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Forum Post: CNN is not a friend of the 99%

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 7:58 a.m. EST by skizzy (445)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The mainstream media force feed us propaganda. They make people scared to think different, What is happening in libya ? who are the rebels? why are we bombing ? "WMD" I don't know if Muammar Gaddafi was a bad guy. but i do know that libyan people received a free education and graduated with out debt... The media is trying to label the OWS protest movement now. think CNN MSNBC and FOX should become targets ...



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[-] 2 points by McKinnley (53) 12 years ago

F the media including press from the park itself. Unless articles are written by consensus they are the opinion of one individual.

I suggest using the press as references to what your own article would be. Remember what your 4th grade teacher said… “you must include 4 references in your paper”.

Clear example of why we should understand the media slant:


(just focus on the last minute)

Verses this:


Why was the second unaired and the first edited the way it was???

(Sorry for the links)

[-] 2 points by bleedingsoul (134) from Youngstown, OH 12 years ago

Media across the channels voice too much of their own opinions instead of the actual facts. It's all controlled anyways. If you want to understand their direction, just watch their sponsors (commercials). FOX has the Gold Market, NBC has the Drug Market, etc.

[-] 1 points by Cafree (80) 12 years ago

they are more than opinionated. They censor stories that might hurt their bottom line or do not cover them at all. The BP oil spill is a perfect example. Certain journalists have come out and said they literally censor stories and we all know they do. When I was in China I found he media there was not one bit different than ours is. We think ours is better and "more honest" but, they use the same tactics, the same censor, the same propaganda tactics to shape public opinion to cover their bottom lines and to suck up to the W.H. so they can all keep veal pen access. They will stop going after an important story if someone on the hill powerful enough does not like it. I was on a radio show with a certain Mr. Bernstein you all know. When I asked him why things were like this, why no in depth journalism and whistle blowing anymore, his glib reply was "Oh, we don't a have time for that kind of thing these days." And there you have it. They do not care about the truth. Ignore them totally because they are certainly ignoring your concerns. All they want is for you to buy whatever they are selling whether it's a politician who will do their bidding or coca cola.

[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 12 years ago

Media across the channels speak in unison for the consensus of the 1% They get there orders, type it up into story, and if you disagree something is wrong with you. You can't disagree if all the media speaks for the majority. But, i don't think they speak for the 99% of us the speak for the 1% and their edits managers keep it that way. I wonder if there are any unemployed reporters that can explain how this works ? Or have the courage to speak up ?

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 12 years ago

Virtually all of the "mainstream" media is opinionated.

The reality that I have always gone for is cross-reference between several. And somewhere in there, you'll find the facts and the truth.