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Forum Post: Change takes time!

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:11 p.m. EST by Leabharan (9) from Ashland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The "media" keeps commenting on the fact that there is no one issue that sums up this spontaneous movement. There is no one issue there are many but what is puzzling the"media" is the fact that this movement does not play by the rules, their "rules" which include having a leader and playing by the rules of status quo politics. Unlike the Tea Party this movement is not characterized by fear and selfishness and does not align itself with one of the two political parties. Lets keep the communication open, let's allow time for a coherent voice to emerge and for a spokesperson who can give voice to the many issues that have galvanized OWS to come to the fore. The 99% theme is very powerful and is resonating with millions of Americans. As the discussions continue our goals will become more focused and we will have more of an impact but it would be a mistake to align ourselves with the democrats or any other party that is a player in the current failed system that has pushed so many of us into a desperate struggle for security even when we have done everything that the current system demands. We have to work to create a system that works for the 99% and not the 1%. That will take some time to figure out and voting in our current political system will never bring about meaningful change.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 12 years ago


We the People wage war against the multinational corporate lobbyists who have assumed control of our government.

We the People wage war against the Federal Reserve for unconstitutional manipulation of currencies, both foreign and domestic. .

We the People will not give up until our goals are achieved.

We the People will continue educate our fellow countrymen on these issues.

We are a movement against the current political paradigm.

We are a movement for, of, and by the American populous and constitution.

We do not align ourselves with any politician.

We are the politicians.

We are Vox Populi.

We do not forget.

[-] 1 points by lolwut101 (35) 12 years ago

I have no clue where you got the idea the Tea Party is characterized by fear and selfishness. What kind of garbage are you reading?