movement is less than three months old and they are afraid of it. We must be doing something right.
This movement is less than three months old and they are afraid of it. We must be doing something right. You got a great start, now the group needs to morf into something else, step 2 keep doing what is right, that will carry you a long way.
We are going to need a log book of all the elected officials and how they voted on these bills. Next voting cycle a massive turnout needs to take place to first educate the public and then second get them out of office; clearly stating precisely why they were voted out.
Oh, I agree. Also, we should have a vote of no confidence and should be able to vote them out before the next election. Currently 87% of American disapprove of Congress. How are they able to keep their jobs with such a large disapproval rating is beyond me.
50% of people want pot made legal. do you see our government listening to the 50% of the people? or are they preaching to us how it will be, preaching the religious morals of drug use?? is the dog wagging the tail or is the tail wagging the dog. Is the government there for us or are we there to support the government? How does 50% of the population get what it wants? 50% is a big group to be ignored. Why do they think they can get away with it. They will grab our free speech if they get any more scared of OWS. So to stay in power.
Yes, we must watch our constitutional rights that are under attack. I hope this movement grows, but if not then I hope there are many other movements like it. WE cannot be silenced.
you are so right we can not be silenced. We want what we want and unless we are hurting someone else we should be able to have anything we want. WE cannot be silenced. But we have lost huge amounts of freedom in the last 10 years. Time for action is NOW.
I just came from someone else's thread. Check this article out.
Also, as you know the head of Homeland security announced a rise in lone wolf terrorist in this country. Great more fear-mongering so they can continue to rape our constitutional rights. We are heading into a police state full force. Every American needs to be alarmed by all this.
very alarmed they have built 800 camps to house "dissidents" so they are preparing for a reaction to something they know is coming. Something bad enough to cause wide spread uprisings. They have just built a whole lot of train cars with welded shackles and benches on both sides in them, reminds me of pre war Germany
So I heard. These camps could hold up to 18 million people.
I also heard people who said that these camps were not true, that they visited a number of sites that didn't exist or it was something else. I hope this is true, but in this crazy world I am not completely discounting the idea of the FEMA camps.
get past the idea of if they are here or not and go on to the next step in the thinking process, who are they there for? How will they be used. Go to youtube and do some searching for FEMA camps and find out for yourself, keep a open mind, you might might see the huge piles of caskets outside a bran new crematorium a bit hair raising. These camps look like those camps built in Germany for the Jews. Are these camps for the remaining Christians in America?
Yes, I believe that they are mainly for the Christians. As many christians are opposed to the NWO. That btw way is on the DHS list of suspected terrorist profile. Also, those that have strong religious beliefs (believe in end times and what the book of Revelations says).
I personally feel sick to my stomach about all this. How sad.
they have a plan for me to go to the camps by now for sure. I will go and suffer to death. But my soul will always belong to God not mammon. Do not fear those tha would kill your body fear those that will destroy your soul. It might be the Jews trying to do a pay back for Germany (even thou many Christians died trying to stop the killing of the Jews) or it could be many things divisive but many are focusing their hate on us now. We need to focus our love on them, even as we die.
Stay strong and hold onto to your faith.
God bless you.
Yes, I highly agree. They will be faced with their "crimes" against the American people and know that it is over for them.
Thank you for your reply, I have to log off now. Watch CSPAN tomorrow if you are able. This bill may pass by then.
Okay, everyone. I am going to leave you alone now. You know what to do.
We have to watch Congress like a hawk. I just can't believe the bs that is going on. Don't let them make our constitution obsolete by trying to pass bills like this. We must hold them accountable.
I was flipping the channels the other day and heard this wonderful commentary from Judge Andrew Napolitano. Please stop and read it--it is an eye opener.
What if the whole purpose of the Constitution was to limit the government? What if Congress' enumerated powers in the Constitution no longer limited Congress, but were actually used as justification to extend Congress' authority over every realm of human life? What if the president, meant to be an equal to Congress, has become a democratically elected, term-limited monarch? What if the president assumed everything he did was legal, just because he's the president? What if he could interrupt your regularly scheduled radio and TV programming for a special message from him? What if he could declare war on his own? What if he could read your emails and texts without a search warrant? What if he could kill you without warning?
What if the rights and principles guaranteed in the Constitution have been so distorted in the past 200 years as to be unrecognizable by the Founders? What if the states were mere provinces of a totally nationalized and fully centralized government? What if the Constitution was amended stealthily, not by constitutional amendments duly passed by the states, but by the constant and persistent expansion of the federal government's role in our lives? What if the federal government decided whether its own powers were proper and constitutional?
What if you needed a license from the government to speak, to assemble or to protest the government? What if the right to keep and bear arms only applied to the government? What if posse comitatus -- the law that prohibits our military from our streets -- were no longer in effect? What if the government considered the military an adequate dispenser of domestic law enforcement? What if cops looked and acted like troops and you couldn't distinguish the military from the police? What if federal agents could write their own search warrants in defiance of the Constitution? What if the government could decide when you weren't entitled to a jury trial?
What if the government could take your property whenever it wanted it? What if the government could continue prosecuting you until it got the verdict it wanted? What if the government could force you to testify against yourself simply by labeling you a domestic terrorist? What if the government could torture you until you said what the government wanted to hear? What if people running for president actually supported torture? What if the government tortured your children to get to you? What if the government could send you to your death and your innocence meant nothing so long as the government's procedures were followed? What if America's prison population, the largest in the world, was the result of a cruel and unusual way for a country to be free? What if half the prison population never harmed anyone but themselves?
What if the people had no rights except those the government chose to let them have? What if the states had no rights except to do as the federal government commanded? What if our elected officials didn't really live among us, but all instead had their hearts and their homes in Washington, D.C.? What if the government could strip you of your rights because of where your mother was when you were born? What if the income tax was unconstitutional? What if the states were convinced to give up their representation in Congress? What if the government tried to ban you from using a substance older than the government itself? What if voting didn't mean anything anymore because both political parties stand for Big Government?
What if the government could write any law, regulate any behavior and tax any event, the Constitution be damned? What if the government was the reason we don't have a Constitution anymore? What if you could love your country but hate what the government has done to it? What if sometimes to love your country, you had to alter or abolish the government? What if Jefferson was right? What if that government is best which governs least? What if I'm right? What if the government is wrong? What if it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong? What if it is better to perish fighting for freedom than to live as a slave? What if freedom's greatest hour of danger is now?
BTW, this guy was on Fox, but he seemed to be very impartial and very strong on our constitutional rights (not having them violated). I thought that this was an appropriate post to put up in this critical hour. We can't have our constitution ripped to shreds and our rights taking away. WE must fight this. We must stand our ground. Wake up America, don't let this happen.
too late already happened
Check ou the update I just added to my post.
Just a reminder to ACT.
I just want to vent some of my frustrations here. Here is part of a reply I sent another poster on this site. It shows why we can't trust any politician period, and why we must stand up and fight (protest) for our rights before they are lost for good.
There is so much betrayal and deception here. I was telling everyone first to say yes to the Udall amendment and then when that didn't pass the Feinstein Amendment. I didn't realize how misleading the Feinstein amendment was. I am furious that both these Senators voted Yea on this awful bill. How could they do that? Also, with Obama giving everyone the idea that he would veto both sections of the bill when he will only go after section 1032, and not 1031. Also, the way this bill in Senate passed was very sneaky. Now it is in the house being reviewed by a House committee who is resolving the differences of the S.1867 to the H.R. 1540 (their version of the Budget Defense bill that they passed back in May with 322 yeas to 96 nays). This is really rotten that they are just combining these two bills together. The H.R. 1540 passed without the Senate's amendments back in May. So this 2/3 the vote in both Senate and House that can override a presidential veto is not fair if they decide to do this. However, I don't trust President Obama. Here is a letter from the White House on this bill. It doesn't show true concern about the constitutional rights of the American people being taking way. Anyway, I don't want to go on an on, but this is very alarming. I wish that OWS takes this up because they will be greatly affected by this bill if it becomes law. Not too mention other movements as well.
Also we must repeal the Patriot Act which is a violation of the fourth amendment. We cannot afford to ignore what our Congress is doing. This will only get worse. The Judge on Freedom Watch speaking against the Patriot Act
Here is a short documentary on the Patriot Act.
Hello all.
Why are my comments being removed?
Lots of people have taken part in the occupy movements all across America. I believe that is time for Americans to stop what they are doing right now call their friends and family this week and go occupy DC. Drive - Fly - Walk to DC . Occupy The Senate Building - The White House and all of the space that we the tax payers pay for in DC that houses our Government until this bill is GONE. ((99% > 1% END S1867))
Lots of people have taken part in the occupy movements all across America. I believe that is time for Americans to stop what they are doing right now call their friends and family this week and go occupy DC. Drive - Fly - Walk to DC . Occupy The Senate Building - The White House and all of the space that we the tax payers pay for in DC that houses our Government until this bill is GONE. ((99% > 1% END S1867))
I agree with you !00%.
This bill will be the beginning of the end if it passes--we simply can't afford to not be in D.C. right now protesting this bill.
I am glad you share my sentiment. It is time for action.
Stop Promoting and sneaking gay agenda into OWS. Feingold supports same sex marriage. If Gay, stay in your closet. Do not pollute OWS movement which is about fighting injustice. Being gay is not about equality it is about sexual deviance and promoting it. Do not make this an issue for us at this time.
We are fighting lies, wars, lackies, greed, hidden racism, and slavery.
Our Human rights fight is now about police brutality, freedom of assembly, unbiased coverage and journalism, prosecution of criminals and cronys and undoing of the corrupt political, judicial, executive matrix.
You are really uninformed about this bill and about Feinstein's amendments (not Feingold on the S.1867)--WHICH HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO ABOUT GAY RIGHTS. Please get an understanding of the topic at hand. I am speaking for all those things you listed in your last two paragraphs.
The road to fascism doesn't start there. It started over a 100 years ago. It might end there however.
They passed it today, I've got word that Obama is going to veto it. Please send lots of love, light, truth to Obama so that he sticks to his veto action very soon.
Past actions are the best predictor of future behavior. Obama's past actions suggest he will probably try to compromise away our rights, or more likely just give in.
Please see the latest (front seat ) geopolitical update from Benjamin Fulford ( - - a paid site)
Free at:
It's going to the house first. I don't have their schedule, but will find out soon. Then they vote on it. If they get 2/3 the vote and it passes then there is trouble because it passed with well over 2/3 the vote in the senate. That means that Congress could override a presidential veto--which is scary.
This S. 1867 bill is a defense budget bill and there has not been a veto of one of these bills in over 50 years. So this will be interesting.
I've got some people (very patriotic) to send blast the "truth" about the info they got from me to the white house. The name of the game is to do due diligence (i.e. if one did not wake up yet and lacks the truth) and if one already understands the severity of the problem (i.e. the british crown owns the USA Corporation and the USA corporation runs the United States under the fraudulent constitution because these traitors work for the british government... see my blog:
and get any info you need to EXPOSE EXPOSE these traitors to a point that they hopefully will stop messing around with the power of the people who wake up - - that's their greatest fear. Thanks for all your good work anyway. Did you see the info about the truth on opium trade in Afghanistan? I've known about this for almost 2 decades already and here's a good report today:
I hope you understand everything about the USA being a british colony... Then you can fight with conviction as a patriot like me..
Best of luck to all of us.
Winwin, check this article out
I just can't believe what I am reading. This is very disturbing.
Well, I have known all this for a long time. The biggest problem is to wake up americans so they too can realize the domestic enemy that we have (I was in the US Military myself a long time ago). We now have the proof of who they are and how they run this country. Please wake up others to the truth and demand that we go back to a constitutional repulbic - - under our original US constitution.
In case you haven't read, here' the latest geopolitical news from Benjamin Fulford: (a paid site - - that's where I get the msg)
Others get the msg too and post it on their sites:
Please let me know if you get a chance to study the blogs I mentioned to you the last several days...
Please study the following and you will find out that we OWS can make demands to go back to the way our founding fathers had:
(Basically J.F. Kennedy wanted to get rid of the feds and told us about the ETs .. . these bastards did not want to lose control of the "fiat money" they created and did not want us to know about our space / cosmos brothers)
God Bless,
I am doing just that trying to wake others up to the truth. You know a couple of years ago, I was in my own world and was completely clueless to what was gong on around me. I have come a long way since then.
Yes, we need to get back to the constitution and demand that our constitutional rights not be violated any longer. I really wish that OWS start huge protests in front of Capitol hill. We need some aggressive protesting in D.C. (large numbers and very vocal). We really, really need to be in D.C. at this time.
Well, anyway, I will try to check the links out--got a ton from others. Thank you.
I think that you guys should get as many cameras and prepaid phones as you can . Film everything that haopens and try to stay in touch with each other, also when ever you accupy an area have an ascape plan. Its going to be survival from here on out.
I think your right about that. Thanks for the advice, it's appreciated it.
The biggest supporters of SOPA & Protect ID are ofcourse Hollywood, The Music Industry, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In addition to this list of companies that support these bills. Please see these links, ignore the title of the first one.
Also, check out these tech companies that are for SOPA.
I say at the very least we should have mass boycotting of Hollywood and The Music Industry. Don't go to the movies any longer, don't buy or rent videos, don't buy anything associated with these two industries for as long as it takes for them to back off with these two horrible bills.*
No worries, the President will veto it!!!!!!
Can he with the Senate having more than 2/3 the vote? I thought they could override a presidential veto if they had 2/3 the vote.
Actually, my mistake, we have to see how the House of Representatives vote for the bill. If it passes there with 2/3 the vote, THEN either the Senator or H.O.R. can challenge a presidential veto. Let's hope it gets rejected in the H.O.R.
General John McCain and Civilian Puppet At Large, Levine, want a bloodless coup. Hitler came to power that way.
Scary, don't you think?
We the 99% really need to get these people out of office before we have no choice but to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights. But our voices are being drown out by those 1% mutant human corporations that the SCOTUS gave birth to.
Please read this--it is getting scary.
Definitely scary. A Brave New World indeed. Fortunately most Americans are peacefully asleep dreaming the American Dream.
"The owners of this country know the truth: It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."--George Carlin.
Those who are awake, please help do something:
Repeal the Patriot Act. It is being used against Americans.!/petition/repeal-patriot-act/JF1pdPKg!/petition/end-patriot-act/nH20qwfr
Good one with the George Carlin comment. It is true most Americans are asleep. Thanks for the petitions--absolutely the Patriot Act needs to be repealed it opened the door for more sneaky legislation (S.1867 bills) to pass that would take away American liberties.
I will check the links out shortly. Don't forget to call your House Reps and also send a letter to President Obama strongly suggesting that he vetos this bill. The House is resolving the differences between S.1867 and their defense budget bill that passed in the House back in May. I don't believe that they will be voting on anything. Sneaky don't you think? Therefore, I am all for Obama vetoing this bill. I think he can do it.
Sadly Obama is about compromising: his past actions repeatedly show that. He seldom sticks up for matters of principles. I doubt if he will veto the bill.
I know. I don't really trust anyone in Washington D.C. They are absolutely not representing us, and the passage of this bill is a prime example of that.
go to Washington, first get rid of that scam of president you got, cause he is the tool for making ww3, make a crowd of MILLION people in front of the White House, make the crowd in front of it
They are all corrupt in D.C. I don't single anyone out.
I am all for a million+ man march in d.c. and many protests in front of Congress. OWS needs to spend more time in D.C. This country is going in a really bad direction. It is alarming.
Its the only way, the critical mass should be built. And than, anything is possible, than those guys in congres will gather their guts or scare to hell of people or their just hang with the flow
Once again I am all for mass protesting and million man marches. There needs to be a show of numbers. Our politicians are relying on the American people being lazy and complacent and doing nothing to stop what is going on. It will shake up D.C. when they see large numbers of people protesting in front of Congress. They will learn then.
spread what you saying all over this forum and else, that what I ve been doing last hour , (for example) Its the only way, the critical mass 1.000.000 should be built in front the WHITE HOUSE. And than, anything is possible, than those guys in congres will gather their guts or scare to hell of people or their just hang with the flow
I have and will continue to. My fellow countrymen need to wake up from their coma first. I don't know how to reach them.
Same case here, its hard work but it must be done, spreading the story, the truth, because the one that knows it, is responsible for it, it shouldn't be hide. First this one , we all now this story but this person is from the first , second line in cia, all conspiracy stories got it confirm in this, (someone sad that she is crazy, well, those that says that should look deeper in themselves or they just repeating statement from the prosecutor that judge in her case rejected, and released her from prison.
Yes, thanks for sharing the video. I was meaning to take the time to watch the whole thing through, but didn't get around to it yet. Maybe tomorrow.
You're right it is hard work to get people to wake up to the truth, but there is hope. A couple years ago, I was clueless to what was going on around me and no look at me posting away here on this forum. Thanks for the video. I will forward it to a bunch of people. Peace.
Naomi Wolf wrote "The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy," published Nov 25th, in the U.K. but not here
The violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class's venality.
Thank you. I will check out the article when I have a little more time. Just logged in here and can only stay on for a short time.
Here check out the latest with that awful S.1867 bill which probably will pass in the Senate tomorrow.
Okay, will check it out when I get the chance.
Bump. Pay attention people.
Does that make the US a double F state?
they work so hard they need a vacation permanent
Yes, they work so hard at destroying this country and the rights of it's citizens. Yes, a permanent vacation is in order.
What about the sovereignty of other nations?
Is this really the USA? or is just an extension of "another" state?
Our country is pissing off other countries left and right. They have been overstepping bounds. For example, how they went about assassinating Osama bin Laden (that devil) what right did our navy seals have going on foreign soil (Pakistan) in the dead of night and assassinate Osama (they weren't going to let him live). I know that they based their actions on a U.S. law-- The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists, but how does hold up to International law?
Anyway, good question about the sovereignty of our nations. How can they bypass that?
I think we have to let the government know that we're going to make decisions for ourselves about these matters. We need a petition on this site that we can sign and among us and our supporters agree that we will not unjustly detain or harm any fellow citizen. Encourage any people that you know to do this and we will decide what rules that we abide by. People who work in the military need to know that they may be asked to do this and be given an opportunity to weigh in and think about it in advance. Once orders are followed, there's often no road back.
This bill could pass in Senate tomorrow. I have called my Congressmen/women and I encouraged others to do the same. A petition might be a good idea, I will mention it to others on this forum. They just shot down the Udall amendement that would have overrode those two sections of the bill that are a threat to Americans' Freedoms. I am so ticked off right now.
Let's hope and pray that this never happens. I have no faith in our Congress. They should all be flogged in the public square if they allow this awful bill to pass. Shame on them.
This is a sure sign that occupy needs its own Internet, and its own communications satellites! May take a while, but with unity it can happen. And with Internet wealth distribution systems, it can be pair for!
There is alot of backlash on the SOPA bill, so I am feeling more and more confident that it won't pass.
However, I am very concerned about the other bill mentioned in my post; S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill. Senate just shot the down the Udall amendment that would have overrode those two sections of the bill and protect Americans from being arrested without charge or trial and sent to internment camp or centers indefinitely. Now that is really scary.
Better join or start a militia. The time is now. Protect yourself and your family!
There will be an uprising when Americans finally wake up and find out what is going on in their country. It's a shame that it take laws like this passing to wake them up. Better later than never, I guess.
It's really already started. A few years ago in Florida, there were about 90,000 Concealed Weapons Licenses. Now, just a few years later, there are over 400,000 with many still signing up. Once a "tipping point" threshold of people sign up, enough people will be armed that police can't threaten anymore. It's the way the US Constitution was written.
Yes, just remember that if the President calls for a martial law they could take your guns off you. Your constitutional rights will be suspended under martial law. Once people realize that their rights are being violated there will be more and more people protesting out there and there may be some incidents or a false flag event where they will call for martial law to subdue the people.
Please check out the commentary videos I posted to my thread, especially the one from the Judge. We are going into scary territory if this bill is passed.
The president is not allowed to call for martial law. a) it's unconstitutional b) everyone would fight the police or the military to the death and the people would win EASILY because there many millions of us, and only thousands of them.
I don't know what the bill actually says, what the bad stuff is.
Lookup Michigan Militia in Wikipedia and see his statement to the courts - a very powerful and true statement about America..
Here it is... On June 15, 1995, Norman Olson, along with militia leaders from other states, testified before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism. Olson's opening statement included the following:
Federal Army, it also recognizes the inherent right of the people to form militia. Further, it recognizes that the citizen and his personal armaments are the foundation of the militia. The arming of the militia is not left to the state but to the citizen. However, should the state choose to arm its citizen militia, it is free to do so (bearing in mind the Constitution is not a document limiting the citizen, but rather limiting the power of government). But should the state fail to arm its citizen militia, the right of the people to keep and bear arms becomes the source of the guarantee that the state will not be found defenseless in the presence of a threat to its security. It makes no sense whatsoever to look to the Constitution of the United States or that of any state for permission to form a citizen militia since logically, the power to permit is also the power to deny. If brought to its logical conclusion in this case, government may deny the citizen the right to form a militia. If this were to happen, the state would assert itself as the principle of the contract making the people the agents. Liberty then would depend on the state's grant of liberty. Such a concept is foreign to American thought
On Martial Law in America:
the limiting document upon the government, the government cannot become greater than the granting power. That is, the servant cannot become greater than its master. Therefore, should the chief executive or the other branch of government or all branches together act to suspend The Constitution under a rule of martial law, all power granted to government would be cancelled and differed back to the granting power. That is the people. And I'll conclude with this statement: Martial law shall NOT be possible in this country as long as the people recognize the bill of rights as inalienable.
That has changed my friend.
The martial law concept in the U.S. is closely tied with the right of habeas corpus, which is in essence the right to a hearing on lawful imprisonment, or more broadly, the supervision of law enforcement by the judiciary. The ability to suspend habeas corpus is often equated with martial law.[citation needed] Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." In United States law, martial law is limited by several court decisions that were handed down between the American Civil War and World War II. In 1878, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval. On October 1, 2002 United States Northern Command was established to provide command and control of Department of Defense homeland defense efforts and to coordinate defense support of civil authorities.[13] The National Guard is an exception, since unless federalized, they are under the control of state governors.[14] This was changed briefly: Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007" (H.R.5122), was signed by President Bush on October 17, 2006, and allowed the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities. Title V, Subtitle B, Part II, Section 525(a) of the JWDAA of 2007 reads "The [military] Secretary [of the Army, Navy or Air Force] concerned may order a member of a reserve component under the Secretary's jurisdiction to active duty...The training or duty ordered to be performed...may of operations or missions undertaken by the member's unit at the request of the President or Secretary of Defense."[15] The President signed the Defense Authorization Act of 2008 on January 13, 2008. However, Section 1068 in the enacted 2008 defense authorization bill (H.R. 4986: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008") repealed this section of PL 109-364.[16]
The following list of Executive Orders have already been signed by past U.S. presidents are in effect immediately upon declaration of a national State of Emergency or Martial Law:
Executive Order 10995: All communications media will be taken over by federal authority: radio, television, websites, newspapers, even CB and Ham radio systems. Freedom of expression, otherwise known as the First Amendment will be canceled until further notice.
Executive Order 10997: All fossil fuels, related substances as well as all electrical power, both corporate as well as privately owned devices and generators will be seized by the federal government.
Executive Order 10998: All food, means to produce such food and related products and machinery, warehouses and collectives which obviously include corporate and private farms will be seized by the government. You will not be allowed to hoard food since this is regulated. If you are caught hoarding food, you could be shot dead, or perhaps you will be lucky enough to be Tasered, knocked to the ground, sent to a FEMA camp and be immediately classified as a "domestic terrorist", otherwise known as an "Enemy of the State".
Executive Order 10999: All modes of transportation will be placed under complete government control. Any vehicle can be seized.
Executive Order 11000: All civilians will be drafted into forced labor which the t.v. anchors will euphemistically call "volunteer labor" at a variety of designated work places or camps under federal supervision. Go watch old film reels of the slave labor images under Nazi prison camps, or if you prefer, go watch a copy of Cool Hand Luke with Paul Newman, to get a more modern updated "American flavor" of what it's like to be part of a slave labor chain gang. Of course, you must always remember, that if you go against the Boss, you will be accused of "A Failure To Communicate."
Executive Order 11490: Absolute dictatorial "presidential" control will be exercised over all US citizens, business as well as church institutions during a State of Emergency where martial law is declared necessary.
Executive Order 12919: At the direction of the president, this Executive Order allows various Cabinet officials to take over all aspects of the US economy during a State of National Emergency.
Executive Order 13010: This Executive Order allows FEMA to take control over all other government agencies.
Executive Order 12656: "ASSIGNMENT OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS RESPONSIBILITIES" -This order allows for the declaration of a State of Emergency during natural disaster, military attack, technological emergency, or other emergencies that seriously threaten the national security of the United States. This order allows for total, unquestioned federal takeover of every local police enforcement agencies, as well as local price fixing and wages. It also forbids reassignment of personal financial assets within or outside of the United States.
Wow! you seem to know your stuff. But no, nothing has changed. The Michigan Militia will not be shut down by obama or the US Army. The US citizens army - which is just all the militias plus occupy and others are MUCH more powerful than the US Military.
What people fail to grasp - When a naysayer says "How can you fight against all that technology? bombs? missiles? F-15 jets? Actually, occupy and militias can EASILY defeat these militaries. Why? Because the people can always take the technology away. 150 million people can always confiscate the technology away from the military who are only a million or so.
This is what V for Vendetta is all about and the Arab Springs.
so regardless of what these govt officials decide in their little offices or in the white house, this doesn't change anything for militias. Nothing at all. The Govt can make whatever laws they want. if they are unenforceable - the govt can't do much.
Okay. Thank you for your reply. We must stand up and demand our constitution be upheld and not ripped to shreds. I don't like the blatant disregard that I see for our constitution by those who were sworn in to upheld it. We must demand the resignations of anyone who abuses their power, and believe me that would be a long list of people. They all need to be booted out of office.
My militia will be making some of the arrests - just like Michael Moore suggested. Someone has to be a hero - I am one of 'em.... and looking for more. can't do it all by myself!
Spread the word -
the site needs updating, it was created in 2007, and its mission has changed a bit...
Sorry, someone added comments after executive orders, but please I encourage you to look them up individually.
I telephoned my Senators this morning and some of my friends did too. Never give in ! Never give in ! Never give in !
Thanks for doing your part. Unfortunately, the Udall amendment got shot down in Senate this afternoon. I hope that this bill doesn't pass, now more than ever.
If i were an American i would write my congressman. You are all right when you say that these bills are scary. If they get their little tentacles onto the internet that has all kinds of implications involving invasion of privacy, abuse of power, repression, etc.
Yes, not doubt that my beloved country is heading toward Fascism. The S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill is on the Senate floor and the Udall amendment that would have overrode the two sections that are a threat to Americans' freedoms has been shot down. I am so disgusted at what is going on. This bill better not pass--it would be the beginning of the end for us.
The other bill SOPA is getting a lot of backlash. There is huge opposition against his bill, so I am a little more hopeful about this. They want you to believe that they are going after online piracy, but it is another attempt to subdue the masses. They know how powerful the internet is, especially social media websites and they feel threatened by it. They are worried about an uprising (the OWS movement growing to unprecedented levels or other movements forming). If they were so worry about online piracy before how come they haven't got laws passed already. Why now? I think I just answered that. Anyway, I don't think it will pass. Let's hope and pray.
did you hear about that military bill they are trying to pass as well? The power to hold any 'suspected terrorist' from anywhere, indefinitely. Voting on it, like tomorrow. Can't believe there isn't more uproar about that actually. Were you aware of this bill? I apologize if it is in one of the links already, im not sure.
Yes, that is one of bills mentioned in this thread. I have been trying to draw attention to this. I have been on many forums trying to get the word out, but most people are just too complacent to care. There are some who do react and do care, but there should be so many more Americans reacting that way. Please look at the links in my thread above on this bill. How disgusting that this abomination is being voted on.
If it passes, then we are in a police state. It is messed up.
Okay, tomorrow it is showtime. You know what to do, folks.
Good night.
SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act...not Privacy.
Okay. That was a typo.
You are right to say we live or are very close to living in a Fascist state....Think about the poor and the middle class and what they have to offer our political elite..
If the political elite get all their money/speech from corporations guess where we end up.. the poor house. Many will become debt slaves. Bravo, to these disgusting greedy jerks they did a smash up job marginalizing the American people. The people in Congress just don't listen to the American people anymore and do things against the will of the people.
But nevertheless, tomorrow I will be calling my senators about the first bill mentioned. WE just can't have this pass. It would be the beginning of the end.
I heard of it and im glad MOZILLA is against this. where is google, yahoo and MSN?????
I heard that alot of online sites are fighting this, but don't recall them being mentioned by name. I need to read up more about this.
Anyway, please read about the other bill. This one may pass tomorrow, so it demands immediate attention.
Urge the Senate to Oppose Indefinite Military Detention
Will do. Don't forget to say yes to the Udall amendment.
Here is an excerpt from the article I posted above:
But there is a way to stop this dangerous legislation. Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) is offering the Udall Amendment that will delete the harmful provisions and replace them with a requirement for an orderly Congressional review of detention power. The Udall Amendment will make sure that the bill matches up with American values.
Got it! I just wrote to my senators insisting that they adopt the Udall Amendment. Kudos!
Thank you!!!!
The 14 defining Characteristics of Fascism have been here with us for a while now. More so now and in the past 10 - 12 years than ever befor. The question is (?) what are you prepared to do.
It is time to clean up Congress and get these bums out, and put in new representatives who will represent us. We need to have a law passed that bans all lobbyists, call for financial campaign and term limited reform, and no more of these awful pork-filled bills. All this b.s. needs to be done away with.
Fight it, ofcourse. But first, we all need to get as many Americans onboard as possible. They need to wake up from their coma and see what the heck is going on in their country.
What do you intend to do?
Number 11 should actually read:
suppression of Intellectuals and the Arts
Yes, thanks for the correction.
no sweat. I just like to be clear on that one, as a minor poet and activist, you know,
so, I do, I like to test things, see how bad it is . . . I make frisbees of words and toss them around, just to see what happens.
I haven't been arrested yet . . . .
so I guess it isn't that bad . . .
Okay. I a fixing it right now. Thanks once again.
The 14 defining Characteristics of Fascism have been here with us for a while now. More so now and in the past 10 - 12 years than ever befor. The question is (?) what are you prepared to do.
Here is the Whitehouse response to these bills:
Thank you I am going to post this too my thread.
We have to have our voices heard on this issue. This can very dangerous if passed.
Incredible. We have to fight for our first amendment right...
We've had to fight for it for a long time. Ever hear of obscenity (In the legal sense of the word)?
Big time! Call your congressmen and women tomorrow morning.
This is so wrong on some many levels.
No I mean that you know you've reached a new low when you have to beg your congressman to respect your constitutional rights.
Your comment just hit it spot on. It is absolutely disgusting that we have to beg our congressmen to respect our constitutional rights. So, it has come to this. All these bums must be thrown out of Congress and put on trial for treason. They are traitors to this country and the American people.
Did you see g. bush was reading a book upside down in florida? Here's the link to the pictures:
Did you also know he's a nazi?
Did you also know he's found guilty of war crimes?
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal Posted by Laura Tyco ⋅ November 22, 2011
How about the satanic rituals he has been participating?
and being the biggest(?) drug dealer in the world?
Windsofchange: I hope you can also create a blog at either or to consolidate your ideas to help wake up others. It's free and simple.
All the above info links have been added to:
The law already exists and has existed for some years now to detain without trial. We have several individuals already living that life that will most likely never be heard from again.
Here if you haven't check out this commentary, then I recommend you do. No this bill if passed will have everything out in the open. No one will be able to deny we are in a police state after this. I worry for this movements and all others. There will be no more freedom of speech if this happens.
I've read it, I think your view is a little extreme atleast the way I read it.
Sorry, I find it hard to believe my view is extreme where if this law is passed it says it is okay to arrest U.S. citizens without charge or or trial and they can be held in an internment camp or center indefinitely. Many other people are very concerned about this as well. Our constitution is being ripped before our eyes--sorry I don't think it is extreme to be alarmed about that.
Even this constitutional judge is alarmed.
What I'm telling you is that that law already exists and it has already happened twice that I know of. Two American citizens have been arrested on U.S. soil and have been held (one since 2003 I believe). This is not new legislation it is a break out from what already exists in the Patriot Act.
The most important document and proof that these traitors use is:
I posted your whole "post" above in Benjamin Fulford's comment area just now. It's a geopolitical site that has a weekly update. See:
and my post this morning on OWS:
Some info on : "Reclaiming a planet" page 1:
7/11/09 from HATONN-Jonur
Good afternoon. Gyeorgos Hatonn present in the light of Holy God. Border security is very important because the enemy to your nation is moving all sorts of equipment and men in an effort to surround your cities in preparation for what is coming. This is not God’s plan, chelas; this is man’s Armageddon scenario being readied. A STAGED ARMAGEDDON: A ZIONIST SCRIPT! The false “Jews” of Hollywood not only do their magic of stage and screen to pack movie houses and rule over television airways, but they also control how you non-Jews (including Hebrew Judaists—who are also NOT “Jews”) view reality as a whole. By subtlety and jest, the Jew of Khazar lineage has changed your perception of God and of life itself. In place of a loving God of Creation and Heavenly Hosts who travel WITH Him, you now have alien monsters, and a god of wrath and fear. Come now, is that truly how God is presented in your minds? Or, is this concept the product of countless stories, films and cartoons that push these things on the masses? The Jews own the media, hook, line and sinker; this is THEIR scenario that will be sprung on the people. ISRAEL IS THE ANTI-CHRIST! How many ways have I said this? Yet, it still does not quite sink in. Every major media portrayal about the Jews (NOT HEBREWS!) depicts them as innocent people who are hated by Germany and who were sent to the gas chambers during the close of World War II. The media says millions of dollars in gold, art work and other valuables were stolen from them as they were stripped naked—even their gold fillings were removed and piled in a room. A sad, sad story, indeed. However, it is not true. Hitler is himself “Jewish”! He bears no resemblance to the tall, blueeyed blondes of Henry Kissinger’s (aka Heinz STERN of the notorious Israeli terrorist group—The Stern Gang—which included his mother!) and Zbigniew Brezinski’s proposed “Master Race” plan. British Zionism desires to rid the Earth of what they call “useless eaters” and “undesirables”. You have almost 7 BILLION PEOPLE on a planet engineered for 500 MILLION; the rest are to be killed off in any way possible. Disease, war, not-so-“natural” disasters and atomic war, this is the United Nations plan (the blue U.N. flag, helmets and turbans—berets—are also Israeli blue; it is a Jewish organization!), and the world citizenry is completely unaware of THE PLAN. The Jews on television say one thing, and do the total opposite while they think no one is paying attention. The only thing Israel makes as a nation is weapons—guns. Does this sound like a place for God’s chosen lambs to be from?”
zionism is the enemy of man
Thanks for doing this. All the links of my posts and the link to this post are at :
These bastards have been traitors of our USA (God's chosen nation and not israel - - a hand out state - - worst parasites in the history of the planet - - they are on "welfare" as in the US - - they work for the british crown because they took an israeli oath called "kol nidre" and joined the BAR = British Accredited Registry !!! They work for a british owned private corporation called USA Corporation (for now) - - different names in the past - - and operate under a fraudulent constitution where they tooke out the 13th amendment that prohibits lawyers to take public office.
All the info above are in the following blogs: (has OWS posts' links including this one from Windsofchange)
This is a link that I think you should see. I will check yours out shortly.
Sorry, I have been making my rounds on other forums and here. Thanks for posting my post on your webpage. The Senate shot down the Udall amendment. It's really infuriating. Boy,, I really, really don't like the direction this country is going in.
I've known about the idea "make the USA a third world country for a long time. One must know who the enemy is - -i.e. the anti-christ is here in the USA and it's taking our country down - - dumbing us down, see below from my friend:
"Do you know about Charlotte Iserbyt? Whistler blower about the education system, and her father was a Skull & Bones member, talks about Bohemian Grove, etc etc. There are many utubes on her. I have listened to her many times and wow!! I'm surprised she is still with us.
Everyone should know about her and what she says-
1st link is her talking about her father and the Bones,
2nd link is her profile - Please Discern-
What direction is this country going? It has gone down since 1917 when they legally (not lawfully) usurp it w/ the aid of the bolsheviks (aka nazis / khazarian jews) passing the federal reserve act in 1913 - - 3 khazarian guys passed it during the christmas holidays if I recall. After that, they kept on dumbing us down - - they basically took over the media (tv, radio, press, magazines, books) and the music right away so to mind control / brainwash / mind program us - - elf, subliminal etc... public education....
Well, the main thing is to recognize who the real enemy is (i.e. these ETs / luciferian guys (aka as zionist jews, yiddish speaking jews, non semite jews, non judean hebrew jews, fake jews, false jews, imposter jews, hollywood jews, khazarian jews, luciferian jews, satanic jews, zionist luciferian jews, southern russians, mongolian jews, turkish jews, finnish jews, askenazi jews, anti-christ jews, serpent people, reptilian bosheviks, 13th tribe, parasite jews, anti-christ jews etc... ) - - these luciferian minions speak yiddish, use the talmud and the protocols of the learned elders of zion to screw us over and conquer this planet. (the real jews are sephadic / semitic / hebrew judean jews who speak hebrew, use the torah). These bastards run our country using private corporations and work for the british crown. Please study my blogs:
and united with the truth and knowledge, we can use it to further expose these domestic crooks and with the "POWER OF THE PEN" we can kick them out ouf the US !!! I look forward to that day !!! I hope you see what I see and help others to wake up now !!!
Did you see the videos in my blog? A carpenter who woke up, shares his view as what the truth / facts are (video uploaded on June 19, 2011):
Thanks for posting this, I will need to open up the links to save them and really take the time to look them over.
What is the world coming to? Someone shared these with me and I hate to say it, but another Reich seems to be brewing in the Middle East and only a few seem to really know about the way it is being developed, using the Nazi methods with youth as a blueprint right down to the Nazi salute: The shocking video Muslims don't want you to see!! Paul warns of coming New World Order (15/09/11)
I know I ask the same question a lot lately: What is the world coming to? I think the Udall amendment to the S. 1867 bill is not going to pass, it is not looking hopeful right now. So now more than ever I hope this awful bill doesn't pass.
Thanks for the links, I will check them out soon. The whole world is being shaken up. The new leaders taking over for the fallen leaders are no better than the dictators who they just got rid of. Libya is going to be taking over by Al Qaeda. What our media called freedom fighters really was Al Qaeda.
Ugh! You cut off one ugly head and another one grows in it's place. Anyway, I will check out the links. Thanks.
Yes, everything is being shaken up. There's only 218 signatures with a goal to 1000 on this petition concerning th uptick rule and an audit of hedge funds from 2006 to 2011. I think the audit should run from 1990 onward but here's the link you can sign anonymously ( to prevent Internet SPAM) but I agree with it & encourage passing it around.
Alright, thank you I will look into it.
I can't believe the Udall amendment got shot down in Congress today. If that monstrosity of a bill (S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill ) passes then we can kiss our freedom goodbye. This country would official be in a police state. If there were any questions before about that, there won't be anymore after this bill passes.
see the videos titled 'Militia activation why and when parts 1 and 2
This is not necessarily fascism, it's authoritarian or totalitarian. And the worst authoritarian or totalitarian states have been socialist or communist, at least in terms of deaths by the people they govern.
I thought that fascism is an authoritarian form of government,
It is... all fascists are authoritarian, but all not authoritarian governments are fascist.
Okay, I'm going to have read up on this to better educate myself. It is a shame that the good people of Michigan couldn't get this guy out of office--now look at what he's trying to do.
Well, I am pretty tired, so I think this is it for me on this forum. I will be back on tomorrow. Remember, call your Congressmen/women on Monday about that first bill mentioned, and say yes to the Udall amendment.
Oh good lord! The fact that you can't even be bothered to look at history more than 80 years old is an indicator to how ignorant you are of history.
"And the worst authoritarian or totalitarian states have been socialist or communist"
No, they're all the same
his name is Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl
So you are saying that Ron Lawl is the solution to all our problems. Sorry, the GOP will never let him be the nominated presidential candidate for the Republican party. He does have some interesting ideas, but he is too radical for them.
his name is Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron LawlRon Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl Ron Lawl
The congress is working on another bill:
The government agents can kill shop-lifters and jay-walkers on spot without any warning.
Let me ask you true believers something. Which is better: a fascist or a communist state?
I am not for either one. I view both as being repressive.
Let's fight this thing. Call your Congressmen/women on Monday.
Call them what?
... fascist jerks! No, no we have to make an effort to stop this bill, the only power we have right now is to call them and tell them how we feel about it.
Or maybe commie jerks?
I don't have a preference but I bet you do ...
That is not an answer.
Actually it was. "I don't have a preference" is an answer if I ask you to choose whether you preferred milk or orange juice for breakfast, too. Presuming you didn't have a preference, it would in fact be the only correct answer.
It may not be the answer you were fishing for but you can't have everything you want.
Are you serious?
You sure do ask alot of questions. (That time, it wasn't an answer)
That is because I'm not getting any answers.
1 out of 2 isn't bad. And you know what they say about trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results.