Forum Post: Christmas Greetings
Posted 8 years ago on Dec. 21, 2016, 12:25 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Mother Earth and Father Sun, All the Universe, Thank You for sharing the joy of existence, Through the gift of life.
The human race is pretty messed up in these "interesting times." Still, it's better than nothing.
When I contemplate existence, I don't question how it may have come to be. I do sometimes wonder that there's anything at all. But it's a lot easier to imagine something than nothing. In the end I return to the ground. Matter/energy and the void have always existed and always will. I hope we make the best of what we have, because that's all there is.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
It is hard to know what is ahead, I have never been able to stop thinking about tomorrow, it's getting warmer out there, I guess it might be time to plan for that.
Merry Christmas and a new year...
The Man - they now call Jesus'd
Be SHOCKED to be called G*d!
And although of the line of David
BUT G*d himself .. he was NOT!
Thanx for a nice forum-post agk & in return, consider: - ''Spirit" by 'The Waterboys' and then also pls (re)consider:
fiat lux ....
Anne Rica needs a second chance. Before returning to the ground, donate organs.
Stop smoking and share a ham sandwich(which I, as a four-years-old, didn't get from my Loreley babysitter) with Annika to let her spirit live again. Marry ChristmaX.
I like the nighttime view of Manhattan from across the East River and the lighting decorations of the houses of the City of New York in this video. Has anyone ever questioned the propriety of having an ice-skating rink full of joyful people playing in front of the gigantic golden statue of Prometheus(@2:33) in Rockefeller Center? Is it considered as pagan worship of the Firegiver?
O atom bomb, o atom bomb, wie treu sind deine Decken!
広島、長崎 but Pax Americana will end.
Sounds like a view from "High Castle" to me. lol
Oh, yes. Two countries, one (edel gelb/黄 und/そして weiß/白) Aryan party. Edelweiß.
Mir gefällt diese Stadt der schönen wehmütigen Äpfeln.
Donna, Donna. Frei geboren. Frei sterben.
Those were the days my friend, бабушка.