Forum Post: Clinton? Romney? You got to be kidding. How about this Jim Webb guy from Virginia?
Posted 10 years ago on Dec. 6, 2014, 4:20 a.m. EST by Shule
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Jim Webb is exploring the posibilities of running for President:
I know him to be no friend of Wall Street.
The elections are controlled by the Dems and Reps, those who dont join them dont get any play, and the ones who do join must be willing to play even further than that, or they lose in the "primary" lol.
There is zero chance of a Dem or Rep stopping this machine, much less reversing it. Only if the people organize and get their own people in power, will "reform" be possible.
We have seen how well you are doing to derail the machine, what chance do you give yourself?
If the truth was told about the GOP they would fall and the entire system would come crashing down, you are not interested in bringing down the system you only want to co-opt OWS for your Green Party bullshit.
It seems to me that a common sense approach to our current democratic problem would be to give another party a shot. How nuts.
So how do you do that without electing more GOP, or are you willing for more GOP to be elected? Serious question......
PS I know the answer to that question do you?
if the factless people here can get control of the dems and steer them to the left i would be very happy to vote for them. as they are constituted today as a group they are of no use to the 99%. our local congressman is very good i think. frank pallone - local guy and on our side - at least more than most. i will support anyone who moves us in the right direction - obama did not. hillary for sure will not and looks like factless and others here will not either. too bad not sure if the are stupid or paid operatives - can't see another possibility can you?
Its amazing the level of corruption some are willing to endorse. About as far from democracy or freedom as one can get.
till then you are quite happy to have the GOP writing the rules and starting wars and making the rich richer and you don't care how long it takes or how rich the rich get because all you care about is your own bullshit, you are just an ego driven idiot
you didn't say wars did you - no you wouldn't if you want to make the case that the dems and doing a better job than the gop - i must have read that wrong. you said starting wars ok - not waging them for 8 years and bombing lots of countries - that doesn't count right . not a real war except to those under the bombs. oh god - you did mention wars though and that brings up lots of sticky problems - no?
Unfortunately, I believe you are most correct.
But I also believe there are a few individuals inside both the Democratic and Republican parties trying thier best to stop or at least slow down the pcyho machine that has taken over both parties, and you're correct they get little airplay. It will be interesting to see where this James Webb guy ends up.
I gave him 70 seconds
he said nothing significant
except that DC is paralyzed
which is just not true
an excuse for unpopular inaction and actions
congrats Matt them war loving Dems have lost a bunch of seats
playing a fixed game
playing a fixed game
you may be playing a game I am trying to keep the GOP from destroying the working class...but congrats to you not voting for them evil Dems and kicking them out of office you must be very proud the GOP now has more influence than they have had in the House in over 60 years
money is about property
talking in work terms is already surrendering the land
and voting is about deciding who will be writing the rules and making decisions, the GOP will be doing that now, you must be very happy it will not be the bomb dropping Dems, your posts and comments have been successful congrats to you Matt
as long as the people considered the vote and government legitimate
oh I see no need to vote if you think the money the rich make by foreclosing on homes and such isn't legitimate, I will just have to remember that the bodies laying in the streets homeless or shot aren't legitimate so the policies that put them there don't matter no need for anyone to vote since it's not legitimate deaths we are seeing
oh but congrats on your big win defeating them bomb dropping Dems
and people have been "voting" all along
injustice cannot be blamed on the people
you can't blame the GOP for doing just as they always say they will, make the rich richer, but you are OK with that as long as you don't have to vote for any imperfect person, seeing how you are so perfect and all, so congrats to you, you got what you wanted the bomb dropping Dems got thrown out of office
I'm tired of the gop categorization
they are old are used to function in a primitive communication circuit
not too tried to help them win office congrats on getting them evil Dems out of office we will have to see how the folks you like better do you know these GOP guys you don't seem to have a problem with them winning
according to you it is better for the GOP to win than for you to vote for a bomb dropper, this is just an example of how you care more about your precious ego than you do about hungry people trying to find decent work
you know if you are looking for real change, it starts with you
I used to enjoy reading your thoughts
well said
You are a liar as always you never enjoy being exposed for the political hack that you are.
I guess when I see the damage done by the GOP I get upset dealing with their foot soldiers like you, who work so hard to keep them in power.
You may not knowingly help them you may just be an idiot who thinks voting don't matter, but either way it is only because of people like you that the 1% can hold on to the power they have.
It is your devotion to perfection that prevents action.
If my in your face do something to change things attitude disturbs you then maybe OWS isn't the place for you.
I hope the guilt of helping to elect all those republicans knowing that they will enact policy that hurts the poor and help the rich isn't ruining your perfection of not voting for bomb dropping Dems, oh and congrats on beating them bomb dropping Dems.
You have what you have been asking for fewer bomb dropping Dems be happy.
Liar not Lair. Lair is a place. Liar is one who tells falsehoods.
Hmmm, looks like this guy is not making good first impressions.
who ?
Webb is worth considering. But only if his limited voting record shows clear opposition to conservative economic policies. That means voting against tax breaks for corporations and the rich and for tax breaks and financial aid for the poor.
Regardless of the choice we end up having in 2016, it is important that we vote for someone with a chance of winning.
Anyone that Dems or Reps give the green light to has already been briefed and sided with neocons and fascist policy.
Anyone with a chance in hell of winning has already been bribed by the rich and their corporate golden geese.
As long as the concept of extreme personal wealth remains socially acceptable, those who attain public office will be ready and willing to sell out. This will be true regardless of what letter, R, D, G, S, or I appears before their name.
It will always come down to a choice between evils. Greater and lesser.
By the way, James Webb, a registered Democrat in 2010, sponsored or co-sponsored 85 earmarks totaling $129,016,000 in fiscal year 2010, ranking him 44th out of 100 senators. At the time, he was worth just over $6 million making him considerably richer than dozens of his Democrat and Republican colleagues. By 2012, his net worth had increased to well over $7 million making him richer still.
See how this works?
I believe most of the money he made by selling books. But if you said $70mil rather than $7mil, then I'd say there is a problem.
Check out:
In an interview with POLITICO, Webb made clear his opposition to the president’s $447 billion jobs agenda, the $35 billion package for local governments to hire first responders and teachers and the $60 billion infrastructure bank plan, which all rest primarily on one concern: They’re all funded by a surtax on millionaires.
Instead, he supported a lousy 5% increase on Capital Gains to 20%. Meanwhile, those teachers and first responders he voted against are left to pay rates beginning at 25% for annual incomes of $36,900.
See that? It always comes down to a choice between evil. Greater and lesser.
In the past decade alone, we have witnessed high profile cases involving spouses who murder for money, teachers and preachers who embezzle for money, doctors who deliberately misdiagnose and mistreat for money, police chiefs who wrongly impound cars for money, lab workers who alter test results for money, stock traders who fake their own deaths for money, CEOs who cut jobs and benefits for money, spies and treasoners who trade national security for money, and of course, politicians who vote against the interests of their own supporters for money.
All of whom do so with no regard whatsoever for the growing concentration of wealth or the hardship, poverty, death, and economic instability they cause.
I challenge all of you to explain your belief that 'independent' politicians are somehow above selling out to the rich and their corporate golden geese for money.
By the way, James Webb, a registered Democrat in 2010, sponsored or co-sponsored 85 earmarks totaling $129,016,000 in fiscal year 2010, ranking him 44th out of 100 senators. At the time, he was worth just over $6 million making him considerably richer than dozens of his Democrat and Republican colleagues. By 2012, his net worth had increased to well over $7 million making him richer still.
See how this works?
I'll bet every last one of you that he is considerably richer now.
See comments below.
BTW $6 +$1 mil is not really a lot of money when it comes to high rollers. I understand on wall street that unless you're worth well over $10 mil, you're considered small potatos and are not allowed into certain establishments.
Have you heard how much it costs to run for political office? It escalates every year. It's not right or fair. So should people concerned about public service surrender to the rich? Or should they amass funds so they can fight the evil 1%-GOP-Cons?? I want them to fight!! Because they sure as hell can't rely on the propagandized, disengaged, petulant Voters to stay in the game!! As we so EMBARRASSINGLY saw in November with the lowest turnout in 72 years, much to the JUBILATION of the 1%-GOP-Cons!!!! YOU FUCKING IGNORANT non-voting IDIOTS!!!
I'm a voter hell-bent against conservative economic policies. For that reason, I prefer Democrats and fiscally liberal independents to have a slight majority in Congress and the Presidency.
My point was made in response to a wave of almost exclusive criticism for Clinton and those of us who vote. It was made in response to the suggestion that Webb is less likely to sell out because of the 'I' before his name.
I do agree with those who believe our government would function more efficiently without political parties but as long as any distinction whatsoever can be made, I will vote for the lesser evil.
When it comes to economics, Democrats, in general are the lesser evil.
If it comes down to Clinton and Romney, I will vote for Clinton.
I believe if Webb runs he will run as a Democrat. He ran as a Democrat and worked under the Dem lable while Senator. I do agree with you that no man is above corruption, but to me Webb is not "out of hand," (at least not yet), and votes leaning liberal (except for gun control); so I personnally see him as a much lesser evil than the more advertised alternatives.
My point in bringing Webb up in this post is to emphasize there are other options out there for the Democratic party than just Clinton; Clinton is not the democratic party, the primaries are yet to happen, Clinton is not a lesser evil, and so there is no reason anybody needs to choose the witch.
Hillary Clinton is the Dems best bet against Romney. That is why you've been ripping on her and it's why you suggested we support Webb instead.
Webb is considerably less evil than Romney but he could never beat Romney. Clinton, also less evil than Romney would have a real shot.
If it comes down to Clinton and Romney, I will do everything I can to help the lesser evil defeat the greater evil. Romney is about as evil as politicians get. The pig became a multi-hundred-millionaire by cutting jobs for ordinary people.
Don't worry, if Clinton wins, she will do the same as Romney. The progressive left, i.e. those against war, those against wall street, those against Walmart and other big Corporations, those against NAFTA and other "free trade" agreements that export jobs away from America will not vote for her, and that is enough to assure her loss in November a couple years from now. Face it, the hag is loser. She needs to be put out on the pasture.
so no reformation of the fed and the bogus money and property system ?
Yes, you're "hellbent against Cons," anybody who cares about the plight of the masses IS!!
Everything is a choice of lesser or greater evils, pros or cons, better or worse. Perfection is a hoax, nonexistent, a delusion.
Not to start anything - but - consider: If the lesser evil was voted for consistently - overtime - would there be no lesser evil to vote for because the evil would have been removed from the equation by a long process of of removal?
People - opting out does not help to make things better.
Does no-one recall a famous quote = All it takes for evil to prevail "is" for good people to do nothing.
People - Look at the 2014 election results and try to tell me that "that" was good.
True. But consider that Hillary, alias the War Whore, alias the Wallmart Hag, alias the Bengazi Butcher, alias the Bootlicker of Wall street ( I'm being polite) is not any form of lesser evil, but rather she is the ultimate 100% bought out manifestation of what OWS is against. There is no reason to vote for her. (We havn't even had the primaries yet.) OWS ought influence the Democratic party to get somebody else, rather than having the Democratic party influence OWS to settle for her.
Yes lets get someone else - like - Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or or or or or or or or............................................
And really if the democrats can't get their shit together - the 2/3 of the eligible voters that opted out this year should get together and support alternative candidates through the independent party or something.
Please stand with Elizabeth Warren by signing the petition by Daily Kos and CREDO urging the U.S. Senate to reject the nomination of Antonio Weiss. No more Wall Street bankers running the Treasury Department. Click here to add your name.
President Obama has nominated Antonio Weiss—a former Wall Street investment banker—to a key role at the Treasury Department tasked with overseeing financial reform (such as Dodd-Frank).
Not only did Weiss advise Burger King on how to duck U.S. taxes, but his long career on Wall Street makes you wonder if he’s the right person to rein in out-of-control banks.
But Senator Elizabeth Warren says that Weiss is the wrong fit. Now it’s up to us to have her back, and tell the entire U.S. Senate to reject this nomination.
Stand with Elizabeth Warren. Sign the petition by Daily Kos and CREDO, telling the Senate to reject Weiss’ nomination. No more Wall Streeters leading the Treasury Department.
Keep fighting, Paul Hogarth, Daily Kos
A downvote for wanting to keep another wall street asshole out of a position of power in the government?
Hmmmmmmm - me thinkest there is a slimeball loose on the forum.
There you go again Shule. Giving away your true colors. You're here to give conservatives an edge.
No. I'm trying to get Democrats to not be stupid by putting up a sure loser.