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Forum Post: CIA Asset Blows Whistle On 9-11 Whoa!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 9:07 p.m. EST by dealdoctor (148)
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Former CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Tells An Incredible Story After Being Imprisoned Under the Patriot Act. She says CIA and the white house knew about hijacked planes in advance. She was in direct contact with Iranian Embassy as a back channel and tells her story.. Evaluate this for yourself but it is a shocker just to listen to her speak..




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[-] 2 points by JenLynn (692) 13 years ago

I saw this before, this lady is wacky, that's the shock to me. Why are you posting it again?

[-] 0 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

JenLynn, thanks for taking the time to reply. I do not know enough about Susan Lindauer to decide if she has no claim to an audience. Upon what basis do you say she is wacky. Was that just your assessment after watching the video or do you have other information. At this point I am just gathering information. I was unaware of her or her claims up until a few days ago. It is my practice to listen to both sides before making a decision. I have not read her book nor have I seen the documentation she claims to have in it of her mental soundness. I do know that exceptional claims demand exceptional proof. What information against her claims have you gathered? I certainly want to hear both sides.

[-] 4 points by JenLynn (692) 13 years ago

Partly the video, I also read a NY Times article on her. The author of the article said her behavior was more than strange, I don't remember his exact words though. Her brother was interviewed and had a nice way of saying it but it came down to she was delusional. She was arrested and held for a time, then released because she was found to be mentally unfit to stand trial. The man she claims was her CIA handler claims she was delusional too.

I look at all that and add to it the fact that if there were some secret group that planned 9/11 and murdered all those people and were able to hide all the necessary and extensive pre-demolition work and wires to blow up those buildings, why not just kill her too? So much easier and safer, it's not like you mind murder, you just killed 3000 people. It makes more sense to believe she is really living in a fantasy.

It's my own version of Occam's razor, the more complex and convoluted a conspiracy theory, the less likely it's correct. I believe that because as the pieces to a conspiracy increase in number and complexity you increase the odds of things going wrong in a major way.

Wrap it all up with a bow you get - she's wacky.

[-] 0 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

JenLyn, thank you for your comments. I will seek to find the NY Times article, I have no idea of her brother's name. Do you have a link for that or for where her handler said she was delusional? Why would she be put in jail under the Patriot Act for being delusional instead of being referred to a medical doctor? The whole thing from any angle is weird. I am a facts based person and need more data which you may have seen but I have not seen to evaluate one way or another. I do agree that the people who murdered all those in the Twin Towers would have no problem murdering one other person. That is self evident.

[-] 4 points by JenLynn (692) 13 years ago

She was put in jail for acting as an agent of a foreign country and not registering. Again i'm sorry I don't remember the exact wording of the charges. She was held for trial and I can only guess, her attorney maybe had her examined. Whatever the charges were no longer mattered the doctors found her mentally unfit to stand trial so she was let go.

[-] 1 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

JenLynn, yes, these are the implications of the one article I found in the New York Times MAGAZINE but there were very few facts and specifics in the article. It can be found here http://tinyurl.com/7aruyjz The woman CLAIMS that in her book there are extensive documents from psychiatrists who examined her during her time in jail that flatly deny she had any form of mental illness. I admit I have not read her book nor seen those supporting documents. Thank you for helping me in my effort to get to the bottom of this. I do not have a dog in this fight (grin). I am fascinated by the story and see why people in the NY Times magazine spoke of her the way they did. She is without question an unusual person. That can be unusual abnormal bad or unusual abnormal good. As you know the world has had some of both kinds who were not normal. Einstein, Ghandi , Son of Sam, Charles Manson and Hitler would all fall into the abnormal category. None of these people were merely normal.

[-] 1 points by DoodlesWeaver (64) 13 years ago

This woman has been found by numerous psychiatrists to be mentally unstable.

It figures that OWS people would look to a mentally unstable person for information.

[-] 1 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

Thank you for that information Doodles. Please do give me your sources and where documentation of your statement above can be verified. I do not have a dog in this fight but do think ad hominem arguments without verification of the facts are different from addressing the issues of even a child. Do please cite your sources and I will be happy to evaluate them as I am only now in the process of finding out what you may have found out long before me.

[-] 0 points by DoodlesWeaver (64) 13 years ago

Look up her criminal history. It's all out there on the internet.

She committed treasonous offenses but was found to be mentally unstable and unfit to stand trial.

The woman is insane and nothing that comes out of her mouth is factual.

You like her and defend her because her insane conspiracy theories line up with your own mental idiosyncrasies.

[-] 1 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

Doodles, I do not know her to like her. I also do not see any reason to defend her. I am simply doing research that you seem to have done in a very in depth way so that your intellect is fully satisfied. For that I complement you. All I have seen to this point is her video I reference above and an article in the New York Times Magazine that is mostly a string of stories with little fact and certainly not enough fact one way or the other to bring any independent rational person to a final conclusion. I am still continuing to ask third and forth level questions. And need much more data and information to have an opinion one way or the other at this point. Thank you for your opinion above but it also is short on facts, links and specifics. You are certainly out of line saying I defend her nor do you know me to asses my own mental idiosyncrasies. I have three graduate degrees, children with doctorate degrees in law and medicine and I am a vet, patriot, have a great job and live on a twenty five acre lake in my own home. Please do not tell me to go get a job after I take a bath (grin). Seriously, I find this persons accusations far from normal but that does not cause me to dismiss her out of hand without much more information than I have gathered to this point. It takes more to fill up my inbox before a conclusion goes out my outbox. If yours is full that is cool. I am fine with that. I may well arrive at your same conclusion but I may not get there quite as quickly as you did. Thank you for your input.

[-] 0 points by ContinuationofEarth (220) 13 years ago

She is telling the ugly truth. I guess the intention was we were going to control the world and resources and shape the world politics as we like, but it did not work and ruined the country, economy and freedoms.

[-] 0 points by SoldOut (150) 13 years ago


Watch this and then see what you think about her


[-] -1 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago